- Abagusii see Gusii Kenya
- Aban see Shor
- Abandoned settlements
- Abashevo culture
- Abbasids see also Islamic empire
- Abduction
- Abelam
- Abenaki North American Indians (Algonquian) Northeast
- Abetalipoproteinaemia
- Abidjan
- Ability
- Abkhazia
- Abnormalities
- ABO blood-group system
- Abolitionists
- Abominable snowman see Yeti
- Aboriginal studies
- Abortion
- Abrasion
- Absahrokee language see Crow language
- Absaraka language see Crow language
- Absaroka language see Crow language
- Absaroke language see Crow language
- Absolutism see Despotism
- Abu Hureyra site
- Abusir site
- Abydos site
- Academic controversies see also Scientific controversies
- Academic freedom
- Academic publishing see Scholarly publishing
- Academic status
- Academic writing
- Academics
- Acadians (Louisiana) see Cajuns
- Accents and accentuation
- Accidents see also Traffic accidents
- Acclimatisation
- Accra
- Accreditation
- Acculturation see also Assimilation
- Acetylcholine receptors
- Achaemenid dynasty (559-330 BC)
- Achaemenid empire
- Ache see Guayaki:
- Acheulian culture
- Achik see Garo
- Achinese language
- Achuar
- Achumawi
- Acidification
- Acquiescence
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome see AIDS
- Acronyms
- Action theory
- Acupuncture
- Adam and Eve
- Adamawa emirate
- Adapidae see also Notharctus
- Adaptation
- Adat
- Adena culture
- Adhesives
- Adipocere
- Adisaiva see Adisaivar
- Adisaivar
- Adivasi
- Adjectives
- Adjustment (psychology)
- Administration see also Government, Management, etc.
- Admiralty islands
- Adolescence
- Adolescents (physical anthropology)
- Adolescents see also Young people
- Adoption
- Adultery
- Adults
- Adventists
- Advertising
- Advocacy in anthropology
- Adyghe
- Aegean islands
- Aembu see Embu
- Aerial photography
- Aeronautics
- Aeroplanes
- Aesop&s fables
- Aesthetics
- Aeta (Philippine people)
- Afanas&evskaia culture
- Afar
- Affinal kinship
- Affixes
- Affliction see Suffering and misfortune
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- African influence
- African languages
- African populations
- Africanists
- Africans
- Afrikaans language
- Afrikaners
- Afro-Americans
- Afro-Brazilians
- Afro-Canadians
- Afro-Caribbeans
- Afro-Colombians
- Afro-Portuguese
- Afroasiatic languages
- Afrocentrism
- Agammaglobulinaemia
- Agarabi
- Agaria
- Age
- Age determination
- Age distribution
- Age estimation see Age determination
- Age groups
- Age sets see Age systems
- Age systems
- Aged
- Ageing
- Agency
- Agenesis
- Aggression
- Agnus Dei
- Agricultural development
- Agricultural development projects
- Agricultural implements see also Ploughs, Sickles and scythes, Spades
- Agricultural innovations
- Agricultural labourers see Agricultural workers
- Agricultural machinery
- Agricultural policy
- Agricultural reform
- Agricultural rites
- Agricultural societies
- Agricultural systems see also Pastoral systems
- Agricultural workers
- Agriculture see also Domestication, Farmers, Farming, Farms, Flood recession agriculture, Food supply, Irrigation, Productivity, Sharecropping, Shifting cultivation, Subsistence economy
- Agroforestry
- Agropastoral systems see also Transhumance
- Agta see Aeta (Philippine people)
- Agua Caliente site
- La Aguada culture
- Aguas Calientes Indians
- Aguascalientes see Aguas Calientes Indians
- Ahamda
- Ahom
- Ahtena
- Aid agencies see also Economic and technical assistance, Non-governmental organisations, etc.
- Aid to developing countries see Economic and technical assistance
- AIDS prevention
- AIDS see also HIV infections
- Aimbore see Botocudo
- _Ain Ghazal site
- Ain Hanech site
- Ainu
- Air transport
- Ais see Calusa
- Aja
- Ajanta site
- Aka (Central African people)
- Akan
- Akan kingdom
- Akha (Thai people)
- Akie see Dorobo
- Akkadian period
- Aksum kingdom see Axum kingdom
- Akuapem see Akwapim
- Akwapem see Akwapim
- Akwapim
- Akwe Shavante
- Alabama
- Alacaluf
- Aladura churches
- Alagya
- Alakaluf see Alacaluf
- Alampur site
- Alan see Alani
- Alani
- Alans see Alani
- Alas
- Alaska
- Alaska Eskimo
- Albania
- Albanian language
- Albanians
- Alberta
- Albinism
- Albums
- Alchik see Garo
- Alcohol
- Alcohol use
- Alcoholic beverages see also Distilling, Drinking behaviour
- Alcoholics
- Alcoholism
- Aldehyde dehydrogenase
- Aleppo see H.alab
- Aleut language
- Aleutian islands
- Aleuts
- Alevi
- Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)
- Alexandria
- Algeria
- Algerians
- Algonquian
- Algonquian languages
- Alhambra
- Alienation
- Alikaluf see Alacaluf
- Alikuluf see Alacaluf
- All Saints& Day
- Alladians see Alagya
- Allegory
- Alliance
- Alligators
- Allometry
- Alloys
- Almanacs
- Almoravids
- Almshouses
- Alookooloop see Alacaluf
- Alpacas
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin
- Alphabet
- Alpine regions
- Alps
- Alsace
- Alsea
- Alsea language
- Altai
- Altai mountains region
- Altaitsy see Altai
- Altamira site
- Altarpieces
- Altars
- Altay see Altai
- Altayan see Altai
- Altaytsy see Altai
- Altered states of consciousness
- Alternative culture
- Alternative medicine see also Naturopathy
- Altheim culture
- Altitude
- Altitude adaptation
- Altruism
- Alukoeluf see Alacaluf
- Alutiiq
- Alzheimer&s disease
- Ama
- Amateur archaeologists
- Amateurs
- Amazon river region
- Amazonite
- Amber
- Ambivalence
- Ambo
- Ambonwari
- Amele
- Amerasians Use collectively for the peoples of the Far East, Siberia and the Americas
- American administration
- American Civil War (1861-1865)
- American football
- American Indian languages
- American peoples
- American sign language
- Americans Use for US citizens, especially outside the USA
- Americas
- Amhara
- Amharic language
- Ami
- Amino acid racemisation
- Amish
- ^Amma\n
- Ammonite period
- Amphibians
- Amphorae
- Amputation
- Amuesha
- Amulets
- Amusement parks
- Amyloidosis
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Anabaptists
- Anaemia
- Anaguta
- Anal (Indic people)
- Analogy
- Anan&inskaia culture
- Ananino culture see Anan&inskaia culture
- Anarchism
- Anasazi
- Anasazi culture
- Anatolian languages
- Anatomical specimens
- Anatomy
- Ancestor worship
- Ancestors
- Ancient Chaldeans
- Ancient DNA
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Greek language
- Ancient Greeks
- Ancient history
- Ancient Java
- Ancient Nubians
- Andaki
- Andaman islands
- Andamanese
- Andernach site
- Andes
- Andhra Pradesh
- Andorobo see Dorobo
- Androgyny
- Andronovo culture
- Aneng
- Anga see Kukukuku
- Angami
- Angels
- Anger
- Angkor site
- Anglo-Saxon period
- Angola
- Anguni see Nguni
- Anhui
- Animal behaviour
- Animal burial
- Animal classification
- Animal domestication
- Animal faeces as fuel
- Animal folklore
- Animal food
- Animal husbandry
- Animal nutrition
- Animal pens
- Animal remains see Faunal remains
- Animal rights
- Animal traps
- Animals
- Animals in art
- Animals see also Domestic animals, Ethnoveterinary medicine, Ethnozoology, Human-animal communication, Human-animal relationships
- Animism
- Anishinabe see Ojibwa
- Anishini see Cree
- Anishnaabeg see Ojibwa
- Anishnabe see Ojibwa
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Anlo
- Annexation
- Anniversaries
- Anomalies
- Anomie
- Ansari see Julaha
- L&Anse-aux-Meadows site
- Antarctic region
- Antarctica see Antarctic region
- Antemoro
- Anthropoidea
- Anthropological archaeology
- Anthropologists
- Anthropometry see also Body composition, Body mass, Body size, Body weight, Growth, Stature
- Anthropomorphism
- Anthropomorphism in art
- Antibiotics
- Anticlericalism
- Antigorite
- Antigua
- Antiheroes
- Antimalarials
- Antiquities see also Classical antiquities, Cultural resource management, Historical archaeology, Prehistoric archaeology, Restoration of ethnographic artefacts
- Antiracism
- Antisemitism
- Antler implements
- Antlers
- Anuak
- Anuak language
- Anufo see Chokossi
- Anur region
- Anwain see Ishan
- Anxiety
- Anyi
- Ao:nikenk see Tehuelche
- Aoheng
- Aomie
- Aoniken see Tehuelche
- Apache
- Apalachee
- Apalachian region
- Apalai
- Apalakiri
- Aparai see Apalai
- Apartheid
- Apes see also English names of species
- Aphasia
- Apiculture see Bee culture
- Apocalypse
- Apocalyptic literature
- Apocryphal books
- Apoh Duat languages
- Apolipoproteins
- Apollonia site
- Apparitions
- Appetite
- Applicative grammar
- Applied anthropology
- Applied archaeology
- Applied linguistics
- Apprentices
- Appropriate technology
- Apsaroke language see Crow language
- Apulum site
- Aqaba
- Aquariums
- Aquincum site
- Arab Americans
- Arabian peninsula
- Arabic language
- Arabs
- Aramaic language
- Aramaic manuscripts (Bible)
- Aranadan
- Aranda
- Aranta see Aranda
- Araona language
- Arapesh
- Arara
- Arasario see Saha
- Araucanians see also Mapuche
- Arawak
- Arawakan languages
- Arawete
- Arbore
- Arboreal locomotion (primates)
- Archaeoastronomy see Prehistoric astronomy
- Archaeobotany see Plant remains
- Archaeological artefacts see Antiquities
- Archaeological cultures
- Archaeological excavations and sites see Excavations (archaeology) and specific sites
- Archaeological expeditions
- Archaeological illustration
- Archaeological interpretation
- Archaeological museums and collections
- Archaeological photography
- Archaeological research projects
- Archaeologists
- Archaeology
- Archaeomagnetic analysis
- Archaeometry
- Archaeozoology see Zooarchaeology
- Archaic culture American archaeology
- Archaic Homo sapiens
- Archaic period Use for ancient Greece, eighth to fifth centuries BC approx
- Archeƶ site
- Archetype
- Architects
- Architecture see also Building materials and specific types of building
- Archives
- Arctic peoples
- Arctic regions
- Area studies see Regional studies
- Areal linguistics
- Argaric culture
- Argentina
- Argillite
- Arhuaco language see Ica language
- Arid regions
- Arikara
- Aristotle
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Arm rings see also Bracelets
- Armbands
- Armed forces
- Armenia
- Armenian language
- Armenians
- Armour see also Helmets
- Arms and armour see Armour, Weapons
- Arnhemland
- Aro
- Aromanians
- Arowak see Arawak
- Arranged marriages
- Arrawac see Arawak
- Arrernte see Aranda
- Arrows see Bows and arrows, Projectile points
- Arruague see Arawak
- Arsario see Saha
- Arsenic poisoning
- Arslan Tash site
- Art and anthropology
- Art market see Art trade
- Art mobilier see Mobiliary art
- Art movements
- Art museums and collections
- Art see also Paintings, Portraits
- Art trade
- Arthritis
- Artificial deformities
- Artificial fertilisation see Reproductive technology
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial satellites in archaeology
- Artisans
- Artists
- Arts
- Aru
- Aruaqui see Arawak
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Arunndta see Aranda
- Arunta see Aranda
- Asana site
- Asceticism
- Ash see Volcanic ash
- Ashaninca see also Campa
- Ashaninca see Ashaninka
- Ashaninka see Campa
- Ashanti
- Ashanti kingdom
- Asheninca see Ashaninka
- Asheninka see Campa
- Ashkelon site
- Ashkenazim
- Ashluslay
- Asia
- Asian Americans
- Asian peoples
- Asians
- Asiatic Eskimo
- Asiatic languages
- Asiatic mode of production
- Asinai see Hasinai
- Aslian languages
- Asmat
- Asprochaliko site
- Assam
- Assassination
- Asselar site
- Assimilation
- Assiniboin
- Associations and institutions
- Assyrian period
- Assyrians
- Asthma
- Astrology
- Astronomers
- Astronomical observatories
- Astronomy
- Asur
- Asylum see Political asylum, Right of asylum
- Atacameno language
- Atagara see Igala
- Atapuerca site
- Atayal
- Atbalmin
- Atelidae
- Aterian culture
- Athabaskans see Athapaskans
- Athapaskan languages
- Athapaskans
- Atheism
- Atherosclerosis
- Athletes
- Athletics
- Atlanta
- Atlantic coast
- Atlantic region
- Atlas mountains
- Atlases
- Atlit-Yam site
- Atrocities
- Attikamek
- Auctioneers
- Auctions
- Audiences
- Audio-visual materials
- Augusta Praetoria site
- Aurignacian culture
- Auspiciousness and inauspiciousness
- Australasia
- Australia
- Australian Aborigines
- Australian languages
- Australopithecines
- Australopithecus aethiopicus
- Australopithecus afarensis
- Australopithecus africanus
- Australopithecus boisei see also Paranthropus boisei
- Australopithecus robustus see also Paranthropos robustus
- Austria
- Austro-Hungarian empire
- Austro-Hungarian monarchy
- Austronesian languages
- Austronesians
- Authenticity
- Authoritarianism
- Authority
- Authors
- Autism
- Autobiography see Personal narrative
- Automobile industry and trade
- Automobiles
- Autonomy
- Autopsy
- Avar
- Avebury site
- Avestan language
- Awards
- Awemba see Bemba
- Axes
- Axum site
- Axumite kingdom
- Ayanta site
- Aye-aye
- Ayemba see Bemba
- Aymara
- Aymara language
- Ayore:
- Ayoreo see Ayore:
- Ayurveda
- Azerbaijan
- Azilian culture
- Azores
- Azovskoe More period
- Azovskoe More region
- Azraq site
- Aztec
- Babemba see Bemba
- Babeyru see Bira
- Babila see Bira
- Babine language
- Babira see Bira
- Baboons
- Babukusu
- Babungo
- Baburu see Bira
- Babylon (ancient city)
- Babylonian period
- Bachelors see Unmarried men
- Bachilele see Lele
- Back-country Tatar see Altai
- Bacteria
- Bactria
- Bacwezi
- Bacwezi dynasty
- Badaga
- Badawi see Bedouin
- Baden culture
- Badu see Bedouin
- Baffin island
- Bafia
- Baga
- Bagam West Africa (Guinea)
- Baganda see Ganda
- Bagbira see Bira
- Bagdi
- Baggara
- Bagogwe
- Bagpipe
- Bags
- Bahasa Indonesia see Indonesian language
- Bahasa Malaysia see Indonesian language
- Bahaya see Haya
- Bahrain
- Bahutu see Hutu
- Baiga India
- Baining
- Baja California Mexican state
- Baja see Gbaya
- Bajau
- Baka
- Bakairi
- Bakaka
- Bakers and baking
- Bakossi dialect
- Baktaman
- Balamku site
- Balearic islands
- Bali (African population)
- Bali island
- Balinese
- Balkan peninsula see Southeast Europe
- Balkans see Southeast Europe
- Ballads
- Ballgame and ballcourts
- Balti
- Baltic-Finnic languages
- Baltic sea region
- Baltic States
- Balts
- Baluans
- Baluchi
- Baluchistan
- Bambara
- Bambara language
- Bamboo
- Bambute see Mbuti
- Bambuti see Mbuti
- Bamum
- Ban Chiang site
- Banana
- Banaras see Varanasi
- Banawa: language
- Bandits see Brigands and robbers
- Bandkeramik culture
- Banen language
- Bangkok
- Bangladesh
- Bania
- Baniva Arawakan (Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil)
- Banjara
- Banjari see Banjara
- Banks and banking
- Banks islands
- Bannock Indians Idaho-Wyoming (Plateau)
- Banshee (spirit)
- Bantu
- Bantu languages
- Banyoles site
- Baobab fruit
- Baptism
- Baptismal names
- Baptists
- Bar‰
- Barabaig Tanzania
- Barabinskii Tatar see Siberian Tatar
- Barauna
- Barbacoan languages Ecuador and Colombia; Macro-Chibchan stock
- Barbados
- Barbers
- Baremba see Remba
- Barents sea region
- Bargu see Bariba
- Bari Sudan
- Bari (Indians) see Motilon Indians
- Bariba
- Bariba language
- Bark
- Bark cloth see Tapa
- Bark inscriptions
- Bark paintings
- Bark peeling
- Barley
- Barns
- Baroque art
- Barrows see Mounds
- Bars (drinking establishments) see Hotels, taverns, etc.
- Barter
- Barto:k, Be:la
- Baruya
- Basa
- Basaa see Basa
- Basalt
- Basari see Bassari
- Basarwa see San
- Baseball
- Basements
- Basements see also Cellars
- Bashi-Lele see Lele
- Bashi see Shi
- Bashilele see Lele
- Bashkortostan
- Basiba see Haya
- Basilicas
- Basin Indians
- Basket-maker Indians see Anasazi culture
- Basket making
- Basketball
- Baskets
- Basketwork
- Basotho see Sotho
- Basque country
- Basque language
- Basques
- Bassa see Basa
- Bassar see Bassari
- Bassari (Togo and Ghana)
- Bastarnae
- Bat Indians see Cashinawa
- Batachoa see Botocudo
- Batak
- Batammaliba see Somba
- Batek
- Batembo
- Bateq see Batek
- Bathrooms
- Baths and bathing
- Batik
- Batta see Batak
- Battles
- Baule
- Bavaria
- Bavera see Bira
- Bavira see Bira
- Bawdy songs
- Baya language see Gbaya language
- Baya see Gbaya
- Bazaars
- Baziba see Haya
- Be:la Barto:k
- Bead making see Bead manufacture
- Bead manufacture
- Beads see also Bead manufacture
- Beadwork
- Beaker cultures
- Beans
- Bear cult
- Bear hunting
- Bear Lake Indians see Bearlake Indians
- Bearlake Indians
- Bears
- Beauty culture
- Beauty see also Aesthetics
- Bedamini aka Bedamuni
- Bedding
- Bedouin
- Beds
- Beduin see Bedouin
- Bee culture
- Bee keeping see Bee culture
- Beehives
- Beer cans
- Bees
- Beggars
- Behavior see Behaviour
- Behaviour disorders
- Behaviour evolution
- Behaviour see also Misbehaviour, Social role and specific forms of behaviour such as Care-giving behaviour, Deviant behaviour, Sexual behaviour, etc.
- Behavioural archaeology
- Beheading
- Beijing
- Beirut see Beyrouth
- Beishouling culture
- Beja
- Bekalebwe
- Belau islands
- Belfast
- Belgians
- Belgium
- Belief and culture
- Belief see also Folklore, Ideology, Knowledge, Mythology, Religion, etc.
- Belize
- Bell Beaker culture
- Bella Bella
- Bella Coola
- Bellacoola see Bella Coola
- Bells
- Belorussia
- Belorussian language
- Belorussians
- Belts
- Bemba
- Bena Bena
- Benares see Varanasi
- Beng
- Beng language
- Bengal see West Bengal or Bangladesh
- Bengali
- Bengali language
- Benguet see Ibaloi
- Benguetano see Ibaloi
- Benin Formerly Dahomey
- Benin City The heart of the historic kingdom, now in NIGERIA
- Benin (kingdom) The historic kingdom, in NIGERIA
- Benin language see Bini language
- Benue-Congo languages
- Beothuk
- Beowulf
- Berawan Borneo
- Berawan language
- Berba
- Berbers
- Berdache see Gender role and identity and Transvestism
- Bereavement
- Berekhat Ram site
- Bering Sea culture
- Bering sea region
- Bering straits see Bering sea region
- Beringmorskaia culture see Bering Sea culture
- Beringmorskaia kul&tura see Bering Sea culture
- Berkeley
- Berlin
- Berlin Wall
- Berta language
- Beta Esra&el see Falasha
- Bete
- Betel nut
- Betel paraphernalia
- Beti
- Betrayal
- Betrothal
- Betsimaraka see Betsimisaraka
- Betsimisaraka
- Betting see Gambling
- Beverages see also Alcoholic beverages
- Beyrouth
- Bhangis
- Bhat
- Bhele
- Bhil
- Bhojpuri language
- Bhondo see Bondo
- Bhote see Bhotia
- Bhotia
- Bhotiya see Bhotia
- Bhutan
- Bhutanese
- Bhutia see Bhotia
- Bias
- Bibacte site
- Bible
- Bible and archaeology
- Bible and history
- Biblical scholars
- Bibliography
- Bidayuh
- Bidjogo see Bijogo
- Bidyago see Bijogo
- Bidyogo see Bijogo
- Big Bog period see Maglemosean culture
- Big men
- Bigamy Multiple marriage as criminal offence
- Bihar
- Bijago see also Bijogo Guinea Bissau
- Bijogo
- Bijuga see Bijogo
- Bilingual education
- Bilingual manuscripts
- Bilingualism see also Bilingual education
- Billboards
- Bilqula see Bella Coola
- Bilxula see Bella Coola
- Bilzingsleben site
- Binary form
- Bini
- Bini language
- Binisayan Cebuano see Cebuano
- Binjhwar
- Bintulu dialect
- Biodegradation
- Biodiversity see Biological diversity
- Bioenergetics
- Biogeography
- Biography
- Biography see also Autobiography, Religious biography
- Biological anthropology
- Biological diversity
- Biology
- Biomechanics
- Bipedalism
- Bira
- Bird catching
- Bird keeping
- Bird remains
- Bird trapping
- Birds
- Birdstones
- Birhor India
- Birifor
- Birjhia see Asur
- Birjia see Asur
- Birth and death processes
- Birth control
- Birth customs see also Couvade
- Birth defects
- Birth intervals
- Birth order
- Birth rate
- Birth registration
- Birth seasonality
- Birth see Childbirth, Birth (the concept), Stillbirth
- Birth (the concept)
- Birth weight
- Birthplace
- Bismarck archipelago
- Bison
- Bison hunting
- Bissago see Bijogo
- Bitumen
- Biy Kalmyk see Altai
- Black Carib Indians see Garifuna
- Black diaspora
- Black Hebrews
- Black market
- Black Mesa sites
- Black sea region
- Blackduck culture
- Blackfeet
- Blacks
- Blacksmiths
- Blankets
- Blasphemy
- Blessings
- Blindness
- Blood
- Blood analysis
- Blood coagulation factors
- Blood donation
- Blood gases
- Blood group analysis
- Blood group antigens
- Blood group incompatibility
- Blood group typing
- Blood groups
- Blood lipids and lipoproteins
- Blood pressure
- Blood proteins see also Transferrin
- Blood residue analysis
- Blood vessels
- Bluefish Caves site
- Bo
- Board games
- Boarding schools
- Boatbuilding
- Boats and boating see also Umiaks
- Bobo
- Boddhisattvas
- Bodh
- Body alteration
- Body composition
- Body decoration
- Body decoration see also Tattooing
- Body fat
- Body growth see Growth
- Body hair
- Body height see Stature
- Body image
- Body marking Use for tattooing, cicatrices etc.
- Body mass
- Body mass index
- Body mutilation
- Body see Human body
- Body size
- Body size see also Obesity
- Body symbolism
- Body temperature
- Body water content
- Body weight
- Bog bodies
- Bogota
- Bohai kingdom Eighth century onward, Korea/Manchuria region
- Bohemia
- Bokhara
- Bole see Mbole
- Bolgar
- Bolivia
- Bolivians
- Bonampak site
- Bonda see Bondo
- Bondaian tradition
- Bondei
- Bondo
- Bondo Poraja see Bondo
- Bondoporaja see Bondo
- Bone cancer
- Bone carving
- Bone collagen
- Bone densitometry
- Bone diseases
- Bone engraving
- Bone implements
- Bone metastasis
- Bone mineral content
- Bone ornaments
- Bones
- Bongando
- Bonobos
- Book of Numbers (Bible)
- Books
- Books of Chilam Balam
- Books of the Dead
- Boquete site
- Bora
- Boran
- Borana see Boran
- Borderland Kalmyk see Altai
- Borders see Boundaries
- Borneo
- Bornu state
- Boro see Bora
- Borobudur site
- Bororo (African people)
- Bororo Indians
- Borreliosis see Relapsing fever
- Borun see Botocudo
- Bosavi
- Bosnia and Hercegovina
- Bosnians
- Bosporan kingdom
- Botany
- Botecudo see Botocudo
- Botocudo
- Botocudo language
- Botswana
- Bottles
- Bougainville island
- Boundaries see also Regionalism
- Boundary disputes
- Boundary markers
- Bovidae
- Bovids see also Bovidae
- Bowls
- Bows and arrows
- Boxer rebellion (1899-1901)
- Boxgrove site
- Boxing
- Boycotts
- Boys
- Bracelets
- Brahmans
- Brahmi alphabet
- Brain
- Brain damage
- Brain size
- Brain weight
- Brass
- Brass implements
- Bratislava
- Bravery see Courage
- Brazil
- Brazilians
- Brazzaville
- Bread
- Breadfruit
- Breast
- Breast cancer
- Breast feeding
- Breast feeding see also Lactation
- Breast feeding see also Lactational amenorrhoea
- Breastplates
- Bregovina site
- Bribery
- Bribri
- Brickmaking
- Bricks
- Bridal chests
- Bridewealth and dowry
- Bridges
- Brigands and robbers
- British
- British Asians
- British Columbia
- British Isles
- British Museum
- Broken Hill skull
- Bronis-aw Malinowski
- Bronze
- Bronze age
- Bronze bells
- Bronze implements
- Bronze ingots
- Bronze ornaments
- Bronze vessels
- Bronzes
- Brooms and brushes
- Brotherhoods
- Brothers and sisters Use for relationship between brothers and sisters; where gender is irrelevant, use Siblings
- Bruce Bay site
- Brunei
- Bu Dai language
- Buckles
- Budapest
- Buddha
- Buddhism
- Buddhist literature
- Buddhist music
- Buddhist sculpture
- Buddhist sects
- Buddhists
- Budjago see Bijogo
- Buffalo
- Bugago see Bijogo
- Buganda
- Bugis
- Builders
- Building
- Building materials see also Adobe, Bricks, Stone, Tiles, etc.
- Building sites
- Building techniques
- Building use
- Buildings
- Builsa
- Builsa language see Buli language
- Bukidnon
- Bulea see Builsa
- Bulgar see Bolgar
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian language
- Bulgarians
- Buli language
- Buli see Builsa
- Bull rings
- Bullfights
- Bulls
- Bulsa language see Buli language
- Bulsa see Builsa
- Bunak
- Bunda see Bondo
- Bunjevci
- Bunun
- Bureaucracy
- Burial Use only for concept of burial - otherwise use Burials, Funerary archaeology, Funeral rites and ceremonies etc.
- Burials see also Funerary archaeology, Funeral rites and ceremonies, Ship burial
- Buriat Siberia
- Buriatia
- Buridava site
- Burjat
- Burji
- Burkina Faso
- Burma
- Burmese language
- Burnt faunal remains
- Burton, Sir Richard Francis Nineteenth century English explorer and Orientalist
- Burundi
- Burusho
- Buryat see Buriat
- Bushbabies
- Bushido
- Bushman see San
- Bushrangers
- Business
- Business and culture
- Business enterprises see also Cottage industries, Family enterprises, Organisational behaviour, Small businesses
- Businessmen
- Butchery practices
- Butterflies
- Button industry
- Buttons
- Buying and selling
- Bwa
- Byelorussian language see Belorussian language
- Byelorussian see Belorussian
- Bylany culture
- Bylany site
- Byzantine empire
- Byzantine period
- Byzantine rite (Catholic Church)
- Ca:rans see Charans
- Cabala
- Cabecar
- Caberne see Garifuna
- Caboclos
- Cacao
- Cacaxtla site
- Cacchi see Kekchi
- Caddo
- Cadmium
- Caesarea Maritima site
- Caesarian section
- Cahal Pech sites
- Cahokia site
- Cahuilla
- Caimans
- Cairo
- Cajamorca
- Cajuns
- Cakchi see Kekchi
- Cake
- Cakehiquel language
- Calacmul site see Calakmul site
- Calakmul site
- Calcutta
- Calendar
- California
- Californian Indian languages
- Californian Indians
- Calino see Garifuna
- Callahuaya
- Callaway see Callahuaya
- Callawaya see Callahuaya
- Callawayo see Callahuaya
- Calligraphy
- Callitrichidae
- Calls and calling
- Calmuck see Kalmyk
- Calusa
- Calvinism
- Cam see Cham
- Cambodia
- Cambodians
- Camel herding and herders
- Camel husbandry
- Camelidae
- Camels
- Cameos
- Cameroon
- Campa
- Campeche
- Camps see Military camps, Summer camps, etc.
- Campsites
- Canaanites
- Canada
- Canals
- Canari
- Canary Islanders
- Canary islands
- Cancer see also Bone cancer, Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Leukaemia, etc.
- Candles and candlemaking
- Candlesticks
- Candomble
- Candoshi
- Candoxi see Candoshi
- Canela
- Canned foods
- Cannibalism
- Canoes
- Cans see Beer cans, Canned foods, etc.
- Cantabrians
- Cape Verde islands
- Cape Verdeans
- Capes see Cloaks and capes
- Capital investments
- Capital punishment
- Capitalism
- Captains
- Captives see also Hostages, Prisoners
- Car boot sales
- Car industry and trade see Automobile industry and trade
- Caracas
- Caracol site
- Caraib see Carib Indians
- Caraja:
- Caravans
- Caravanserais
- Carbonisation
- Carcinogenesis
- Cardiac amyloidosis
- Cardinal numbers
- Cardiopulmonary system
- Cardiorespiratory system see Cardiopulmonary system
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Cardiovascular system
- Cards
- Care-giving behaviour (primates) see also Grooming behaviour
- Care of mentally handicapped
- Care of mentally ill
- Careers see Occupations
- Carers
- Cargo cults
- Cargo cults see also Millenialism and messianism
- Carib Indians
- Carib language
- Carib see Carib Indians
- Caribbean area
- Caribbean influence
- Caribou
- Caribou hunting
- Caribou Inuit
- Caricatures and cartoons
- Carijona
- Carinthian Slovenians
- Carmen culture
- Carnival
- Carnivora
- Caroline islands
- Carolingian empire
- Carolingian period
- Carpathian Basin
- Carpathian mountains region
- Carpet industry and trade
- Carpets
- Carriages and carts
- Carrier Indians
- Carrying devices
- Cars see Automobiles
- Carthage site
- Cartography see also Maps and plans
- Cartoons see Caricatures and cartoons
- Carts see Carriages and carts
- Carving
- Casas Grandes site
- Case grammar
- Case studies
- Cash crops
- Cash crops see Contract farming, Crops
- Cashew nut
- Cashibo aka Uni (Peru)
- Cashinahua see Cashinawa
- Cashinawa Pano language (Peru)
- Cashinawa language Peru
- Casinos
- Caspian sea region
- Cassava
- Cassowaries
- Caste
- Castles
- Castration
- Casts and moulds
- Catacomb culture
- Catal Hu?yu?k site
- Catalan language
- Catalans
- Catalonia
- Catarrhini
- Catawba Southeast US American Indian, Muskogean language
- Cathedrals
- Catholic Church
- Catholic Church see also Monasticism and religious orders
- Catholics
- Cation-ratio dating
- Cats
- Cattle
- Cattle killing
- Cattle see also Dairying, Herding and herders
- Cattle trade
- Cau Ma see also Ma (Vietnamese people)
- Caucasian languages
- Caucasus
- Causes and theories of causation
- Causes of death
- Cave bears
- Cave dwellings
- Cave of Hearths site
- Cave paintings see Rock art
- Cave temples
- Caves see Rockshelters and caves; see also Cave dwellings, Cave temples
- Caxinaua: language see Cashinawa language
- Cayapa
- Cayapo: see Kayapo:
- Cayman islands
- Caymans see Caimans
- Cayuga
- Cebidae
- Cebu
- Cebuan see Cebuano
- Cebuano
- Cebuano language
- Cedar wood
- Cell receptors
- Cellars
- Celtic languages
- Celtic literature
- Celts
- Cemeteries see also Cliff cemeteries, Funerary archaeology, Gravestones, Sarcophagi, Sepulchral monuments, Tombs
- Censorship
- Census
- Central Africa
- Central African Republic
- Central America
- Central American Indian languages
- Central American Indians
- Central Asia
- Central Europe
- Central Inuit
- Central nervous system
- Centralisation
- Cenu:
- Ceramics see Porcelain, Pottery
- Cercopithecidae see also Baboons, Macaques, Rhesus monkeys
- Cere:n site
- Cereals see Grain
- Cerebellar ataxia
- Cerebral dominance see also Laterality
- Cerebral palsy
- Ceremonial exchange
- Ceremonial sites see Sacred space
- Ceropithecoidea see Cercopithecidae, Victoriapithecus
- Cerro de la Campana sites
- Cerro de las Mesas site
- Cerro de las Minas site
- Cerro El Plomo site
- Cervical cancer
- Cetacea
- Cewa see Chewa
- Ch&ing dynasty see Qing dynasty
- Chacben Kax site
- Chachi see Cayapa
- Chaco Canyon site
- Chaco culture
- Chad
- Chaga
- Chaga language
- Chagas&s disease
- Chagatai language
- Chagga language see Chaga language
- Chagga see Chaga
- Chakali
- Chakali see Dhobi
- Chakma
- Chakossi see Chokossi
- Chalcatzingo site
- Chalchihuites site
- Chalcolithic period
- Chaldean Catholics
- Cham
- Cham empire
- Chamacoco Argentina (aka Ishir)
- Chamba
- Chambri
- Chamorro
- Champleve:
- Chane:
- Chang-an
- Channel islands
- Chants
- La Chapelle-aux-Saints site
- Chapels
- Character sets (data processing)
- Characters and characteristics
- Charans
- Charcoal
- Charcoal burners
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
- Chariot burial
- Chariots
- Charisma
- Charity
- Charms
- Chastity
- Chatti see Hittite
- Chau Chich site
- Chaudang
- Chavchuven see Koriak
- Chavi:n culture
- Chawi see Chayahuita
- Chayabita see Chayahuita
- Chayahuita
- Chayawita see Chayahuita
- Chayhuita see Chayahuita
- CHechen
- CHechnia
- Chechnya see CHechnia
- Cheese and cheese making
- Cheesemakers
- CHeliabinsk region
- Chemical analysis
- Chemical dating methods
- Chenchu
- Chenchwar see Chenchu
- CHerniakhovo culture
- CHernobyl nuclear accident
- Chernobyl see CHernobyl...
- Chernyakhovo culture see CHerniakhovo culture
- Cherokee
- Cherokee language
- Chersonesus (ancient city)
- Chert
- Cherusci
- Cherven site
- Chests (storage)
- Cheva see Chewa
- Chewa
- Chewa dialect
- Cheyenne
- Chiapas
- Chibcha
- Chicago
- Chiche:n Itza: site
- Chickasaw
- Chickens
- Chiefdoms
- Chiefs see also Elite, Kings and rulers
- Chihuahua
- Child abuse
- Child care
- Child care see also Child rearing
- Child care services
- Child development
- Child health
- Child labour
- Child mortality
- Child psychology
- Child rearing
- Child welfare
- Childbirth see also Birth customs
- Childhood (the concept)
- Children&s clothing
- Children's folklore
- Children&s games see also Play
- Children's growth see Growth; see also Infant growth
- Children&s names
- Children's rhymes
- Children&s songs
- Children see also Boys, Disabled children, Foster childen, Girls, Grandparent and child, Immigrant children, Infants, Mother and child, Orphans, Parent and child, Street children, Young people
- Chile
- Chileans
- Chimane
- Chimbu
- Chimneys
- Chimo see Chimu culture
- Chimpanzees
- Chimpanzees see also Bonobos
- Chimu:
- Chimu culture
- Chin
- China
- Chinantec
- Chinantec language
- Chinanteca see Chinantec
- Chinchorro
- Chinese
- Chinese Americans
- Chinese influence
- Chinese language
- Chinese medicine
- Chinese see also Hakka
- Ching dynasty see Qing dynasty
- Chingoni language see Ngoni language
- Chipaya
- Chipewyan language
- Chipewyans
- Chippewa see Ojibwa
- Chiricahua
- Chiriguano
- Chiripa:
- Chiriqui see Guaymi:
- Chisca see Yuchi
- Chittagong hill tribes
- Chivalry
- Choanik see Tehuelche
- Choco
- Chocolate
- Choctaw
- Choctaw language
- Choice
- Chokosi see Chokossi
- Chokossi
- Chokwe
- Chola
- Cholas see Chola
- Cholera
- Cholesterol
- Cholula site
- Chomsky, N
- Chon see Tehuelche
- Chonek see Tehuelche
- Chonqui see Tehuelche
- Chopi
- Choreography see Dance notation
- Chou-k&ou-tien site see Zhoukoudian site
- Christian ethics
- Christian hagiography
- Christian sects see also Adventists, Amish, Baptists, Cults, Fundamentalism, Pentecostalism, Waldenses
- Christian Zionism
- Christianity
- Christianity and Buddhism
- Christianity and culture
- Christianity and Islam
- Christianity and other religions
- Christians
- Christmas
- Christmas carols
- Christmas plays
- Chromosome abnormalities
- Chromosome banding methods
- Chromosomes
- Chronic diseases
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronology
- Chu State
- Chuetas
- Chuh
- Chuj see Chuh
- Chujes see Chuh
- Chukchee see Chukchi
- Chukchi
- Chukchi language
- Chumash
- Chumashan see Chumash
- Churash
- Church and education
- Church and language
- Church and State
- Church architecture
- Church records and registers
- CHurchen
- Churchen see CHurchen
- Churches
- Chuskan pottery series see Anasazi culture
- Chuuan
- Chuvashia
- Chyiricahua
- Chzhurchzhen see Churchen
- Ci-Ruri language
- Cibuano see Cebuano
- Ciguayo language
- Cimmerians
- Cimmerii see Cimmerians
- Cinantec see Chinantec
- Cingoni language see Ngoni language
- Circumcision see also Female circumcision
- Circus
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Citation analysis
- Cities and towns see also City planning, Municipal buildings, Urban communities, Urbanisation, etc. and names of towns
- Citizen participation see Popular participation, Consumer protection
- Citizenship
- City planning
- City walls
- Ciuntu site
- Civic education
- Civics
- Civil rights
- Civil rights movements
- Civil rights see also Political rights, Religious freedom, Women&s rights, etc.
- Civil service
- Civil society
- Civil unrest
- Civil war see also American Civil War, Independence movements, Spanish Civil War
- Civilians
- Civilisation
- Clactonian culture
- Cladistics
- Clairvoyance
- Clam fisheries
- Clans
- Class see Social classes
- Classic period Use for Maya civilisation of Middle America
- Classical antiquities
- Classical Greek literature
- Classical period Use for Ancient Greece and its civilisation, fifth and fourth centuries BC approx
- Classification
- Classification methods
- Clavicle
- Claws see Nails (anatomy)
- Clay
- Clay daub
- Clay figurines
- Clay implements
- Cleaners
- Cleaning
- Cleft lip and palate
- Clergy
- Clicks (phonetics)
- Cliff cemeteries
- Cliff dwellings
- Climate see also Temperature, Weather
- Climatic changes
- Climatology
- Climbing
- Clitics (grammar)
- Cloaks and capes
- Clocks
- Cloth see Textiles
- Clothing and dress see also Belts, Buckles, Children&s clothing, Fashion, Footwear, Headgear, etc.
- Clovis culture
- Clovis site
- Clowns
- Coahuila
- Coaiquer
- Coal
- Coal mines and mining
- Coast Salish
- Coastal archaeology
- Coastal changes
- Coastal communities
- Coasts
- Coba site
- Coca
- Coca-Cola
- Cocaine
- Cochidic culture
- Cockfighting
- Cocoa
- Cocoa industry and trade
- Coconuco
- Coconut
- Coconut farmers
- Coconut farming
- Coconut palm
- Code switching (linguistics) Bilingualism
- Codices
- Coeur d&Alene language
- Coffee
- Coffee industry and trade
- Coffee plantations
- Coffins
- Cognition
- Cognition and culture
- Cognition disorders
- Cognition in children
- Cognitive ability
- Cognitive anthropology
- Cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive psychology
- Cohabitation
- Coincidence
- Coins
- Coir industry
- Coital frequency
- Cola see Chola
- Colchidic culture
- Cold adaptation
- Cold War
- Coles Creek culture
- Colima
- Collective behaviour
- Collective identity see Community identity; see also Ethnicity
- Collectivisation of agriculture
- Collectors and collecting
- Colleges see Universities and colleges
- Colloquial language
- Colombia
- Colonial administration
- Colonial administrators
- Colonial period
- Colonialism
- Colonies
- Colonisation
- Colonisation see also Culture contact, Prehistoric migrations
- Color see Colour
- Colorado
- Colorectal cancer
- Colostrum
- Colour
- Colour blindness
- Colour symbolism
- Colour terminology
- Coloured people
- Colouring matter
- Columbia Plateau
- Columbus, Christopher
- Comanche
- Combs
- Comedy
- Comic books and strips
- Commercial law
- Commercial products
- Commercialisation
- Common sense
- Commons
- Commons see also Right of pasture
- Commonwealth countries
- Commonwealth of Independent States
- Communal activities
- Communal dwellings
- Communal living
- Communal violence
- Communicable diseases
- Communication see also Body language, Gesture, Non-verbal communication, etc.
- Communication with spirits
- Communism
- Communist Party
- Communities
- Community
- Community care
- Community development
- Community health
- Community identity see also Ethnicity
- Community organisation
- Community policing
- Community relations
- Commuting
- Comondu culture
- Comoros
- Comparative linguistics
- Comparative methods in anthropology
- Comparative methods in archaeology
- Comparative methods in genetics
- Comparative methods in medical anthropology
- Comparative methods in physical anthropology
- Comparative methods in sociology
- Comparative phonology
- Comparative religion
- Comparison
- Compass
- Competition
- Complementary medicine
- Composers
- Composition (music)
- Comprehension
- Compulsive behaviour
- Computed tomography
- Computer analysis
- Computer art
- Computer games
- Computer simulation
- Computer software
- Computers in anthropology
- Computers in archaeology
- Computers see also Databases
- Concentration camps see also Internment camps
- Concubinage
- Condoms
- Condors
- Confectionery
- Conferences see Congresses and conventions
- Confession
- Conflict management see also Social conflict
- Conflict of generations
- Confucianism
- Congo
- Congresses and conventions
- Coniagui
- Conibo
- Conjoined twins
- Conjoining pottery
- Conjoining stone implements
- Connecticut
- Connective tissue disorders
- Connectives (linguistics)
- Conquest
- Consanguineous marriage
- Consanguinity see also Consanguineous marriage
- Consciousness
- Consensus (social sciences)
- Conservation
- Conservation of antiquities
- Conservation of archaeological sites
- Conservation of audio-visual materials
- Conservation of ethnographic artefacts
- Conservation of manuscripts
- Conservation of natural resources
- Conservation of rock art
- Conservation of textiles
- Conservation of wildlife
- Conservatism
- Consonants
- Conspicuous consumption
- Constitutional law
- Constitutions
- Construction workers
- Consumer behaviour
- Consumerism
- Consumption in economics
- Containers
- Contemporary legends
- Context (linguistics)
- Contextualisation
- Continuity
- Contraband
- Contraception see Birth control
- Contraceptives see also Birth control
- Contract farming
- Contract farming see also Cash crops
- Contract labour
- Contracts
- Contrastive phonology
- Controversies
- Convenience foods
- Convents
- Conversation
- Conversion
- Conversion see also Evangelicalism, Missions
- Convivo see Conibo
- Cook, Captain James
- Cook islands
- Cookery
- Cookery see also Food habits
- Cooking pots see also Household utensils, Pottery
- Cooperation Use for cooperative behaviour in the practical sense of shared activity
- Cooperative housing
- Cooperativeness Use for psychology or ethics of cooperative behaviour
- Cooperatives
- Cooperatives see also Mutual aid societies
- Coopers and cooperage
- Copa:n site
- Coping behaviour
- Coping mechanisms see Life skills, Adjustment etc.
- Coping strategies see Life skills, Adjustment etc.
- Copper
- Copper age see Chalcolithic period
- Copper alloys
- Copper hoards
- Copper implements
- Copper Inuit
- Copper mines and mining
- Copper vessels
- Copra industry
- Coprolites
- Coptic language
- Copts
- Copyright
- Coquille Indians
- Cora
- Coral jewellery
- Corals
- Corded Ware culture
- Core-periphery relations
- Corinchee see Kerinci
- Corinchi see Kerinci
- Corinchia see Kerinci
- Corinth (ancient city)
- Cornelian
- Corobici see Guatuso
- La Corona site
- Coronary heart disease
- Coronations
- Corporal punishment
- Corporate culture
- Corpus Christi
- Correspondence
- Corruption Use for combination of political, judicial, financial etc. - not in physical sense of decay.
- Corsica
- Corsican dialect
- Corve:e labour see Forced labour
- Cosmetics
- Cosmology
- Cosquer site
- Cossacks
- Cost and standard of living
- Costa Rica
- Costano see Costanoan
- Costanoan
- Costanoan languages
- Costume see Clothing and dress
- Cota
- Cotafeni culture
- Cottage industries
- Cotton
- Cotton industry and trade
- Counselling see also Genetic counselling
- Counterinsurgency
- Counting
- Country life
- Country music
- Courage
- Courbet site
- Courts
- Courtship
- Courtyards
- Coushatta see Koasati
- Couvade
- Covari see Tunebo
- Cowboys
- Cowries
- Coyukon see Koyukon
- Cracow
- Cradleboards
- Cradles
- Craft specialisation
- Crafts see also Artisans
- Cranial capacity
- Cranial deformation
- Cranial thickening
- Craniofacial asymmetry
- Craniofacial morphology
- Craniometry
- Crannogs
- Creation
- Creation myths
- Creative ability
- Creativity
- Credit
- Cree
- Cree language
- Creek
- Cremation
- Creole dialects
- Creole languages see Creole dialects
- Creolized languages see Creole dialects
- Crescent Beach site
- Crete
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- Cribs
- Crime
- Crime and criminals
- Crime prevention
- Crime see also Deviant behaviour, Punishment
- Crimea
- Crimean Tatars
- Criminal investigation see also Sex crimes
- Criminal justice system
- Criminals
- Criminology
- Cris culture
- Cris language see Cree language
- Criticism
- Croatia
- Croatian see Croats
- Croatians see Croats
- Crocodylidae see also Caimans
- Crop diversity
- Cropping systems
- Crops
- Crops see also Cassava, Coffee, Edible plants, Maize, Quinoa, Rice, Tree crops, Yams, etc.
- Cross-border trade
- Cross-cousin marriage
- Cross-cultural studies
- Crosses
- Crow North American Indians, Plains
- Crow Creek site
- Crow language
- Croziers
- Crucifixion
- Crusades
- Crustacea
- Crying
- Cuaiquer language Colombia, Ecuador
- Cuanhama see Kuanyama
- Cuba
- Cubans
- Cuckoos
- Cucuteni-Tripolye culture
- Cuddie Springs site
- Cuello site
- Cuicuilco site
- Culina
- Culino see Culina
- Cultivated plants
- Cults
- Cults see also Bear cult, Bulls, Cargo cults, Fertility cults, Saints, Spirit possession, Sun worship, etc.
- Cultural anthropologists
- Cultural anthropology
- Cultural anthropology see also Social anthropology
- Cultural boundaries
- Cultural change see also Social change
- Cultural decline
- Cultural development
- Cultural policy
- Cultural property
- Cultural regeneration
- Cultural relativism
- Cultural resistance
- Cultural resource management
- Cultural studies
- Culture-bound syndromes see also Empacho, Epidemic hysteria, Pica
- Culture conflict see also Social conflict
- Culture contact
- Culture diffusion The geographical transfer of culture, usually from a focal region
- Culture shock
- Culture survival
- Culture (the concept)
- Culture transmission The temporal transfer of culture, e.g. between generations
- Cumancaya culture
- Cuna
- Cuneiform inscriptions
- Cuniba see Conibo
- Cunivo see Conibo
- Cup and ring marks
- Cupen]o
- Cupisnique culture
- Curation The re-use or re-working of artefacts by later groups of people
- Curibeo see Conibo
- Curling
- Curripoco see Barauna
- Curses
- Cushitic languages
- Custody Use for legal custody of children
- Custody of children
- Customary law
- Customs see also Tradition
- Cuzco site
- Cycling
- Cyclones
- Cylinder seals
- Cypro-Geometric period
- Cyprus
- Cyrene site
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cytogenetics
- Czech Republic
- Czechoslovakia
- Czechs
- D““
- D&Entrecasteaux islands
- D&iakovo site
- Da see Dan
- Dacian language
- Dacians
- Dagari
- Dagestan
- Dagestani
- Daggers
- Daguer see Daur
- Daguerreotype
- Dahomey
- Dahuer see Daur
- Dai-Viet kingdom
- Dainzu: sites
- Dairy farming
- Dairying
- Dairying and dairies
- Daka
- Dakar
- Dakota One of the three main Sioux linguistic groups - divided into several subgroups which may be listed separately. Use in preference to Sioux if ONLY about Dakota groups.
- Dalai Lama
- Dalu
- Dama see Herero
- Damage and destruction
- Damage and destruction of antiquities
- Damage and destruction of cultural property
- Damage and destruction of property
- Damara see Herero
- Damas see Dimashq
- Damascus (Syria) see Dimashq
- Damor
- Dams
- Dan
- Dance notation
- Dance research
- Dancing
- Dancing see also Flamenco, Ghost dance, Moros y Cristianos, Morris dances, Sun dance
- Danes
- Danger perception
- Dani
- Danube river valley
- Dar es Salaam
- Dard
- Dartmoor
- Data collection and analysis
- Databases
- Dating methods
- Dating (social customs) see Courtship
- Datura
- Daubentonia madagascariensis see Aye-aye
- Daughters see also Fathers and daughters
- Daur
- Dawen Kou culture
- Dawoer see Daur
- Daxi culture
- Day labourers
- Day of the Dead
- Dayak
- Daza
- Dazagarda see Daza
- Dead
- Dead Sea scrolls
- Deaf
- Deafness
- Death marriage
- Death see also Funeral rites and ceremonies
- Debitage
- Debt
- Debt bondage
- Decedents& estates
- Decentralisation
- Deception
- Decision making
- Decorated skulls
- Decoration and ornament
- Decorative arts
- Decoys (hunting)
- Deer
- Deforestation
- Deformation see Abnormalities, Artificial deformities, Skull deformation, etc.
- Degema language
- Degeneration
- Deir el-Bahri site
- Delaware
- Delaware Indians
- Delhi
- Democracy
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Demographers
- Demographic models in archaeology
- Demographic surveys see also Census
- Demographic transition
- Demography see also Palaeodemography, Population history
- Demonology
- Demonstrations
- Denali complex
- Dendi
- Dendrochronology
- Dene
- Dene Tha
- Deneh
- Dengue fever This is different from Dengue haemorrhagic fever
- Dengue haemorrhagic fever
- Denmark
- Densitometry
- Dental arch
- Dental care
- Dental caries
- Dental enamel
- Dental health
- Dental hypoplasia
- Dental wear
- Dentalium
- Dentinogenesis imperfecta
- Dentistry
- Deori
- Deoxyribonucleic acid see DNA
- Dependency (economics)
- Dependency (psychology)
- Depopulation see Population decline
- Deportation
- Deposits
- Depression (mental)
- Deptford culture
- Dermatoglyphics see also Fingerprints
- Desana
- Description and travel
- Desecration
- Desertification
- Deserts
- Design
- Despotism
- Deterioration
- Devadasis
- Developing countries
- Development projects
- Development see also Agricultural development, Agricultural innovations, Community development, Economic development, Rural development, Sustainable development, Technological innovations
- Developmental psychology
- Deviant behaviour
- Deviant behaviour see also Misbehaviour
- The Devil see also Demonology
- Dharma
- Dhobi
- Dhodia
- Diabetes
- Diabetes in pregnancy
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Diagnosis
- Diaguita culture
- Dialects
- Dialogue
- Dian culture China (bronze age culture)
- Diana, Princess of Wales
- Diaries
- Diarrhoea
- Diaspora see also African diaspora, Jewish diaspora, etc.
- Dickson Mounds site
- Dictionaries
- Dida
- Die Kelders site
- Diet
- Diet see also Food habits, Malnutrition, Nutrition
- Dietary laws
- Dietary taboo
- Dieting
- Difference
- Digestion
- Dilbat site
- Dilemma
- Dilmun culture
- Dilmun site
- Dimashq
- Dinka
- Dinners and dining see also Table etiquette
- Dinosaurs
- Diola Senegal
- Dionysus cult
- Diplomacy
- Diplomats
- Direction (geography)
- Disability
- Disability management
- Disabled
- Disabled children
- Disabled students
- Disarticulation and defleshing
- Disasters
- Discarded personal property
- Disco music
- Discourse analysis
- Discoveries (in archaeology)
- Discoveries (in geography) see also Colonisation, Travel and exploration
- Discrimination
- Discrimination in employment
- Discrimination see also Antisemitism, Racism
- Disease prevention
- Disease susceptibility
- Disease transmission
- Diseases see also Epidemics, Culture-bound syndromes, Genetic disorders
- Disenfranchisement
- Disguise
- Disorders of perception
- Display behaviour
- Dispute settlement see Conflict management
- Dissection
- Distances
- Distilling
- Distribution
- Diversity see Pluralism
- Divination see also Fortune-telling, I-ching
- Divine kingship
- Diving
- Division of labour
- Divorce
- Djaga language see Chaga language
- Djibouti
- Djuka
- DNA analyses
- DNA evolution
- DNA extraction
- DNA fingerprinting
- DNA polymorphisms
- DNA-repair disorders
- DNA replication
- DNA typing
- Dnieper-Donetz culture see Dnepr Donets culture
- Dniepr-Donets culture see Dnepr Donets culture
- Dnipro-Donets&ka kul&tura see Dnepr Donets culture
- Do language see Bini language
- Doctor-patient relationship
- Doctors
- Documentary films
- Dogon Mali
- Dogra
- Dogs
- Dolls
- Dolmens
- Doln‰ Ve=stonice site
- Dolphins
- Dolpo-pa
- Domes
- Domestic animals
- Domestic architecture see also Dwellings
- Domestic disputes
- Domestic economy see Households
- Domestic life
- Domestic production
- Domestic space
- Domestic violence see Family violence
- Domestication
- Domestics see Servants
- Dominican Republic
- Dominicans
- Dong
- Doors
- Dopamine receptors
- Dopamine transporter gene
- Dorobo
- Dorset culture
- Dos Pilas site
- Doubt see also Faith
- Down&s syndrome
- Dowry see Bridewealth and dowry
- Dragons
- Drainage
- Drama see also Theatre
- Draught animals
- Dravidian kinship
- Dravidian languages
- Dravidians
- Drawing
- Dreams
- Dreamtime
- Dress see Clothing and dress
- Drift materials
- Drinking behaviour
- Drinking vessels
- Drinks see Beverages
- Droughts
- Drug dealers
- Drug resistance
- Drug trade
- Drug use
- Drug users
- Drugs
- Drum majorettes
- Drums
- Drums and drummers
- Drums and drumming
- Druses see Druze
- Druze
- Dryopithecus
- Dschagatai language see Chagatai language
- Dschagga language see Chaga language
- Dschagga see Chaga
- Dschang language
- Duala
- Dualism
- Dulceanca site
- Dungans
- Dunhuang site
- Dura-Europos (ancient city)
- Durango
- Duration of occupation
- Durga\ Hindu deity
- Duruma
- Dusun Brunei
- Dutch
- Dutch East Indies
- Dutch language
- Dutch New Guinea
- Duvanskoe site
- Duvanskoye site see Duvanskoe site
- Dvorets Tsarevets site
- Dwarfism
- Dwellings see also Domestic architecture, Housing, Longhouses, etc.
- Dyak see Dayak
- Dye plants
- Dyes and dyeing see also Henna
- Dyirbal language
- Dyula
- Dzhetyasar culture
- Dzibilchaltu:n site
- Eagles
- Ear
- Ear ornaments
- Early Ceramic period
- Early Dynastic period Egypt (Bahn prefers Archaic period but used this for Ancient Greece). Also - Iraq/Mesopotamia
- Early Horizon period
- Early Intermediate period
- Early middle ages
- Early modern Homo sapiens Use for anatomically modern humans of the palaeolithic period (roughly contemporary with and following Neanderthals)
- Early modern period Japan
- Early palaeolithic period Use for Far East - elsewhere, Lower palaeolithic period or (in subsaharan Africa) Early stone age
- Early period Papua New Guinea
- Early stone age Use for Subsaharan Africa
- Early twentieth century
- Earrings
- Ears
- The Earth
- Earth ovens
- Earthenware see Pottery
- Earthquake resistant design
- Earthquakes
- Earthquakes in archaeology
- Earthworks (archaeology)
- East Africa
- East Asia
- East Asian languages
- East India Company
- East Timor
- East-West relations
- Easter
- Easter island
- Easter islanders
- Eastern and Western Church
- Eastern Europe
- Eastern Han dynasty
- Eastern Jebel languages
- Eastern Mediterranean region
- Eastern Zhou dynasty
- Eating disorders
- Ebidoso see Chamacoco
- Ebira see Igbira
- Ebla site
- Ebony
- Ecclesiastical law
- Ecology
- Ecology see also Environment, Environmental health, Palaeoecology
- Economic and technical assistance
- Economic anthropology
- Economic change
- Economic conditions
- Economic development
- Economic development projects
- Economic geography
- Economic history
- Economic policy
- Economics see also Consumption, Distribution, Natural resources, Production, Resource allocation
- Economists
- Economy
- Ecuador
- Edda
- Edible insects
- Edible plants
- Edible roots
- Edo
- Edo language see Bini language
- Edo languages
- Edo period see also Tokugawa period
- Education
- Education policy
- Education see also Schools, Socialisation, Students, Teaching and study, Universities and colleges
- Educational anthropology
- Educational attainment
- Educational change
- Educational exhibits
- Edzna: site
- Eel fishing
- Eesti see Estonians
- Eestlased see Estonians
- Efe
- Efeh see Efe
- Efet see Efe
- Effigies
- Egg decoration
- Eggshell
- Egypt
- Egyptians
- Ehsti see Estonians
- Eighteenth century
- Eighth century
- Eipo
- Eipo language
- Ejagham
- Ejagham see Ekoi
- Ejidos
- Ek Balam site
- Ekihaya see Haya
- Ekiti
- Ekoi
- Ekonda dialect
- Ekonda Mongo dialect see Ekonda dialect
- El Armana site
- El Castillo site
- El Cayo site
- El Nin[o current
- El Rosario site
- El Salvador
- El Taji:n site
- Elamite period
- Elderly people see Aged
- Elderly persons see Aged
- Election campaigns
- Elections
- Electrification
- Electromagnetism
- Electromyography
- Electron spin resonance dating see ESR dating
- Electron spin resonance spectroscopy see ESR spectroscopy
- Electronic surveillance
- Elegiac poetry
- Elephants
- Eleventh century
- Elgin marbles
- Eliade, Mircea
- Elite see also Nobility
- Elixir of life
- Elopement
- Embera:
- Emblems
- Embroidery
- Embu
- Emerillon
- Emigrants
- Emigration
- Emigration and immigration
- Emona site
- Emotion
- Empacho
- Empathy
- Emperors
- Empiricism
- Employers
- Employment networks
- Employment see also Labour, Occupations, Unemployment
- Employment training
- Enamel and enamelling
- Enamel hypoplasia (teeth)
- Encomiendas
- Encyclopaedias
- Endangered languages
- Endangered peoples see also Culture survival
- Endangered species
- Endocrinology
- Endogamy and exogamy see also Consanguinity, Marriage
- Endowments
- Eneolithic period see Chalcolithic period
- Energy expenditure see also Bioenergetics
- Energy industries
- Energy metabolism
- Enga
- Engagement see Betrothal
- England
- English
- English language
- Engraving
- Enlightenment use in conjuction with other KW (Buddhism, Philosophy)
- Entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment see also Conservation of natural resources, Ecology
- Environmental adaptation
- Environmental archaeology
- Environmental changes
- Environmental degradation
- Environmental education
- Environmental health
- Environmental impact analysis
- Environmental pollution
- Environmental pressure groups
- Environmental protection
- Environmental resource management
- Environmentally induced diseases
- Envy
- Enxet see Lengua Paraguay
- Enzyme deficiency
- Enzymes
- Eocene period
- Ephthalite see Huns
- Epic literature
- Epic poetry
- Epidemic hysteria
- Epidemics
- Epidemiology
- Epigenesis
- Epigraphy see Inscriptions
- Epigravettian culture
- Epilepsy
- Epipalaeolithic period Use in specific sense, for Middle East (see Bahn, Collins dictionary of archaeology)
- Epistemology see also Theory of knowledge
- Epitaphs
- Epithets
- Equality
- Equatorial Guinea
- Equidae
- Equivalence
- Erie
- Erilagaru see Irula
- Eritrea
- Eritreans
- Ernest Andre Gellner
- Erosion
- Erotica
- Ertebolle culture
- Erythrocytes see Red blood cells
- Esan see Ishan
- Esh Sham see Dimashq
- Esheri culture
- Esie
- Eskimo Use only for all Eskimo populations - otherwise use specific group names such as Inuit or Siberian Eskimo
- Eskimo language
- ESR dating
- ESR spectroscopy
- Essentialism
- Estates (land tenure)
- Estonia
- Estonian language
- Estonians
- Estontsy see Estonians
- Estuaries
- Eternity
- Ethics
- Ethics in anthropology
- Ethics in archaeology
- Ethics in biological anthropology
- Ethics in cultural anthropology
- Ethics in film production
- Ethics in human genetics
- Ethics in linguistics
- Ethics in science
- Ethics see also Moral conditions, Values
- Ethiopia
- Ethiopians
- Ethnic barriers
- Ethnic conflict
- Ethnic groups
- Ethnic identity see Ethnicity
- Ethnic minorities see Ethnic groups, Minorities
- Ethnic relations
- Ethnic stereotype
- Ethnicity
- Ethnoarchaeology
- Ethnobiologists
- Ethnobiology
- Ethnobotanists
- Ethnobotany see also Plant use
- Ethnocentrism
- Ethnographers
- Ethnographic artefacts
- Ethnographic films
- Ethnographic influences
- Ethnographic parallels Use for comparison of archaeological data with that of a present-day group or community
- Ethnographic photography
- Ethnographic writing
- Ethnography
- Ethnohistory The history of a people as told by the people themselves; folk history
- Ethnolinguistics see Language and culture
- Ethnological museums and collections
- Ethnology see Anthropology, Cultural anthropology, Ethnography, etc.
- Ethnomethodology
- Ethnomusicologists
- Ethnomusicology
- Ethnopharmacology see also Plant use, Traditional medicine
- Ethnophilosophy
- Ethnopsychology
- Ethnoveterinary medicine
- Ethnozoology
- Etiquette see also Forms of address
- Etiquette see also Greeting behaviour
- Etruscan period
- Etruscans
- Etymology
- Eucharist
- Eugenics
- Eulogies
- Eunuchs
- Euphemisms
- Eurasia
- Eurasians
- Eurocentrism
- Europe
- European Americans
- European Community
- European Union
- Europeans
- Euskara language see Basque language
- Euthanasia
- Evangelicalism see also Preachers and preaching
- Evenk Siberia (Tungus-Manchu languages)
- Event-structure analysis
- Evhe see Ewe
- Eviction
- Evil eye
- Evil spirits
- Evil spirits see Demonology
- Evolution
- Evolutionism
- Ewe
- Excavations (archaeology)
- Excellence
- Exchange
- Exchange networks
- Exchange see also Gifts, Kula exchange, Potlatch, Reciprocity
- Excretion
- Executions
- Executives
- Exercise
- Exhibition techniques
- Exhibitions
- Exiles
- Existentialism
- Exogamy see Endogamy and exogamy
- Exorcism
- Experience
- Experimental archaeology
- Experimental drama
- Expertise
- Explanation
- Exploration see Discoveries in geography, Travel and exploration, Voyages
- Explorers
- Exports
- Expression
- Extinct languages
- Extinction (biology)
- Eyasi site
- Eye-hand coordination
- Eyes
- Ezekiel (Bible)
- Ezhavas
- Face
- Facial expression
- Facial reconstruction
- Factories
- Faeces
- Faience
- Fair trade
- Fairies
- Fairs
- Fairy tales
- Faith
- Fakes see Forgeries
- Falasha
- Falconry
- Family
- Family archives
- Family breakdown
- Family enterprises
- Family history
- Family law
- Family planning see Birth control
- Family resemblance
- Family see also Households, Kinship
- Family size
- Family values
- Family violence
- Family welfare
- Famines see also Food scarcity
- Fang (West African people)
- Fantastic (aesthetics)
- Far East
- Fara site
- Farm buildings
- Farm size
- Farmers
- Farming see also Coconut farming, Contract farming, Dairying, Fruit farming, Organic farming, Peasantry, Sheep farming, Tobacco farming
- Farms
- Faroe islands
- Faroese language
- Fascism
- Fashion
- Fast food see Convenience foods
- Fasts
- Fat
- Fat in diet
- Fate and fatalism
- Fatherhood
- Fathers and daughters
- Fatigue
- Fatimid period
- Faunal remains see also Bird remains, Butchery practices, Diaton remains, Fish remains, Insect remains, Snail remains
- Faust (legendary character)
- Fayum site
- Fear
- Feasts
- Feathers
- Featherwork
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Federmesser blades
- Feeding
- Feeding and feeds Use for (domestic) animal feeding
- Feet see Foot
- Fell&s Cave site
- Felt and felt work
- Female circumcision
- Female migration (primates)
- Femininity
- Feminism
- Feminist theory
- Femur
- Feng-shui
- Fermented foods
- Fermented milk
- Ferns
- La Ferrassie site
- Ferries
- Fertility
- Fertility cults
- Fertility symbols
- Festivals see also Carnival, Christmas, Corpus Christi, Day of the Dead, Easter, Holy Week, Masquerades, Pentecost, Processions, Spring festivals, Thanksgiving, etc.
- Fetishism
- Feud
- Feudalism
- Fibre in diet
- Fibres
- Fibulae
- Field surveys (archaeology)
- Field systems
- Fields
- Fieldwork see also Informant-researcher relationship
- Fifteenth century
- Fifth century
- Fighter pilots
- Figurines
- Fiji
- Files and rasps
- Filipinos
- Film industry
- Film producers and directors
- Film production
- Films see also Video recordings
- Finance
- Fine arts
- Fingerprints
- Fingers
- Fingo
- Finland
- Finnish
- Finno-Ugrians
- Finno-Ugric languages
- Finns
- Fipa
- Fire
- Fire ecology
- Fire fighting
- Fire walking
- Fire worship
- Firearms
- Fires
- Firing temperatures
- First fruit ceremonies
- Fish
- Fish farming
- Fish ponds
- Fish remains
- Fish scales
- Fish use
- Fish weirs
- Fisheries
- Fishermen
- Fishhooks
- Fishing
- Fishing boats
- Fishing communities
- Fishing lures
- Fishing nets
- Fission track dating
- Five Civilized Tribes
- Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, 907-979
- Five Hu and the Sixteen Kingdoms
- Flag Fen and Fengate sites
- Flags
- Flamenco
- Flavius Josephus
- Flax
- Flemish
- Flemish dialect
- Flexibility see Range of motion (joints)
- Flexible hours of work
- Flexible manufacturing systems
- Flint implements see Stone implements
- Floating dwellings
- Flood plains
- Flood recession agriculture
- Floods
- Flores island
- Florida
- Flower arrangement
- Flowers
- Fluoride analysis
- Fluorosis
- Flutes
- Foetal blood
- Foetal death see also Abortion, Stillbirth
- Foetal development
- Foetal growth
- Foetal haemoglobin
- Foetuses
- Foi
- Folk art
- Folk classification
- Folk customs see Customs, Folklore
- Folk literature
- Folk medicine see Traditional medicine
- Folk poetry
- Folklore see also Mythology, Superstition
- Folklorists
- Follies (architecture)
- Folsom culture
- Folsom site
- Fon
- Food
- Food composition
- Food crops
- Food gathering see Foraging strategies, Hunting and gathering, etc.
- Food habits see also Dinners and dining, Eating disorders, Food preferences, Taste
- Food industry and trade
- Food preferences
- Food preservation see also Canned foods
- Food processing
- Food relief
- Food residue analysis
- Food scarcity
- Food see also Nutrition
- Food supply
- Fools and jesters
- Foot
- Football
- Football players
- Football see also American football
- Football violence
- Footwear see also Sandals, Shoes, etc.
- Forage plants
- Foraging strategies
- Forced labour
- Forced migration see also Deportation
- Foreigners
- Forensic anthropology
- Forensic psychiatry
- Forest communities
- Forest ecology
- Forest fires
- Forest products
- Forests
- Forests and forestry
- Forgeries
- Formative period
- Former slaves
- Former Soviet citizens
- Former Soviet Union
- Former Yugoslavia
- Forms of address
- Fort Ancient culture
- Fort Ternan site
- Fort Walton culture
- Fortifications
- Fortified dwellings see also Fortifications
- Fortune see also Fate and fatalism
- Fortune-telling see also Clairvoyance
- Fossil collecting
- Fossil fuels
- Fossil plants
- Fossil primates
- Fossils
- Foster children
- Fostering
- Foucault, Michel
- Foundation deposits
- Founder effect (genetics)
- Foundries
- Fountains
- Fourteenth century
- Fourth century
- Foxes
- Foz Co[a sites
- Fractals
- Fracture patterns
- Fragile sites (genetics)
- Fragile X syndrome
- France
- Franciscans
- Francisco Pizzarro
- Franklin expedition
- Franklin, Sir John see Franklin expedition
- Franks
- Fraud
- Freed slaves
- Freedom of religion see Religious freedom
- Freedom see Human rights, Liberty
- Freemasonry
- Fremont culture
- French use for people - for language, use French language
- French and Indian War (1755-1763)
- French-Canadians
- French franc area
- French Guiana as opposed to British territory: Guyana
- French language
- French Polynesia
- French West Indies
- Freud, Sigmund
- Friendship
- Frisians
- Friulians
- Frontier and pioneer life
- Frontier communities
- Frontier regions
- Frozen ground (archaeology)
- Fruit
- Fruit farming
- Fu?zesabony culture
- Fuel consumption
- Fuelwood
- Fujian
- Fula language
- Fulani
- Fulani empire
- Fulbe see Fulani
- Functionalism
- Fundamentalism
- Funeral rites and ceremonies see also Laments, Mourning customs, Shrouds, Wakes, etc.
- Funerary archaeology see also Mounds, Mummies, Skeletal remains, Tombs, etc.
- Fungi
- Fungus use
- Funnel Beaker culture
- Fur see also Hides and skins
- Fur trade
- Furlans see Friulians
- Furnaces
- Furniture
- Furniture and furnishings
- The future
- Future life
- G6PD deficiency
- G6PD polymorphisms
- Ga
- Gabon
- Gabra Kenya
- Gaddis
- Gaelic language
- Gagauzi
- Gagon
- Gajo see Gayo
- Gala:pagos islands
- Galibi see Carib Indians
- Gallegan dialect
- Gallegans
- Galleys
- Gallinazo culture precursor of Moche
- Gallo-Romans
- Gambia
- Gambiano see Guambiano
- Gambling
- Game theory
- Gameboards
- Gamelan
- Games see also Sport
- Gan
- Ganda
- Ganda language
- Gandhara Grave culture
- Gandhara kingdom
- Gandhi, MH
- Gangs
- Ganiga
- Gansu
- Gao (ancient city)
- Garage sales
- Garamantes
- Garawa
- Gardens and gardening
- Gardens see Gardens and gardening
- Gargar
- Garia
- Garif see Garifuna
- Garifuna
- Garo
- Garrow see Garo
- Gastrointestinal system
- Gates
- Gathering see Foraging strategies, Hunting and gathering
- Gatlin site
- Gaudo culture
- Gauls
- Gava:n culture
- Gayo
- Gaza
- Gbanya see Gonja
- Gbaya
- Gbea language see Gbaya language
- Gbeya language see Gbaya language
- Gbeya see Gbaya
- Ge[
- Gemination (language)
- Gems see Jewellery, Precious stones, etc.
- Gende
- Gender
- Gender (grammar)
- Gender role and identity
- Gene frequency
- Gene mapping
- Gene therapy
- Genealogists
- Genealogy
- Generations
- Generative organs
- Genes
- Genesis (Bible)
- Genetic aspects
- Genetic complementation
- Genetic counselling
- Genetic disorders
- Genetic distance
- Genetic drift
- Genetic engineering
- Genetic epidemiology
- Genetic evolution
- Genetic heterogeneity
- Genetic linkage
- Genetic markers
- Genetic polymorphisms
- Genetic recombination
- Genetic screening
- Genetic toxicology
- Genetic traits see Genetics, Heritability, etc.
- Genetic transcription
- Genetic variation
- Genetics see also Chromosomes, Genes, Genetic disorders, Heritability, Human genetics, etc.
- Geneva
- Genitalia see Generative organs
- Genoa
- Genocide see also Holocaust, Massacres
- Genoese
- Genome mapping
- Geoarchaeology
- Geochemical analysis
- Geoglyphs
- Geographers
- Geographic information systems
- Geographical distribution
- Geographical myths
- Geographical names
- Geography
- Geography and archaeology
- Geography and history
- Geologists
- Geology
- Geomagnetism
- Geomancy
- Geometric period
- Geometric themes and motifs
- Geometry
- Geomorphology
- Geophysics
- Geophysics in archaeology
- Georgia
- Georgians
- Gepidae
- Gere (Mande) see Dan
- German language see also High German language, Low German language
- Germanic languages
- Germanic peoples
- Germans
- Germany
- Germplasm resources
- Geronimo
- Gerontology
- Gerra
- Gestational age
- Gesture
- Getae
- Gezer site
- Ghaiqueri
- Ghana
- Ghaznawids see Ghaznevids
- Ghost dance
- Ghost stories
- Ghosts
- Ghouls
- Giant panda
- Giants
- Gibbons
- Gibraltar
- Gidra
- Gifted people
- Gifts
- Gilgamesh
- Giniandi language see Gunian language
- Gipsies see Gypsies
- Girasia see Grasia
- Girls
- Giryama Kenya
- Gisiga
- Gitksan
- Gizii see Gusii
- Glacial epoch
- Glades culture
- Gladiators
- Glass
- Glass beads
- Glass manufacture
- Glass painting and staining
- Glazes
- Glina culture
- Global organisation see World organisation
- Global positioning systems and archaeology
- Global warming
- Globalisation
- Globe Theatre (London, England)
- Globular Amphora culture
- Glockenbecherkultur see Bell Beaker culture
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase see G6PD
- Glue
- Gnostics
- Goajiro
- Goats
- Goddesses
- Godparents
- Gods
- Gods and Goddesses
- Goitre
- Gold
- Gold alloys
- Gold mines and mining
- Gold weights
- Golden Horde
- Golds see Nanai Siberia
- Goldwork
- Golla
- Gond
- Gongwangling site
- Gonja
- Gonya see Gonja
- Good and evil
- Gooniyandi language see Gunian language
- Gorale
- Gordion site
- Gorgets
- Gorillas
- Goroti see Kayapo:
- Gorotire see Kayapo:
- Gorse
- Gossip
- Gothic architecture
- Gothic language
- Goths
- Gourmantche see Gurma
- Gouro see Guro
- Government
- Government administration
- Government agencies
- Government policy
- Gradac site
- Graeco-Roman civilisation
- Graecopithecus macedoniensis
- Graffiti
- Grain
- Grain mills
- Grammar
- Granaries
- Grand Canyon site
- Grandparent and child
- Grandparents
- Granite
- Grapes
- Graphic arts
- Grasia
- Grasses
- Grasshopper Pueblo site
- Grasslands see also Rangelands, Savannas
- Grave goods see Funerary archaeology
- Gravestones
- Gravettian culture
- Grazing
- Great auk
- Great Basin Region of North America
- Great Bear Lake Indians see Bearlake Indians
- Great Britain Consists of England, Wales and Scotland
- Great Lakes region (North America)
- Great Plains (North America)
- Great Zimbabwe site
- Greater Antilles
- Greece
- Greek alphabet
- Greek Church see Orthodox Eastern Church
- Greek Cypriots
- Greek inscriptions
- Greek language
- Greeks
- Green Revolution
- Greenland
- Greenland Eskimo
- Greeting behaviour
- Grief
- Grinding and polishing industry
- Grindstones
- Griot see Praise singers
- Grooming behaviour
- Grooved Ware culture
- Gros Ventres of the Missouri see Hidatsa
- Grotta Scaloria site
- Groundnut
- Groundwater
- Group identity see Community identity, Ethnicity
- Group selection
- Group size
- Growth
- Growth disorders
- Growth standards
- Grunshi see Grusi
- Grusi
- Guadalajara
- Guadeloupe
- Guaiqueri
- Guajiro see Goajiro
- Guale
- Guam
- Guambia see Guambiano
- Guambian Indians see Guambiano
- Guambiano
- Guanajuato
- Guanano Tucanoan (Brazil, Colombia)
- Guane
- Guang language
- Guangdong Chinese province
- Guangxi
- Guano
- Guanting see Monguor
- Guarani: aka Pai-Tavytera] (Paraguay)
- Guarani: language
- Guarani: see also Chiripa:
- Guatemala
- Guatemalans
- Guatuso
- Guayacundo
- Guayaki:
- Guayaqui: see Guayaki:
- Guaymi:
- Guernsey
- Guerrero
- Guerrillas
- Guetar
- Guiana
- Guided missiles
- Guilds
- Guilt
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guinea pigs
- Guizhou
- Gujar
- Gujarat
- Gujaratis
- Gulf Indian languages
- Gulf Indians
- Gulf War
- Gulma see Gurma
- Gulmanceba see Gurma
- Gumelnit*a culture
- Gums and resins
- Gun
- Gunian language Bunaban family (Australia)
- Guniyan language see Gunian language
- Guniyn language see Gunian language
- Gunny see Huns
- Gur languages
- Gurma
- Guro
- Gurung language
- Gurunsi see also Grusi
- Gurus
- Gusii
- Guyana British territory as opposed to French Guiana
- Gwandara language
- Gwich&in see Kutchin
- Gwio see Guro
- Gymnasiums
- Gymnastics
- Gynaecology
- Gyo see Dan
- Gypsies
- Gypsies in literature
- Gypsies see also Tinkers, Travellers
- Gypsy see Gypsies
- H.alab
- H&mong see Hmong
- Ha[rs*ova
- La Habana
- Habitat
- Haciendas
- Hadar sites
- Haddi
- Hadrian&s Wall
- Hadza Tanzania
- Haemoglobin
- Haemoglobin polymorphisms
- Haemoglobinopathies
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Haemophilia
- Haemorrhage
- Haemorrhagic diseases
- Hag=ar Yahirr site
- Hagahai
- Hagen see Medlpa
- Haggard, Sir Henry Rider
- Haida
- Haiduks
- Haiduti see Haiduks
- Hair
- Hair analysis
- Hair ornaments
- Haircutting
- Hairdressing
- Haiti
- Haitians
- Hajduks see Haiduks
- Hajj
- Hakka
- Halab
- Halaf culture
- Halls
- Hallstatt period
- Hallstatt site
- Halophytes
- Hamar
- Hamburgian culture
- Hamito-Semitic languages see Afroasiatic languages
- Han dynasty
- Han see Chinese
- Hand
- Handedness see Left- and right- handedness
- Handicapped see Disabled, Mentally handicapped, etc.
- Handicrafts see Crafts
- Handles
- Hane Dune site
- Hanno
- Hanunoo Philippines
- Haplorhini
- Haplotypes
- Haptoglobin
- Harakmbet see Mashco
- Harakmbut see Mashco
- Harappa site
- Harappan culture see Indus civilisation
- Harare
- Harbours see Ports and harbours
- Hardy, Thomas
- Harem
- Hares
- Harijan see Scheduled castes
- Harpoons
- Harps
- Harrapan culture see Indus civilisation
- Harvest festivals
- Harvesting
- Haryana
- Hasidim
- Hasinai
- Hats
- Hatvan culture
- Hausa
- Hausa language
- Hausa states
- Hauslabjoch glacier corpse
- Havana see La Habana
- Havasupai
- Haveniken see Tehuelche
- Hawaii
- Hawaiian language
- Hawaiians
- Hawaiya
- Hawikku site see Hawikuh site
- Hawikuh site
- Hawkers and hawking
- Hawsa language see Hausa language
- Haya
- Hayonim site
- Hazara
- Hazardous wastes
- HbS see Sickle-cell haemoglobin
- Head see also skull, craniofacial morphology, face,
- Head hunting
- Head see Face, Skull, etc.
- Headgear see also Combs, Hair ornaments, Hats, Helmets, Wigs, etc.
- Heads of households
- Healers
- Healing
- Health
- Health attitudes and behaviour
- Health care see also Community health
- Health education
- Health facilities
- Health policy
- Health reform
- Health risk assessment
- Health status
- Health surveys
- Health transition
- Health workers see also Community health, Doctors, Nurses
- Hearing
- Heart
- Heart abnormalities
- Heart disease see also Cardiovascular disease, Coronary heart disease
- Hearths
- Heat adaptation
- Heat treatment
- Heating
- Heavy metal content (teeth, etc.)
- Hebei
- Hebrew inscriptions
- Hebrew language
- Heceichakan site see Hecelchacan site
- Hecelchacan site
- Hegemony
- Hehe
- Heia see Haya
- Height see Stature
- Heilongjiang
- Heirlooms
- Hell
- Hell Gap site
- Hellenism
- Hellenistic influence
- Hellenistic period Use for areas under Greek influence, fourth century BC until rise of Roman empire in first century BC (approx)
- Helmets
- Helsingfors see Helsinki
- Helsinki
- Hemp
- Henan
- Heneque:n industry
- Henge monuments
- Henna
- Hepatitis
- Heraldry
- Herbs
- Herding
- Herding and herders see also Nomads, Pastoral systems, Right of pasture, Shepherds, Transhumance
- Heredity see Heritability
- Herero
- Herero language
- Heresy
- Heritability
- Heritage see Cultural property, Cultural resource management
- Hermaphroditism
- Hermeneutics
- Hermitages
- Herodotus
- Heroes
- Heroin
- Heroines
- Herrera period
- Hexian site
- Heyducks see Haiduks
- Hidatsa
- Hidery see Haida
- Hides and skins
- Hierapolis site
- Hierarchies
- Hieroglyphics see also Picture writing
- Higau[non see Bukidnon
- High-altitude populations see also Mountain peoples
- High German language
- Hill forts see Fortifications
- Hima
- Himachal Pradesh
- Himalayan region
- Himba Namibia
- Hindi language
- Hindi literature
- Hinduism
- Hindus
- Hispanic Americans
- Hispaniola see also Dominican Republic and Haiti
- Histology
- Histoplasmosis
- Historians
- Historic sites
- Historical archaeology
- Historical demography see Population history
- Historical linguistics
- Historical models
- Historical museums
- Historical reenactments
- Historical sociology
- Historical sources see also Archives, Church records and registers, Manuscripts, etc.
- Historicism
- Historiography
- History
- History and culture
- History of anthropology
- History of archaeology
- History of art
- History of biological anthropology
- History of collections
- History of education
- History of ethnography
- History of ethnomusicology
- History of folklore studies
- History of linguistics
- History of literature
- History of medicine
- History of museums
- History of music
- History of photography
- History of physical anthropology
- History of religion
- History of science
- History of social sciences
- History of sociology
- Hittite
- Hittite language
- Hittite period
- Hiung-Nu see Huns
- HIV infections
- HIV prevention
- HLA haplotypes
- HLA histocompatibility antigens
- HLA histocompatibility system
- Hmar
- Hmong
- Hmu see Hmong
- Hmung see Hmong
- Ho
- Hoabinhian culture
- Hoards
- Hobbies
- Hohokam culture
- Hokan languages
- Hokka see Hakka
- Hoko river sites
- Holidays
- Holism
- Holistic medicine
- Holocaust (1939-1945)
- Holocaust memorials
- Holocaust survivors
- Holocene period
- The Holy
- Holy Roman Empire
- Holy Shroud
- Holy Week
- Holy wells
- Home
- Home labour
- Home ownership
- Homeland
- Homelessness
- Homeostasis
- Homer
- Homesickness
- Homeworking see Home labour
- Hominids
- Hominoids
- Homo erectus
- Homo habilis
- Homo sapiens
- Homoeopathy
- Homosexual men
- Homosexuality
- Homosexuals
- Honduras
- Honey
- Hong Kong
- Hongshan culture
- Honorifics
- Honour and shame
- Honour see Honour and shame
- Hop pickers see Hops and hop pickers
- Hopewell culture
- Hopi
- Hops and hop pickers
- Horio see Chamacoco
- Hormones
- Horn implements
- Horn of Africa
- Horns
- Horom site
- Horse gear
- Horse racing
- Horse riders
- Horsemanship
- Horses
- Horticulture
- Horvat Uza site
- Hosiery industry
- Hospitality
- Hospitals
- Hostages
- Hotels, taverns, etc.
- Hougang culture
- Household utensils
- Households see also Family, Kinship
- Houses see Domestic architecture, Dwellings
- Housework
- Housing
- Housing estates
- Hovenweep National Monument
- Hsiung-Nu see Huns
- HTLV-1 infections
- Hu[na see Huns
- Huaca Rajada site see Sipa:n site
- Huacas
- Hualapei language
- Hualapi see Hualapai North American Indians (Southwest)
- Hualpai language see Hualapai language
- Huanca
- Huao see also Huaorani
- Huaorani Use Huao for current material
- Huari culture pre-Inca
- Huastec
- Huastec language
- Huasteca region
- Huatuso see Guatuso
- Huave
- Huaxtec see Huastec
- Hubei
- Huetar see Guetar
- Hui Chinese minority (Muslim)
- Huichol
- Huilliche
- Huli
- Huliduna see Huli
- Humaita tradition
- Human-animal communication
- Human-animal relationships
- Human biology
- Human body
- Human capital
- Human ecology
- Human evolution
- Human genetics
- Human geography
- Human immunodeficiency virus see HIV
- Human leukocyte antigen see HLA
- Human nutrition
- Human-object relationship
- Human phylogeny
- Human relations see Interpersonal relations
- Human remains (archaeology) see Skeletal remains
- Human reproduction
- Human rights see also Atrocities, Civil rights, Religious freedom, Women&s rights
- Human sacrifice
- Humanism
- Humanitarianism
- Humans
- Humeima site
- Humerus
- Humour and wit see also Comedy, Laughter, Satire
- Humung see Hmong
- Hunan
- Hungarian language
- Hungarians
- Hungary
- Hunger strikes
- Hunni see Huns
- Huns
- Hunter-gatherers see Hunting and gathering societies
- Hunting and gathering see also Foraging strategies
- Hunting and gathering societies
- Hunting and hunters see also Bear hunting, Bird catching, Bison hunting, Caribou hunting, Deer hunting, Traps and trapping, etc.
- Huntington&s disease
- Hunzukuts see Burusho
- Hupa
- Huri see Huli
- Huron
- Hurrian period
- Hurrians
- Husband and wife
- Hutsul
- Hutterites
- Hutu
- Huzhu see Monguor
- Hybridisation
- Hybridity
- Hydraulic engineering
- Hydrocortisone
- Hydroelectric projects
- Hydrogen-ion concentration (archaeology)
- Hyenas
- Hygiene
- Hyksos
- Hymns
- Hyperostotic disease
- Hypertension
- Hypothyroidism
- Hysteria
- I-ching
- IAkut Siberia
- IAkutia
- IAmnaia culture
- IAmnaia kul&tura see IAmnaia culture
- Ian Kenyon
- Iatmul
- Ibadites
- Ibaloi
- Ibaloy see Ibaloi
- Iban Borneo
- Ibeas site
- Ibgira
- Ibibio
- Ibo
- Ibo language
- Ica language
- Ice hockey
- Ice man see Hauslabjoch glacier corpse
- Ice sheets
- Iceland
- Icelanders
- Icelandic sagas
- Ichthyosis
- Iconoclasm
- Iconography
- Icons
- Idaho
- Idealism
- Identification
- Identity see also Body image, Self, Social integration, Ethnicity, Gender role and identity
- Ideology see also Values
- Idolatry
- Ifa
- Ifalik atoll
- Ifugao
- Igala
- Igara see Igala
- Igauni see Estonians
- Igbaka see Gbaya
- Igbira
- Igbo see Ibo
- Igbo-Ukwu site
- Igede
- Igneous rock
- Igolote see Igorot
- Igorot
- Igorotte see Igorot
- Igula see Igala
- Ijo
- Ika language see Ica language
- Ikat
- Ila
- Illegal immigrants
- Illegality
- Illegitimacy
- Illinois
- Illness see Diseases, Health, Suffering and misfortune
- Illustrations
- Illyrians
- Iloilo
- Image
- Imagination
- Imaoun Sud site
- Imitation
- Immersion method (language teaching)
- Immigrant children
- Immigrants
- Immigration policy
- Immigration see also Emigration, Migration
- Immunisation
- Immunochemistry
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunoglobulin allotypes
- Immunoglobulins
- Immunology
- Immunosuppression
- Impact resistance (pottery)
- Imperative (grammar)
- Imperialism
- Implements and utensils see also Household utensils
- Imports
- Impotence
- Impressionism (art)
- Improvisation (music)
- In]upiat
- Inaquen see Tehuelche
- Inbreeding see also Consanguinity, Genetic disorders
- Inca
- Incantations
- Incense burners and containers
- Incentives
- Incentives in industry
- Incest
- Income
- Indentured labour see also Apprentices
- Independence movements see also Self-determinaition
- Independent churches
- India
- Indian Ocean region
- Indiana
- Indianists
- Indians (Asian)
- Indigenous peoples
- Indirect rule
- Individualism
- Individuality
- Individuals
- Individuation
- Indo-Aryans
- Indo-European languages
- Indo-Europeans Historical and linguistic sense
- Indochina
- Indonesia
- Indonesian language
- Indonesians
- Indos Used for certain ethnically mixed groups in S and SE Asia - abbreviation of Indo-Europeans which is used in a different context
- Indus civilisation
- Indus valley civilisation see Indus civilisation
- Indus valley culture see Indus civilisation
- Industrial archaeology
- Industrial museums
- Industrial relations
- Industrial Revolution
- Industrial societies
- Industrial workers
- Industrialisation
- Industry
- Industry and industrial workers see also Business enterprises, Incentives in industry, Organisational behaviour, Workplace behaviour
- Inequality see also Discrimination, Equality
- Infant care
- Infant feeding
- Infant growth
- Infant health
- Infant mortality
- Infant mortality see also Child mortality, Perinatal mortality
- Infanticide
- Infantilism
- Infants
- Infection
- Infertility
- Inflation
- Influence (psychology)
- Influenza
- Informal sector (economics) see also Home labour
- Informant-researcher relationship see also Fieldwork
- Informants
- Information society
- Information storage and retrieval systems
- Information technology
- Ingots
- Ingres, JAD
- Ingrians
- Ingush
- Inheritance and succession
- Inheritance of acquired characters (genetics)
- Inibaloi see Ibaloi
- Inibaloy see Ibaloi
- Iniboloi see Ibaloi
- Initiation rites see also Liminality
- Injuries
- Ink
- Inka see Inca
- Inkawasi site Peru
- Inner Mongolia
- Innovations
- Innu Previously known as Naskapi
- Innu see also Naskapi
- Inquisition
- Inscriptions
- Inscriptions see also Cuneiform tablets, Hieroglyphics, Notation
- Insect remains
- Insect use
- Insects
- Insects in art
- Institutional care
- Institutional care see also Community care
- Institutions see Associations and institutions
- Insulin resistance disorders
- Insults
- Insurrections see Revolutions and rebellions
- Integration see Assimilation
- Intellectual cooperation
- Intellectual life
- Intellectual property
- Intellectual property rights
- Intellectuals
- Intelligence
- Intentionality
- Intercommunal violence
- Intercultural communication
- Interdisciplinary research
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Interethnic marriage
- Interethnic violence
- Interfaith marriage
- Intergenerational relations
- Intergenerational support
- Internal migration
- International agencies
- International associations
- International boundaries
- International business enterprises
- International cooperation
- International economic relations
- International law
- International relations see also World organisation
- International trade
- Internet
- Internment camps
- Interpersonal attraction
- Interpersonal relations
- Interpreters
- Interracial adoption
- Interracial fostering
- Interrogative (grammar)
- Interviewing
- Interviews
- Intifada
- Intimacy
- Intonation
- Intuition
- Inuit Arctic peoples of Canada and Greenland - Eastern branch of the Eskimo
- Inuktitut
- Inuktitut dialect
- Inupiaq see In]upiat
- Inupiat
- Invasions
- Invective see Insults
- Inventions
- Inventories
- Investments
- Invocation
- Inyanga sites
- Iodine deficiency diseases
- Iowa
- Iowa Indians
- Iqwaye
- Iraligar see Irula
- Iran
- Iranian languages
- Iranians
- Iraq
- Iraqw
- Ireland
- Irian Jaya
- Iris (eye)
- Irish
- Irish Creek site
- Irkutsk region
- Iron
- Iron age
- Iron implements
- Iron in the body
- Iron industry and trade
- Iron ore mines and mining
- Iron working
- Ironwork
- Iroquoian Indians
- Iroquois
- Irredentism
- Irrigation
- Irrigation equipment
- Irrigation networks
- Irula
- Irulan see Irula
- Irular see Irula
- Irulu see Irula
- La Isabela site
- Ishan
- Ishi
- Ishira see Chamacoco
- Isira see Chamacoco
- Islam see also Jihad, Mameluke, Muslims, Ramadan, Swahili coast culture
- Islamic architecture
- Islamic empire
- Islamic law
- Islamic period
- Islamic sects
- Islamicists
- Island communities
- Island populations
- Islands
- Isle of Man
- Ismailites
- Isoenzymes
- Isoko
- Isolated populations
- Isolationism
- Isonymy
- Isotopic dating methods
- Israel
- Israelis
- Israelites
- Istanbul
- Istria
- Italian Americans
- Italian language
- Italians
- Italy
- Itaparica tradition
- Itelmen
- Itelmen see also Kamchadal
- Itza
- Ivories
- Ivory
- Ivory Coast
- Ixtutz site
- Izamel site
- Ja:szbere:ny I site
- Jacalateca language
- Jade
- Jagataic language see Chagatai language
- Jagga language see Chaga language
- Jagga see Chaga
- Jaguallapai language see Hualapai language
- Jaguars
- Jainism
- Jains
- Jakarta
- Jalari
- Jalisco
- Jama-Coaque culture
- Jamaica
- James Bay Cree
- Jamina Jamina language, Panoan family (Brazil, Peru)
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Jamnaja culture see IAmnaia culture
- Japan
- Japanese
- Japanese Americans
- Japanese anthropologists
- Japanese language
- Japanese martial arts
- Japanese tea ceremony
- Jasper
- Jat Sikhs
- Jatapu
- Jatavs
- Jats
- Jaunsari
- Java
- Javanese language
- Jaw see also Dental arch, Teeth
- Jazye
- Jazz
- Jeaga see Calusa
- Jealousy
- Jehovah&s Witnesses
- Jeitun site
- Jemdet Nasr period
- Jemdet Nasr site
- Jerusalem
- Jesuits
- Jesus Christ
- Jet
- Jewellery see also Arm rings, Earrings, Hair ornaments, Nose ornaments, Torques
- Jewish-Arab relations
- Jewish-Christian relations
- Jewish diaspora
- Jewish law
- Jewish sects
- Jews see also Antisemitism, Ashkenazim, Falasha, Holocaust, Judaism, Sephardim
- Jhumia
- Jiangsu
- Jiangxi
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Jihad
- Jilin
- Jin dynasty
- Jino
- Jirel language Tibeto-Burman
- Jivaro
- Joan of Arc
- Jobs see Occupations
- Joints
- Jokes see Humour and wit
- Joking relationships
- Jola see Diola
- Jomon culture
- Jordan
- Jororo
- Journalists see also Newspapers, Radio broadcasting, Television broadcasting
- Jova
- Ju-Chen see Churchen
- Juang
- Judaeo-Christian tradition
- Judaism
- Judaism see also Torah wrappers
- Judicial process
- Julaha
- Jumma
- Junacite site
- Jurchen see Churchen
- Jurchid see Churchen
- Juruna see Yuruna
- Justice
- Juvenile delinquency
- K&eberdei see Kabardians
- Kaaba
- Kabah site
- Kabana
- Kabard see Kabardians
- Kabardians
- Kabardin see Kabardians
- Kabardinian see Kabardians
- Kabartai see Kabardians
- Kabre
- Kabyle
- Kachari
- Kachemak tradition
- Kachin
- Kachinas
- Kahili
- Kahmiri
- Kaiapo see Kayapo:
- Kaili
- Kainah
- Kaingang
- Kaje
- Kaka see Yamba
- Kalabari
- Kalahari desert
- Kalakmul site see Calakmul site
- Kalang
- Kalapalo
- Kalapuya language
- Kalash
- Kalauna
- Kalenjin
- Kalevala
- Kaliai
- Kalimantan
- Kalin]a see Carib Indians
- Kalinga Philippine poulation in Thes
- Kalinovka site
- Kalis see Maloh
- Kallatis site
- Kallawaya see Callahuaya
- Kalmuck see Kalmyk
- Kalmuk see Kalmyk
- Kalmyck see Kalmyk
- Kalmyk
- Kalmykia
- Kalusa see Calusa
- Kamaiura:
- Kamar
- Kamba
- Kamchadal language
- Kamchadal see also Itelmen
- Kamchatka
- Kami
- Kamia
- Kamilaroi
- Kaminaljuyu: site
- Kammu see Khmu&
- Kamula
- Kana
- Kanak see Kanaka
- Kanaka
- Kandoshi see Candoshi
- Kangigmiut
- Kaniagmiut Eskimo
- Kanjaga language see Buli language
- Kanjaga see Builsa
- Kannada language
- Kansa
- Kansas
- Kants see KHant Siberia
- Kantu Indonesian, Iban (Borneo)
- Kanuri
- Kanuri language
- Kaonde
- Kapali
- Kapauku
- Kaposi&s disease see Xeroderma pigmentosum
- Kapsiki
- Karaja: see Caraja:
- Karanga
- Karankawa
- Karasuk
- Karasuk culture Siberia, bronze age
- Karasura site
- Karbi
- Karelia
- Karelians
- Karen Thailand, Myanmar
- Kargaly site
- Karina see Carib Indians
- Kariphuna see Garifuna
- Karma
- Karnak site
- Karnataka
- Karo-Batak
- Karok
- Karok language
- Karst
- Kartvelian languages
- Karuk see Karok
- Kasaba see Irula
- Kasava see Irula
- Kasem
- Kasena see Kasem
- Kasene see Kasem
- Kashaya
- Kashinawa see Cashinawa
- Kashmiri Pandits
- Kashub
- Kashube see Kashub
- Kasina see Grusi
- Kaska
- Kasm see Kasem
- Kassena see Kasem
- Kassite period
- Kassube see Kashub
- Kasuba see Irula
- Kasuna see Kasem
- Kaszub see Kashub
- Katab
- Kaunos site
- Kaurna language
- Kava
- Kavalan
- Kawahiwa
- Kawashar see Alacaluf
- Kawe:skar see Alacaluf
- Kayabi
- Kayaks
- Kayapo: Brazil
- Kayue culture
- Kazak see Cossacks
- Kazakhs
- Kazakhstan
- Kazaki see Cossacks
- Kazan& Tatar see Kazanskii Tatar
- Kazanskie Tatary see Kazanskii Tatar
- Kazanskii Tatar
- Ke see Hakka
- Kebara site
- Kechia see Hakka
- Kechua language see Quechua language
- Kedjom
- Kegueme see Serer
- Kejaman
- Kekchi
- Kemi-Oba culture
- Kengtung
- Kentucky
- Kenya
- Kenyah
- Kerala
- Kerch Strait
- Kerek language
- Kerinchi see Kerinci
- Kerinci
- Kerintji see Kerinci
- Kerma culture
- Kerma site
- Kermadec islands
- Kewa
- Keys see Locks and keys
- Khaiduti see Haiduks
- Khairwar
- KHakas
- Khal&mg see Kalmyk
- Khamu see Khmu&
- KHant Siberia (aka Kants or Ostyak)
- Kharosthi
- Kharosthi alphabet
- Khasi
- Khassonke
- Khatris
- Khazara see Hazara
- Kheta see Hittite
- Khipu see Quipu
- Khirbat Faris site
- Khirbet Karhasan site
- Khirbet Samara site
- Khita see Hittite
- Khitan
- Khmer
- Khmer empire
- Khmer language
- Khmu&
- Khmu see Khmu&
- Khoikhoi San
- Khoisan languages
- Khoisan see San
- KHorezm
- Khotanese language
- Khunnu see Huns
- Khuttal site
- KHvalyn culture see KHvalynsk culture
- KHvalynsk culture
- Kibbutzim
- Kickapoo Oklahoma and¦or Mexico, please ck
- Kidneys
- Kiev
- Kievan period ( 862-1237)
- Kikuyu Kenya
- Kilns
- Kilombe site
- Kilwa site
- Kimak
- Kimbanguism
- Kin dynasty
- Kinchai see Kerinci
- King site
- Kingdom of Judah
- Kingdoms
- Kings and rulers see also Emperors, Divine kingship, Presidents, etc.
- Kinshasa
- Kinship see also Family, Genealogy, Matrilineal kinship, Patrilineal kinship
- Kinyarwanda language
- Kiowa
- Kiowa language
- Kipirsi see Lyela
- Kipsigis
- Kipu see Quipu
- Kirghiz
- Kirghizia
- Kiribati
- Kiriwinian language
- Kisan
- Kish site
- Kisii see Gusii
- Kiswahili see Swahili speaking peoples
- Kitchens
- Kites
- Kitsch see Aesthetics
- Kiziba see Haya
- Klamath North West Coast Indians
- Klamath language
- Klasies river mouth site
- Kleb see Batek
- Kletsk
- Klondike river valley
- Kmhmu see Khmu&
- Knifesmiths
- Knitting
- Knives
- Knossos site
- Knots
- Knovi:z culture
- Knowledge
- Knowledge see also Cognition
- Knowledge transmission
- Ko?ro?s-Starc+evo culture
- Koasati
- Koban culture
- Koch
- Kodi
- Koegu
- Koerintji see Kerinci
- Kofun culture
- Kol see Munda
- Kola peninsula
- Kolina see Culina
- Kolochin culture
- Kolomo site
- Kolotchin culture see Kolochin culture
- Kom
- Kombe
- Komche:n site
- Komi
- Komi Republic
- Komo
- Kond India
- Konda Dora
- Konda Kammara
- Konda Reddi
- Kondoma Tatar see Shor
- Konejandi language see Gunian language
- Koneyandi language see Gunian language
- Kongemose culture
- Kongo
- Kongo kingdom
- Koniag
- Koniag phase
- Konkomba
- Koobi Fora site
- Kora
- Koragas
- Koran
- Korava
- Korea
- Korean Americans
- Korean language
- Koreans
- Korekore
- Koriak
- Koriaque see Koriak
- Korinchi see Kerinci
- Korinci see Kerinci
- Korintji see Kerinci
- Korwa
- Koryak see Koriak
- Koshibeevo site
- Kosova see Gusii
- Kosovo
- Kosrae
- Kourounkorokale site
- Koya see Gond
- Koyukon
- Koyukon language
- Kpelle
- Krapina site
- Krasnaya Balka sites
- Krasnodarskii krai NOT the same as Krasnoiarskii krai
- Krasnoiarskii krai NOT the same as Krasnodarskii krai
- Kraters
- Kreen-Akrore
- Krio
- Krivich
- Ku?ltepe site Turkey
- Kua see San
- Kuanyama
- Kuba
- Kubo
- Kuka
- Kuki
- Kuku Djungan
- Kuku-Yalanji
- Kukukuku
- Kula exchange
- Kulango
- Kulina see Culina
- Kumai
- Kumauni
- Kumu see Komo
- Kuna see Cuna
- Kunan language see Gunian language
- !Kung
- Kuniyan language see Gunian language
- Kuoy
- Kurds
- Kuria
- Kurina see Culina
- Kurintji see Kerinci
- Kurumba
- Kushan dynasty
- Kutchin
- Kutenai
- Kutenay see Kutenai
- Kuwait
- Kuznets Tatar see Shor
- Kwaio Solomon Islands
- Kwakewlth see Kwakiutl
- Kwakiutl
- Kwakwaka&wakw see Kwakiutl
- Kwanga
- Kwara&ae
- Kwena
- Kwendre see Guro
- Kweni see Guro
- Kwiri language
- Kyu\shu\ islands
- Labelling theory see Deviant behaviour
- Labhan see Banjara
- Labour economics
- Labour force
- Labour legislation
- Labour market
- Labour migration
- Labour relations
- Labour see also Industry and industrial workers
- Labour supply
- Labrador
- Labyrinths
- Lacandon
- Lace and lace making
- Lacquer and lacquering
- Lactation
- Lactational amenorrhoea
- Lactose in diet
- Lactose intolerance
- Ladakh
- Ladino
- Ladles
- Laetoli site
- Laguna
- Lahanan
- Lahu Burma (population)
- Lake dwellings
- Lake fisheries
- Lake Mungo site
- Lake sediments
- Lake Victoria
- Lakes
- Lakota One of the three main Sioux linguistic groups - use in preference to Sioux if ONLY about Lakota
- Lala
- Lamaholot
- Lamaism
- Lamani see Banjara
- Lamar culture
- Lambadi see Banjara
- Laments
- Lamps
- Lamu island
- Land
- Land claims
- Land Dyak see Dayak
- Land measurement
- Land reform
- Land rights see also Commons
- Land tenure
- Land tenure see also Estates, Encomiendas, Haciendas
- Land use
- Landscape
- Landscape archaeology
- Landscape architecture
- Landscape perception
- Landscape photography
- Langash site
- Language acquisition
- Language and church
- Language and cognition
- Language and culture see also Sociolinguistics
- Language and history
- Language and languages
- Language and migration
- Language and politics
- Language attrition
- Language change see Linguistic change
- Language disorders
- Language isolates
- Language policy
- Language revival
- Language see also Bilingualism, Conversation, Discourse analysis, Etymology, Gesture, Literature, Multilingualism, Oratory, Sign language, Speech, Terms and phrases, Texts, Translation, Whistle speech, Writing
- Language see also Conversation, Discourse analysis, Gesture, Sign language, Speech and language, Secret language, etc.
- Language spread
- Language surveys
- Language transfer
- Language variation
- Languages
- Languages in contact
- Lao
- Laos
- Lapis lazuli
- Lapita culture
- Lapland
- Lardil language
- Larynx
- Las Animas culture
- Las Palmas culture
- Lascaux site
- Late Ceramic period
- Late Intermediate period
- Late palaeolithic period Use for Far East - elsewhere, Upper palaeolithic period or (in subsaharan Africa) Later stone age
- Later stone age Use for Subsaharan Africa
- Laterality see also Left- and right- handedness, Left and right symbolism
- Latifundio
- Latin America
- Latin language
- Latinos see Hispanic Americans
- Latitude
- Latrines
- Latte culture
- Latvia
- Latvian language
- Latvians
- Laufi
- Laughter
- Laurel culture
- Lausitz culture
- Lavongai
- Law
- Law and legislation
- Law firms
- Law see also Courts
- Lawrence, DH
- Lead
- Lead mines and mining
- Lead poisoning
- Leadership
- Leakey, Mary D.
- Learning
- Learning disabilities
- Leatherwork
- Leatherworkers
- Lebanese
- Lebanon
- Lebou
- Left- and right- handedness
- Left and right symbolism
- Leg
- Legal anthropology
- Legal assistance to the poor
- Legal history
- Legal photography
- Legal pluralism
- Legal recognition
- Legal tender
- Legends see Mythology, Tales
- Leisure
- Lele Bantu (Zaire)
- Lemba
- Lembua
- Lemks
- Lemurs
- Lenape see Delaware Indians
- Lenca
- Lengua Paraguay (aka Enxet)
- Lengyel culture
- Lent
- Leonilla Anatol&evna Golubeva
- Lepcha
- Lepcis Magna (ancient city)
- Lepenski Vir site
- Leprosy
- Lesbianism
- Lesbians
- Lese
- Leskernick Hill site
- Lesotho
- Lesser Antilles
- Lettering
- Letters
- Letts see Latvians
- Leukaemia
- Leukodystrophy
- Levallois technique
- Levees
- Levirate
- Lexicography
- Lexicology
- Liang dynasty
- Liangzhu culture
- Liao dynasty
- Liaoning
- Liberalism
- Liberation theology
- Liberia
- Libertarianism
- Liberty
- Libraries
- Library resources
- Libya
- Libyco-Berber inscriptions
- Life cycle
- Life expectancy
- Life history
- Life skills
- Life stages see Life cycle
- Life style
- Lifting and carrying
- Light
- Lighting
- Lightning
- Ligurians
- Lilse see Lyela
- Lima
- Limba
- Limbs
- Lime
- Limestone
- Limestone industry
- Liminality
- Lindenmeier site
- Lindow man
- Lineages
- Linear Pottery culture see Bandkeramik culture
- Linearbandkeramik culture see Bandkeramik culture
- Linen
- Linen industry and trade
- Lingala language
- Lingombe language see Nogombe language
- Linguistic analysis
- Linguistic change
- Linguistic geography
- Linguistic models
- Linguistic taboo
- Linguistics see also Historical linguistics, Language and culture, Neurolinguistics, Sociolinguistics
- Linguists
- Lions
- Lipids
- Lipitza culture
- Lipovane see Philippovtsi
- Lipovans see Philippovtsi
- Lipovany see Philippovtsi
- Lisu
- Literacy
- Literature see also Fiction, Poetry, Romances, Sagas
- Lithic technology
- Lithuania
- Lithuanian language
- Lithuanians
- Liturgy
- Liulihe site
- Liv
- Liver cancer
- Livestock
- Livestock biomass
- Livestock management
- Livestock marking
- Livestock see also Camels, Cattle, Goats, Pigs, Poultry, Sheep
- Living alone
- Lizard Man site
- Llamas
- Lo see Guro
- Loan words
- Lobi
- Lobster fisheries
- Lobster fishing
- Local geography
- Local government see also Community organisation
- Local history
- Locke, John
- Locks
- Locks and keys
- Locomotion and posture see also Bipedalism, Throwing
- Locono see Arawak
- Lodha
- Loess
- Loggers
- Logging see also Tree felling
- Logic
- Logoli
- Lohars
- Loin cloths
- Lokonda dialect see Ekonda dialect
- Lombards
- Lombok island
- London
- Long Island
- Long-term care
- Longevity
- Longhouses
- Longmen site
- Longshan culture
- Loom weights
- Looms
- Looting
- Lorisidae
- Los Angeles
- Lothagam site
- Lothal site
- Louisiana
- Love
- Love poetry
- Love stories
- Lovers
- Low birth rate
- Low German language
- Lower limbs
- Lower palaeolithic period
- Lowton site
- Luba
- Lubrication and lubricants
- Lucayan Indians
- Luccumi see Arawak
- Luganda see Ganda
- Lugbara
- Luguru
- Lumbee
- Lumber trade
- Luna see Tunebo
- Lunda
- Lungs
- Luo Kenya
- Luoravetlan see Chukchi
- Lusatian culture see Lausitz culture
- Lusi see Kaliai
- Luther, Martin
- Lutheran Church
- Luxembourg
- Luxury
- Luyia
- Lybians
- Lyela
- Lyella see Lyela
- Lyme disease see Relapsing fever
- Lymphocytes
- Lynching
- Ma (Vietnamese people)
- Maasai
- Maasai see also Samburu
- Maba language
- Maca:
- Macao
- Macaques see also Rhesus monkeys
- Macedonia
- Macedonians
- Macedonians (ancient)
- Machado-Joseph disease
- Machiganga see Machiguenga
- Machiguenga
- Machiguenga language
- Machinery
- Macu:
- Macuna
- Macura
- Macusi
- Madagascar
- Madhya Pradesh
- Madiga
- Madiha see Culina
- Madness see Mental illness, Psychiatry
- Madras Indian state
- Madrid
- Mae-Enga see Enga
- Maes Howe site
- Magan state
- Magar
- Magazines see Periodicals
- Magdalenian culture
- Magic
- Magic plants
- Magic see also Incantations
- Maglemosean culture
- Maglemosian culture see Maglemosean culture
- Magnetic susceptibility
- Maha\tittha (ancient city)
- Mahabharata
- Maharashtra
- Mahars India, caste
- Mahayana Buddhism
- Mahdism
- Mahisyas India (caste)
- Maidu
- Maikop culture
- Maine
- Maize
- Majorca
- Makapansgat site
- Makasar
- Makiritare see Yecuana
- Makonde
- Maku see Macu:
- Makuna see Macuna
- Malacca
- Malagasy language
- Malaria
- Malaria see also Plasmodium falciparum
- Malas
- Malawi
- Malay language
- Malay literature
- Malayali
- Malayan languages
- Malayo see Saha
- Malays
- Malaysia
- Male circumcision
- Male-female relations
- Male prostitutes
- Male prostitution
- Males Use for primates, non-humans generally otherwise use Men, Boys, etc.
- Mali The African country, for Mali of India, use Mali (Indian people)
- Mali empire
- Mali (Indian people)
- Malinke
- Maliseet
- Malnutrition
- Malnutrition in children
- Maloh
- Malta
- Maltese
- Maltese language
- Malthusianism
- Malto
- Maluku Previously known as Moluccas
- Maluku see also Moluccas
- Mambila
- Mameluke
- Mameluke period
- Mammals
- Mammoths
- Mamprusi
- Man&a Gond
- Mana
- Management
- Manambu
- Manare see Tunebo
- Manasota period
- Manchu
- Mandak
- Mandala
- Mandan
- Mandara see Mandari
- Mandari
- Mande languages
- Mande see Malinke
- Mandible see Jaw
- Mandingo see Malinke
- Mandinka see Malinke
- Mangaia
- Mangaians
- Mangati
- Manggarai
- Mangrove forests
- Mangrove plants
- Manic-depressive psychoses
- Manichaeism
- Manila
- Manioc see Cassava
- Manipur
- Manipuri see Meithei
- Manitoba
- Manne Dora
- Manobos
- Mansi Siberia (aka Vogul)
- Manufacturing processes
- Manufacturing techniques see Technology, Manufacturing processes, etc.
- Manure
- Manus islanders
- Manuscripts
- Maoism
- Maori
- Maori language
- Maple sugar
- Maps and plans
- Maps see Maps and plans
- Mapuche
- Mapuche language
- Mapungubwe site
- Maqiao culture
- Maqiao site
- Marajo: island
- Marajoara culture
- Marakwet
- Maratha
- Maravar
- Maravi see Chewa
- Marble
- Marcomanni
- Margiana
- Marginality
- Mari
- Maria Indic people
- Maria Gonds see Maria Indic people
- Maria Lionza cult
- Marianas
- Maricopa
- Marind
- Marine algae see also Seaweed
- Marine mammals
- Marine molluscs
- Marine resources
- Marine toxins
- Maring
- Maring (Papua New Guinea)
- Mariposa see Yokuts
- Mariposan Indians see Yokuts
- Marital status
- Maritime trade
- Market economy
- Market gardening
- Market research
- Marketing
- Marketing networks
- Marketing see also Exports
- Marketplaces
- Markets see also Bazaars, Traders
- Marks
- Marmots
- Maronite rite (Catholic Church)
- Maronites
- Maroons
- Maros culture
- Marquesas islands
- Marquis Yi tomb site
- Marranos see Chuetas
- Marriage
- Marriage age
- Marriage brokerage
- Marriage by proxy
- Marriage customs see also Elopement, Weddings
- Marriage distance
- Marriage law
- Marriage payments see Bridewealth and dowry
- Marriage see also Endogamy and exogamy, Polygamy, Polygyny
- Married couples
- Married women
- Marshall islands
- Martial arts
- Martinique
- Martyrs
- Marx, Karl
- Marxism
- Marxist theory
- Maryland United States
- Masa Cameroon
- Masco see Mashco
- Masculinity
- Mashco Arawakan (Peru)
- Mashkan-shapir site
- Masi see Maasai
- Maskoki see Creek
- Masks
- Masquerades
- Mass graves
- Mass media
- Mass observation
- Massachusetts
- Massacres
- Master and servant
- Mastication
- Masticatory system
- Matabele see Ndebele
- Mataco
- Mataveke-paya language see Hualapai language
- Matchmaking see Marriage brokerage
- Mate selection
- Matebele see Ndebele
- Matengo
- Material culture
- Maternal age
- Maternal blood groups
- Maternal body weight
- Maternal haemoglobin
- Maternal health
- Maternal size
- Mathematical models
- Mathematical models in anthropology
- Mathematical models in anthropometry
- Mathematical models in archaeology
- Mathematical models in physical anthropology
- Mathematical models in social sciences
- Mathematical models in sociology
- Mathematical notation
- Mathematics
- Matis
- Mato Grosso
- Matriarchy
- Matrilineal kinship
- Mats
- Matsiganga see Machiguenga
- Matsigenga see Machiguenga
- Matsigenka see Machiguenga
- Matsiguenga see Machiguenga
- Mau Mau
- Maures see Moors (African people)
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mawri
- May Day
- Maya
- Maya sign language
- Mayaca
- Mayan languages
- Mayana Buddhism
- Mayanists
- Mayapa:n site
- Mayawo
- Mayo dialect
- Mayoruna
- Mazahua
- Mazatec
- Mbam see Tikar
- Mbandaka
- Mbanderu see Herero
- Mbem see Yamba
- Mbere Kenya
- Mbimu language
- Mboe see Mbole
- Mboi language
- Mbole
- Mbororo see Bororo (Africa)
- Mbundu Bantu (Anglola) aka Ovimbali
- Mbuti
- Mbya:
- Me&en
- Me:rida
- Me:tis
- Meadowcroft site
- Meadows
- Meaning
- Measles
- Measurement
- Measurement see also Weights and measures
- Meat
- Mebengokre see Cayapo:
- Mecca
- Mech-Kachari
- Media see Mass media
- Media studies
- Mediana site
- Medical anthropology see also Culture-bound syndromes, Health attitudes and behaviour
- Medical ethics
- Medical genetics
- Medical missions
- Medical personnel
- Medical practitioners see Doctors, Healers, Midwives, Nurses
- Medical programmes
- Medical research
- Medical research projects
- Medical sciences
- Medical scientists
- Medical students
- Medicinal plants
- Medicine
- Medievalists
- Medio period
- Meditation
- Mediterranean region
- Mediums
- Medlpa
- Meeting halls
- Meetings
- Megalithic monuments
- Meghalaya
- Meghaval see Meghwal
- Meghwal
- Megiddo site
- Mehinacu
- Meiji period
- Meithei
- Mek language see Eipo language
- Mek see Eipo
- Mekan see Me&en
- Mekeo
- Melaka see Malacca
- Melanau Sarawak
- Melanesia
- Melanesians
- Melanin
- Melody
- Melpa
- Melpa see Medlpa
- Melungians
- Memorials
- Memory
- Memphis site
- Men
- Men&s houses
- Menarche
- Mende
- Mendi
- Meningitis
- Mennonites
- Menominee
- Menomini see Menominee
- Menopause
- Menstruation
- Mental health
- Mental illness see also Ethnopsychology, Schizophrenia, Transcultural psychiatry
- Mental retardation
- Mentally handicapped
- Mentally ill
- Meo see Hmong
- Meoitic language
- Merchants
- Meriam
- Merina
- Mermaids
- Meroe site
- Meroitic period
- Merovingian period
- Merv site
- Mesa Verde National Park
- Mesambria Pontica site
- Meskhetians
- Mesolithic period
- Mesopotamian archaeology
- Mesopotamian archaeology see also Akkadain period, Assyrian period, Babylonian period, Hittite period, Sumerian period
- Mesquakie
- Messianism
- Mestizos
- Metabolism
- Metal alloys
- Metal implements
- Metal ornaments
- Metal sculpture
- Metallurgical analysis
- Metallurgy see also Iron working
- Metals
- Metalwork
- Metalworkers
- Metaphor
- Meteorites
- Meteors
- Methodist Church
- Methods in anthropology
- Methods in archaeology see also Excavations (archaeology), Field surveys (archaeology), Geophysics in archaeology, Remote sensing in archaeology
- Methods in biological anthropology
- Methods in biology
- Methods in conservation
- Methods in cultural anthropology see also Fieldwork
- Methods in demography
- Methods in education
- Methods in ethnography see also Fieldwork
- Methods in ethnomusicology
- Methods in forensic anthropology
- Methods in genetics
- Methods in history
- Methods in linguistics
- Methods in medical anthropology
- Methods in music
- Methods in physical anthropology
- Methods in psychiatry
- Methods in psychology
- Methods in social anthropology see Methods in cultural anthropology
- Methods in social sciences
- Methods in sociology
- Metonyms
- Metonymy see also Metonyms
- Mexican Americans
- Mexican Indian languages
- Mexican Indians
- Mexicanists
- Mexicans
- Mexico
- Mexico City
- Mfecane period
- Miao-Yao languages
- Mica industry
- Michigan
- Michoacan
- Micken see Me&en
- Micmac
- La Micoque site
- Microblades see Microliths
- Microliths
- Micronesia
- Middens
- Middle aged women
- Middle ages
- Middle America
- Middle Awash site
- Middle Ceramic period
- Middle classes
- Middle East
- Middle Horizon period
- Middle palaeolithic period
- Middle stone age Use for Subsaharan Africa
- Midwest (North America)
- Midwives
- Mien see Yao
- Migrant labour see also Return migration
- Migrant remittances
- Migration
- Migration period
- Migration routes
- Migrations
- Mijaks
- Mijikenda
- Mikulc=ice site
- Milagro culture
- Milan
- Milestones
- Miletus (ancient city)
- Milgrad culture
- Militant organisations
- Military assistance
- Military camps
- Military dictatorship
- Military history
- Military hospitals
- Military life
- Military museums
- Military occupation
- Military policy
- Military routes
- The Military see Armed forces
- Military service
- Military uniforms
- Milk
- Milk production
- Milking
- Mill Creek culture
- Millennialism and messianism see also Cargo cults, Nativistic movements, etc.
- Millennium
- Millet
- Mills and mill work
- Millstones
- La Milpa site
- Mimbres culture see Mogollon culture
- Mimesis
- Mina
- Minangkabau
- Mind and body
- Mineral accretions
- Mineral content
- Mineral waters
- Mineralogy
- Minerals in nutrition
- Minerals in the body
- Miners
- Mines and mineral resources
- Ming dynasty
- Mingzhen Zhou
- Minianka
- Miniature objects
- Mining see Mines and mineral resources
- Minitaree see Hidatsa
- Minitari see Hidatsa
- Minnesota
- Minnetaree see Hidatsa
- Minoan civilisation
- Minorities
- Minorities see also Ethnic groups
- Minority languages
- Mints
- Minyanka see Minianka
- Miocene period
- Miracles
- Mirrors
- Misbehaviour see also deviant behaviour
- Miscarriage
- Misfortune see Suffering and misfortune
- Miskito
- Miskitu see Miskito
- Misogyny
- Mission
- Missionaries see also Franciscans, Jesuits
- Missions see also Conversion
- Missisaugas
- Mississippi
- Mississippian culture
- Missouri North American Indians (SE), also United States
- Mites
- Mithraea
- Mithraism
- Mitla site
- Mitochondrial DNA
- Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms
- Miwok
- Mixe
- Mixed descent
- Mixtec
- Mixtec language
- Mizo
- Mkaka see Yamba
- Mlabri language
- Mnemonics
- Mnong
- Moa
- Moaaga see Mossi
- Moabites
- Moaga see Mossi
- Moba
- Mobile homes
- Mobiliary art
- Moccasins
- Moche culture see Mochica culture
- Moche see Mochica
- Mochica culture
- Modang
- Models and modelmaking
- Modern art
- Modern history
- Modern Homo sapiens Use for post-pleistocene humans
- Modernisation
- Modernity
- Modoc site
- Mofu (northern)
- Mogollon culture
- Mogorjelo site
- Moguex see Guambiano
- Mogul empire
- Mohave
- Mohawk
- Mohawk language
- Mohe-and-Bohai period see Mohe culture and Bohai kingdom
- Mohe culture Fifth century AD onward, Korea/Manchuria region
- Moire: method
- La Mojarra site
- Mojokerto child
- Moken
- Moldavia Use for region of Romania (and possibly some historical contexts) - NOT for independent republic, which is Moldova
- Moldavians
- Moldova The independent republic<>
- Molecular biology
- Molluscs see also Snail remains
- Moluccas see also Maluku Use Maluku - previously known as Moluccas
- Mombasa
- Mon
- Mon language
- Monasteries
- Monasticism and religious orders see also Franciscans, Jesuits
- Money see also Currency
- Moneylending
- Mongo
- Mongo-Nkundu language
- Mongol empire
- Mongolia
- Mongolian language
- Mongols see also Mongour
- Mongour (Chinese people) Taken from Library of Congress
- Mongour language see Monguor language
- Monguor language Taken from Library of Congress
- Monguor see Mongour
- Monkeys
- Monks
- Mono Congo
- Mono Indians California
- Monogamy
- Monongahela culture
- Monotheism
- Monsters
- Mont Be:go sites
- Montagnais
- Montagnais language
- Montauk
- Monte Alban site
- Monte Circeo sites
- Monte Verde site
- Montenegrins
- Montenegro
- Monteoru culture
- Montreal
- Montserrat
- Monumentality
- Monuments see also Megalithic monuments
- Mooga see Mossi
- Moon
- Moorea
- Moors (African people)
- Moose (African people) see Mossi
- Moose (North American deer)
- Mopan
- Moral conditions
- Moral education see also Civics, Socialisation
- Morality see Ethics
- Moravia
- Moravian Church
- Moravians
- Morelos
- Moris culture
- Morlaks
- Mormon Church
- Moro
- Moroccans
- Morocco
- Moros y Cristianos (dance)
- Morphology
- Morphotectonics
- Morris dances
- Mortality see also Death, Demography
- Mortgages
- Mortuary customs see also Funeral rites and ceremonies, Funerary archaeology
- Mosaic floors
- Mosca see Chibcha
- Moscow
- Moshi see Mossi
- Mosi see Mossi
- Mosques
- Mossi
- Mota language
- Mother and child
- Motherhood
- Mothers
- Mothers-in-law
- Motifs see Themes and motifs
- Motilon Indians
- Motion perception
- Motion pictures see Cinema, Documentary films, Films
- Motivation
- Motor ability
- Motor ability see also Eye-hand coordination
- Motor neurone disease
- Motorcars see Automobiles
- Motorcycle racing
- Moulds see Casts and moulds
- Mound Grave culture
- Mounds
- Mount Everest
- Mount Gilruth site
- Mount Hagen
- Mount Roraima
- Mount Taylor period
- Mountain Kalmyk see Altai
- Mountain peoples
- Mountaineering
- Mountains
- Mourides see Mourdya
- Mourning customs
- Mousterian culture
- Le Moustier site
- Mouth
- Moyra
- Mozambique
- Mozarabic dialects
- Mpyemo language see Mbimu language
- Mrassa Tatar see Shor
- Mucins
- Mud
- Mud brickmaking
- Muemba see Bemba
- Muinane
- Muisca see Chibcha
- Multicultural education
- Multiculturalism see Pluralism
- Multilingualism
- Multinational corporations see International business enterprises
- Multiple births
- Multiple births see also Triplets, Twins
- Multiple sclerosis
- Mummies
- Mumming
- Munda
- Mundang
- Mundari language
- Mundurucu
- Municipal buildings
- Mur d yah
- Mura (African people)
- Mura-Piraha:
- Mural paintings
- Murder see also Infanticide
- Muria
- Murids see Murdyah
- Murik
- Mursi
- Murut
- Muscles
- Muscogee see Creek
- Muscular atrophy
- Muscular dystrophy
- Muse"e de l&Homme
- Museology
- Museum attendance
- Museum displays see Museum techniques, Exhibitions, etc.
- Museum registration techniques
- Museum techniques
- Museums see also Collectors and collecting, Exhibitions
- Mushki
- Mushrooms
- Music and ritual
- Music festivals
- Music see also Dancing, Drums and drumming, Ethnomusicology, Jazz, Melody, Musical instruments, Musicians, Orchestral music, Piano music, Popular music, Rap, Rock music, Percussion music, Songs, Singing, Street music and musicians, etc.
- Musical groups
- Musical instruments see also Drums and drumming, Panpipes, Percussion music and instruments, Stringed instruments
- Musical notation
- Musical pitch
- Musicians see also Composers, Singing
- Musicology
- Muskogean language
- Muskogee see Creek
- Muskoki see Creek
- Muslims
- Muslims see also Ibadites, Islamic sects, Wahhabiyah
- Mutation
- Mutual aid societies
- Mwani
- Myanmar see also Burma
- Myanmar see Burma
- Mycenaean civilisation
- Mycoses
- Myocardial infarction
- Mysteries and miracle plays
- Mysticism
- Mythical animals
- Mythical beings
- Mythical places see Geographical myths
- Mythology see also Creation myths, Folklore, Oral tradition, Religion
- Myths of origin see Creation myths
- Nabataeans
- Naboloi see Ibaloi
- Nadar
- Nadzcaan site
- Naga
- Nage
- Nagesia
- Nageswar site
- Nagovisi
- Nagualism
- Nagyre:v culture
- Nahal Mishmar site
- Nahua
- Nahuatl language
- Naika
- Nails (anatomy)
- Naive art see Primitivism in art
- Naj Tunich site
- Nakh peoples see CHechen
- Nakhchuo see CHechen
- Nakota One of the three main Sioux linguistic groups - use in preference to Sioux if ONLY about Nakota
- Nama
- Namaso Bay site
- Nambicuara
- Names
- Namibia
- Naming ceremonies
- Nanai Siberia (aka Golds)
- Nandi Kenya
- Nanterre
- Napata kingdom
- Naples
- Narino complex
- Narragansett
- Narration
- Narrative art
- Narrative poetry
- Narrative see Narration, Narrative art, Narrative poetry, etc.
- Narva culture
- Nasality (phonetics)
- Nasca culture see Nazca culture
- Nasopharynx
- Natal
- Nation
- National characteristics
- National identity
- National parks and reserves
- National planning see also Government policy
- National regeneration
- National self-determination
- National Socialism
- Nationalisation
- Nationalism
- Nationality
- Native language
- Nativistic movements
- Natufian culture
- Natural bridges
- Natural disasters
- Natural history
- Natural reservoirs
- Natural resources
- Natural selection
- Naturalists
- Nature
- Naturopathy
- Nauru
- Navajo
- Navigation
- Navvies
- Nayaka
- Nayar
- Nayarit
- Nazca culture
- Nazca site
- Nazism see National Socialism
- Ndaka
- Ndebele
- Ndombe
- Ndomme see Tikar
- Ndowe see Kombe
- Neanderthals
- Near death experiences
- Nebrasca culture
- Nebraska
- Neck
- Necklaces
- Need (psychology)
- Needlework see also Embroidery
- Negatives (grammar)
- Negev
- Negritos
- Neighbourhood
- Neighbourliness
- Neighbours
- Nenets
- Neo-Eskimo culture
- Neolithic period
- Neologisms
- Neonates see Newborn infants
- Neoteny
- Nepal
- Nesactium site
- Nest building
- Nestorians
- The Netherlands
- Nets
- Network analysis
- Networks
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Neurogenetics
- Neurolinguistic programming
- Neurolinguistics
- Neutron activation analysis
- Nevada
- Nevis
- New Age movement
- New archaeology (theory)
- New Britain
- New Caledonia
- New Deal (1933-1939)
- New England
- New Guinea Use for BOTH Irian Jaya AND Papua New Guinea together
- New Guinea Highlands
- New Hampshire
- New Ireland
- New Jersey
- New Kingdom
- New Mexico
- New religious movements see Cults, Sects and names of specific movements
- New World monkeys see Cebidae
- New Year
- New York City
- New York State
- New Zealand
- Newar
- Newari language
- Newborn infants
- Newfoundland
- Newspapers
- Nez Perce
- Ngabanli language
- Ngaing
- Ngaju Malaysia (Sarawak)
- Nganaban
- Nganasan Siberia
- Ngandu aka Bongando (Zaire)
- Ngarrindjeri
- Ngati Toa
- Ngbaka Gbaya language see Gbaya language
- Ngbandi Congo
- Ngbanya see Gonja
- Ngere (Mande) see Dan
- Ngizim
- Ngobe see Guaymi:
- Ngombe language
- Ngoni
- Ngoni language
- Ngorek
- Nguni
- Nguoi Cham-Pa see Cham
- Niani site
- Nias island
- Nicaragua
- Nicknames
- Nicobar islands
- Nicobarese
- Nicotine
- Niger
- Niger-Congo languages
- Niger river
- Nigeria
- Night
- Night and day
- Nightclubs and music halls
- Nightmares
- Nihewan Basin sites
- Nika see Mijikenda
- Nile river region
- Nilgiri hills
- Nilo-Hamitic peoples
- Nilotic peoples
- Nimrud site
- Nineteenth century
- Ninevah site
- Nineveh site
- Ninth century
- Nippur site
- Nirvana
- Nishga
- Niu-Chi see Churchen
- Niue
- Niueans
- Nivakle
- Nivakle; language
- Nivkh
- Nkuna
- Nkundu
- No\
- Nobility
- Nocte
- Nocturnal activity
- Nogn see Batek
- Noise pollution
- Nomads and nomadism see also Herders and herding
- Nominals
- Non-alignment
- Non-governmental organisations
- Non-metric traits (skeletal remains)
- Non-verbal communication
- Nootka
- Nootka language
- Norfolk island
- Normans
- Norse period
- North Africa
- North Africans
- North America
- North American Indian languages
- North American Indians
- North Atlantic region
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- North India
- North Ossetia
- North Pontic region In broadest sense, extends from N. Caucasus in east to foothills of Carpathians in west (VIE7r)
- North Sea
- North-South relations
- Northeast Africa
- Northeast (North America)
- Northern Caucasus
- Northern dynasties
- Northern Edo
- Northern Europe
- Northern Ireland
- Northern Paiute
- Northern Rhodesia
- Northern Sotho
- Northern Sung dynasty
- Northern Wei dynasty
- Northwest Coast
- Northwest Coast Indians
- Northwest Territories
- Norway
- Norwegian language
- Nosairians
- Nose
- Nose ornaments
- Nostalgia
- Notation
- Notharctus
- Notse
- Nouns
- Nova Scotia
- Novelists
- Novgorod
- Nso
- Nubi language
- Nubia
- Nubians
- Nuclear industry
- Nuclear-weapon-free zones
- Nuer
- Nuer language
- Nuhalk see Bella Coola
- Number Use for grammar, linguistics etc.
- Number concept in infants
- Numerals
- Numic Indians
- Numic languages
- Numismatics see Coins, Seals
- Nunamiut Eskimo see In]upiat
- Nunavut
- Nung
- Nuns
- Nupe
- Nuraghi culture
- Nurrabullgin sites
- Nurse-patient relationship
- Nurses and nursing
- Nutrition
- Nutrition disorders
- Nutrition policy
- Nutrition surveys
- Nutritional status
- Nuts
- Nuu-chah-nulth see Nootka
- Nuxalk language see Bella Coola language
- Nuxalk see Bella Coola
- Nyamwezi
- Nyang Bantu (Cameroon)
- Nyanga complex see Inyanga sites
- Nyanzapithecus
- Nyika see Mijikenda
- Nyinba
- Nymylan see Koriak
- Nyunga Australian peole
- Nzima
- Oases
- Oaths
- Oaxaca
- Ob-Ugrians
- Obesity
- Objectivity
- Objects
- Obscenity
- Observation
- Obsidian
- Obsidian hydration analysis
- Ocaina
- Occipital bones
- Occultism
- Occupational health
- Occupational mobility
- Occupational surveys
- Occupations see also Employment
- Ocean currents
- Oceania
- Oceanians
- Ochre
- Oedipus complex
- Oedipus (mythical character)
- Offerings
- Office practice
- Officials and employees
- Offshore territories
- Ogiek see Dorobo
- Oglala
- Ogres see Monsters
- Ohio
- Ohlone see Costanoan
- Oil industry
- Oil palm
- Oil presses
- Oil production
- Oil spills
- Ojibwa
- Ok
- Okaina see Ocaina
- Okhotsk culture
- Okiek see Dorobo
- Okiele see Dorobo
- Okinawa
- Oklahoma
- Oksywie culture
- Oku Cameroon population
- Olbia (ancient city)
- Old Copper culture
- Old Javanese language
- Old Kingdom
- Old people see Aged
- Old Persian language
- Old Testament (Bible)
- Old Town site
- Old Turkic language
- Old Uzbek language see Chagatai language
- Old World monkeys see Cercopithecidae
- Oldowan culture
- Olduvai Gorge site
- Olduvai I skull
- Olfaction
- Olfaction see also Smell
- Olfactory system
- Oligocene period
- Olive oil
- Olmec
- Oltome tradition
- Olympic games
- Omaha
- Oman
- Ometo language
- Omie see Aomie
- Omotic languages Cushitic languages (Afroasiatic languages)
- Onchocerciasis
- One-leg resting position
- One-leg symbolism
- Oneida
- Oneota culture
- Onge
- Onomatopoeia
- Onondaga
- Ontario
- Ontario Iroquois tradition
- Ontogeny
- Open air museums
- Opera
- Opium
- Opium trade
- Optics
- Oracles
- Oral communication see also Conversation, Speech
- Oral history
- Oral rehydration therapy
- Oral tradition
- Oral tradition see also Folk literature, Tales
- Orambo see Ambo
- Orang Asli
- Orang Laut
- Orang Ulu see Berawan
- Orange period
- Orangemen
- Orangutans
- Oraon
- Oratory
- Orce skull
- Orchestral music
- Ordos Mongols
- Oregon
- Oregon Seaboard Indians
- Organic farming
- Organic remains
- Organic residue
- Organic residue analysis
- Organisational behaviour see also Workplace behaviour
- Organisational structure
- Organisations and associations see Associations and institutions, Government agencies, Non-governmental organisations
- Organised crime
- Organs (anatomy)
- Oriental carpets
- Orientalism
- Orientation
- Orientation in architecture see also Feng-shui
- Origins
- Origins of agriculture
- Origins of herding
- Orio see Chamacoco
- Orisha
- Orissa
- Orixa see Orisha
- Oriya
- Orkney islands
- Orma Kenya
- Ornaments
- Orok Siberia (Tungus-Manchu languages)
- Oromo
- Oromo language
- Oron
- Oronao&
- Orongo site
- Orphans
- Orthodox Eastern Church
- Orthography and spelling
- Osage
- Oscar Wilde
- Osetin
- Ossuaries
- Osteitis deformans
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Ostrakha
- Ostyak see KHant
- Otavalo Ecuador (population)
- Otavipithecus
- Otavipithecus namibiensis
- The Other
- Otom‰
- Otom‰ language
- Otomanguean language
- Otomani culture
- Otome? see Otom‰
- Otomi see Otom‰
- Otrar site
- Ottawa Indians
- Ottoman empire
- Ottoman period
- Oudenpost I site
- Ovambo see Ambo
- Ovarian cancer
- Ovens
- Overton Hill site
- Ovid
- Ovimbali see Mbundu
- Ovimbundu see Mbundu
- Ovulation
- Ownership see Property
- Owo-Ifon
- Oxkintok site
- Oxygen
- Oxygen in the body
- Oyampi
- Oyana
- Oyana language
- Oyster industry
- Oysters
- Pacific islands see Oceania
- Pacific Ocean
- Pacific region
- Pacifism
- Packaging
- Pagan site
- Paganism
- Pagodas
- Paiela
- Pain
- Pain relief
- Painting
- Painting techniques
- Paintings
- Paiute
- Paiwan
- Pakhtun see Pushtuns
- Pakistan
- Pakistanis
- Palaces
- Palaeo-Arctic tradition
- Palaeo-Eskimo tradition
- Palaeo-Indian culture
- Palaeoanthropologists
- Palaeoanthropology
- Palaeobotany see also Plant remains
- Palaeoclimatology
- Palaeodemography
- Palaeoecology
- Palaeographers
- Palaeography
- Palaeolithic period see also Acheulian culture Use for evidence of human (and pre-human) activity; for environmental data, use Pleistocene period. Palaeolithic period may be broken down into Lower, Middle, Upper or regional equivalents.
- Palaeontologists
- Palaeontology
- Palaeoparasitology
- Palaeopathology
- Palate
- Palau islands see Belau islands
- Palawan
- Palembang
- Palenque site
- Palestine
- Palestinian Arabs
- Pali language
- Palicur language
- Paliyan
- Pallars India (caste)
- Palm oil
- Palm oil industry and trade
- Palms
- Palmyra site
- Palmyrene
- Palocs
- Palta
- Palynology see Pollen analysis
- Pampa de la Llamas-Moxeke site
- Pamphlets
- Pan-Africanism
- Panama
- Panare language
- Pandanus
- Panelling
- Pangia see Wiru
- Pangolins
- Pangwalas
- Paniyan
- Pannonians
- Pano language
- Panoan Indians
- Panopticon
- Panpipes
- Panxian Dadong site
- Papago see Tohono O&Odham North American Indians Southwest
- Pape&ete
- Paper
- Papermaking
- Paptowai site
- Papua New Guinea
- Papyri
- Papyrus
- Paradise
- Paradise site
- Paraguay
- Parakana]
- Parallel cousin marriage
- Paralysis
- Paranoia
- Paranthropus
- Paranthropus boisei
- Paranthropus robustus
- Parapsychology
- Parasitic diseases
- Parent and child
- Parental behaviour
- Parents
- Paris
- Parkinsonism
- Parks and gardens
- Parliaments and legislative bodies
- Parody
- Parthian period
- Participant observation see Participatory research
- Participatory research
- Parturition Use for non-human birth
- Pashas
- Pashtoons see Pushtuns
- Pashtuns see Pushtuns
- Passamaquoddy
- Passive resistance
- Passover
- Past and present
- Pasto
- Pastoral systems see also Herding and herders, Reindeer herding and herders, Transhumance
- Patagonia
- Patagonians
- Patayan division
- Patella
- Patent laws
- Paternal behaviour
- Paternalism
- Paternity
- Paternity testing
- Pathans see Pushtuns
- Pathology
- Patriarchy
- Patrilineal kinship
- Patron and client
- Pavements
- Pavilions
- Pawnee
- Payment
- Payment in kind
- Pazyryk culture
- Peace
- Peace movements
- Peace process
- Peacocks see Peafowl
- Peafowl
- Pearl fishing
- Pearl Harbor
- Pearls
- Peasant uprisings see also Independence movements
- Peasantry see also Farmers, Subsistence economy
- Peat bogs
- Pecos site
- Pedi
- Pedra Forada site
- Peenkeken see Tehuelche
- Peer groups see Age groups
- Pehuenche
- Pei Er Mi see Pumi
- Peigan see Piegan
- Peimi see Pumi
- Peinan site
- Pellagra
- Pelts see Hides and skins
- Pelvis
- Penal colonies
- Penan
- Pendants
- Pende
- Pendejo cave site
- Pennsylvania
- Penny whistles see Whistling flutes
- Pensions
- Pentecost
- Pentecostalism
- Penutian languages
- Peopling of the Americas
- Peptic ulcer
- Peptidases
- Perception
- Perception and representationsee also Stereotype
- Percussion music and instruments
- Perforated bone
- Perforated skeletal remains
- Perforated stone
- Performance
- Performance art
- Performing arts
- Perigordian culture
- Perinatal mortality
- Periodicals
- Periodontal health
- Pernambuco
- Persecution
- Persian Gulf
- Persian language
- Persian literature
- Persian period
- Person
- Personal names
- Personal narrative
- Personal property
- Personal relationships see Interpersonal relations, Social networks
- Personal space
- Personality
- Personality and culture
- Personality disorders
- Personhood
- Perspective
- Perspiration
- Persuasion (psychology)
- Peru
- Pest control
- Pesticides
- Pestles
- Petalangan
- Petra site
- Petralona site
- Petroglyphs see Rock art
- Petrological analysis
- Petrology
- Pets
- Peul see Fulani
- Phalanges
- Phallicism
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmacology
- Phenomenology
- Phenotypic traits
- Philadelphia
- Philippine languages
- Philippines
- Philippovtsi
- Philistines
- Philo of Alexandria
- Philologists
- Philology
- Philosophers
- Philosophy
- Phoenician period
- Phoenicians
- Phoenix islands
- Phonetics
- Phonology
- Phosphate industry
- Phosphenes
- Photogrammetry
- Photograph collections
- Photographers
- Photographs
- Photography
- Phrenology
- Phrygian language
- Phrygians
- Phylogeny
- Physical anthropologists
- Physical anthropology
- Physical fitness
- Physical flexibility see Range of motion (joints)
- Physicians see Doctors
- Physics
- Physiognomy
- Physiology
- Physique
- Phytohaemagglutinins
- Piano music
- Piaroa
- Pica
- Picture writing
- Pidgin languages
- Piebaldism
- Piedras Negras site
- Piegan
- Piety
- Pigment see Colouring matter
- Pigmentation
- Pigs
- Pikuni see Piegan
- Pilaga:
- Pilgrims and pilgrimages see also Hajj
- Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony)
- Piltdown forgery
- Pima
- Piman languages
- Pine nuts
- Pinson Mounds site
- Pipes (musical)
- Pipes (smoking)
- Pirates
- Piro
- Pistol shooting
- Pit circles
- Pit-Grave culture see IAmnaia culture
- Pit-house culture
- Pit houses
- Pitch
- Pits
- Pitt Rivers Museum
- Pizarro, Francisco
- Place
- Place (the concept)
- Plains Indians
- Plains sign language
- Plains Village culture
- Planchette
- Planets
- Planning
- Planning policy
- Plano tradition
- Plans see Maps and plans
- Plant domestication
- Plant exudates
- Plant folklore
- Plant growth
- Plant remains
- Plant use
- Plantain banana
- Plantation owners
- Plantation workers see also Contract labour, Forced labour, Slavery
- Plantations
- Planters see Plantation owners
- Plants
- Plants in ritual
- Plants see also Coca, Crops, Dye plants, Grasses, Mushrooms, Roots, etc.
- Plasmodium falciparum
- Plastic containers
- Plastic surgery
- Plateau region (North America)
- Plates
- Platyrrhini
- Play see also Games, Hobbies, Leisure, Sport, Toys
- Pleistocene period Use for natural data e.g. environmental evidence; for evidence of human activity, use Palaeolithic period
- Plio-pleistocene period
- Pliocene period
- Plough damage
- Ploughs see also Tillage
- Pluralism
- Pnar
- Poaching
- Pobiel 10 site
- Poetry
- Poets
- Pohai kingdom see Bohai kingdom
- Pohnpei
- Poienes_ti-Lucas_euca culture
- Poisoning
- Pokomch‰
- Pokot
- Poland
- Polar Eskimo dialect
- Polar regions
- Polar regions see also Antarctic region, Arctic region
- Poles
- Police
- Policy sciences
- Polish language
- Political activists
- Political anthropology
- Political asylum
- Political change
- Political conflict
- Political correctness
- Political corruption
- Political culture see also Demonstrations, Elections, Patron and client, Power
- Political economy
- Political geography
- Political history
- Political movements
- Political networks
- Political oppression
- Political organisation
- Political participation
- Political parties
- Political prisoners
- Political reform
- Political refugees
- Political resistance see also Boycotts, Demonstrations, Persecution, Riots
- Political rights
- Political science
- Political slogans
- Political stability
- Political violence
- Politicians
- Politics
- Politics and culture
- Politics see also Democracy, Government, Populism, Propaganda
- Pollen analysis
- Pollution see Environmental pollution, Purity and pollution
- Polopa
- Poltavka culture
- Poltergeists
- Polyandry
- Polychrome period
- Polydactyly
- Polygamy
- Polygyny
- Polymorphism
- Polynesia
- Polynesian languages
- Polynesians
- Polyneuropathies
- Polysynthetic languages
- Polytheism
- Pomerania Use for area of former Duchy, spanning Poland-Germany border (compare Basque country or Karelia)
- Pomerania/Pomeranian culture
- Pomo
- Pomo language
- Pompeii (ancient city)
- Ponca
- Pondo
- Ponds
- Pongidae see Dryopithecus, Sivapithecus
- Popes
- Popol Vuh see Popul Vuh
- Popul Vuh
- Popular culture
- Popular literature
- Popular music
- Popular music see also Rock videos
- Popular participation
- Popularisation of anthropology
- Popularisation of archaeology
- Popularisation of museums
- Population
- Population biology
- Population decline
- Population density
- Population distance
- Population genetics
- Population growth
- Population history see also Census, Church records and registers, Palaeodemography
- Population mobility
- Population policy
- Population research
- Population structure
- Population variation
- Populism
- Porcelain
- Porja
- Pornography
- Portable art see Mobiliary art
- Porters
- Portrait medals
- Portraits
- Ports and harbours
- Portugal
- Portuguese
- Portuguese Guinea see Guinea-Bissau
- Portuguese language
- Portuguese period
- Poshang site
- Positive discrimination
- Positivism
- Post-communism
- Post-industrial societies
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Postage stamp collecting
- Postage stamps
- Postcards
- Postclassic period
- Postcolonial period
- Postcranial skeleton
- Posters
- Postmedieval archaeology
- Postmedieval period
- Postmodernism
- Postpartum amenorrhoea
- Postprocessual archaeology
- Posts and poles
- Posture see also Locomotion and posture, One-leg resting position
- Postwar period
- Potatoes
- Potlatch
- Potters
- Pottery
- Pottery marks
- Pottery see also Amphorae, Bowls, Casts and moulds, Terracotta, Tiles, Urns, Vases, Wall plaques
- Pottery stamps
- Poultry
- Poverty
- Poverty Point culture
- Poverty see also Rural poor, Urban poor
- Power
- Power see also Authorisation, Leadership, Social control
- Powhatan
- Powwow
- Pragmatism
- Prague
- Praise singers
- Prambanan site
- Prayer rugs
- Prayers see also Invocation
- Pre-eclampsia
- Pre-eclampsia see Toxaemia of pregnancy
- Preachers and preaching see also Clergy
- Preceramic period
- Precious stones
- Preclassic period Middle America
- Precocious puberty
- Precolonial period
- Precolumbian period
- Predellas see Altarpieces
- Predictions
- Predictive models
- Predynastic period Egypt
- Preference
- Prefixes
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy before marriage
- Pregnancy outside marriage
- Pregnancy see also Teenage mothers, Toxaemia of pregnancy
- Prehispanic Maya
- Prehispanic period see Precolumbian period
- Prehispanic Zapotec
- Prehistorians
- Prehistoric archaeology
- Prehistoric astronomy
- Prehistoric migrations see also Peopling of the Americas
- Prehistoric Nubians
- Prehistoric populations
- Prehistoric shell midden culture Japan
- Prehistoric sites
- Prehistory
- Preindustrial societies
- Prejudice see also Discrimination, Stereotype, Stigma, Toleration
- Premature childbirth
- Premi see Pumi
- Prenatal diagnosis
- Presbyterian Church
- Present and future
- Presidents
- Presley, Elvis
- Pressure groups
- Prestige
- Pretoria
- Preventative medicine
- Prevention
- Prices
- Priestesses
- Priests
- Primary health care see Community health
- Primates
- Primi see Pumi
- Primitivism
- Primitivism in art
- Primorskii krai
- Princess Point complex
- Printers
- Printing
- Prints
- Prisoners
- Prisons see also Penal colonies
- Privacy
- Privatisation
- Problem solving
- Processions
- Processual archaeology
- Proconsul
- Proconsul nyanzae
- Production (economic theory)
- Production sites
- Productivity
- Professional networks
- Professional status
- Professions
- Progesterone
- Programming languages
- Prohibition
- Projectile points
- Pronouns
- Pronunciation
- Propaganda
- Property
- Property marks
- Property rights
- Property see also Real estate
- Prophecies
- Prophets see also Nativistic movements, Preachers and preaching
- Prose literature
- Prosimians
- Prosodic analysis
- Prosody see Versification
- Prostate
- Prostitutes
- Prostitution
- Protection
- Protein engineering
- Protein residue analysis
- Proteins
- Protest movements
- Protest poetry
- Protest songs
- Protestantism
- Protestants
- Proto-Algonquian language
- Proto-Athapaskan language
- Proto-Bantu language
- Proto-Indo-European language
- Proto-Malayan language
- Proto-Polynesian language
- Proto-Samoyedic language
- Proto-Semitic language
- Proto-Uto-Aztecan language
- Protohistoric period
- Provenance analysis
- Proverbs
- Providence island
- Provincial administrators
- Prussia (kingdom)
- Prussian language
- Prussians
- Przeworsk culture
- Psychiatric disorders
- Psychiatry
- Psychical research
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychological anthropology see Ethnopsychology
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotropic drugs
- Psychotropic plants
- Ptolemaic period
- Ptolemy (the geographer)
- Puberty
- Public culture
- Public health see also Environmental health, Health facilities, Hygiene, Immunisation, Sanitation
- Public houses see Hotels, taverns, etc.
- Public interest
- Public opinion
- Public opinion polls see also Questionnaires
- Public relations
- Public servants see Civil service
- Public space
- Public welfare
- Publicity
- Publishers and publishing
- Puebla
- Pueblo
- Puerto Ricans
- Puerto Rico
- Puha\r (ancient city)
- Pukhtun see Pushtuns
- Pulmonary function
- Pulpits
- Pumas
- Pume: see Yaruro
- Pumi
- Punan
- Punctuation
- Punishment
- Punjab
- Punjabi
- Punjabi language
- Punt region
- Puntutjarpa Rockshelter site
- Punuk culture
- Puppets
- Puranas
- Purari
- Purchasing see also Buying and selling
- Pure Land Buddhism
- Purgatory
- Purity and pollution
- Pushtuns
- Puyuma
- Pygmies
- Pyramids
- Pyrenees
- Pyu
- Qalandar
- Qalm”q see Kalmyk
- Qasr Ibrim site
- Qatar
- Qawasqar see Alacaluf
- Qawwa-li-
- Qazanlyk see Kazanskii Tatar
- Qin dynasty
- Qing dynasty
- Qinghai
- Quadrato di Torre Spaccata site
- Quadrupedalism
- Quakers
- Qualifications
- Quality of life
- Quantitative methods in anthropology
- Quarries and quarrying
- Quartz
- Quarzite
- Quebec
- Quecha see Yuma
- Quechan Indians see Yuma
- Quechua
- Quechua language
- Queen Charlotte islands
- Queens
- Quekchi see Kekchi
- La Quemada site
- Quentovic site
- Querns
- Questionnaires
- Quiche
- Quietude
- Quillacinga
- Quillwork
- Quilts and quilting
- La Quina site
- Quinoa
- Quintana Roo
- Quipu
- Quito
- Quivers
- Qujialing culture
- Qumran community
- Rabari
- Rabat
- Rabbits
- Rabies
- Race
- Race and violence
- Race relations see also Antisemitism, Ethnic relations, Genocide, Racism
- Racemisation
- Racial anthropology
- Racial classification
- Racism
- Racism in education
- Radio broadcasting
- Radioactive wastes
- Radiocarbon dating
- Radiography
- Radiology
- Radiometric dating
- Radius
- Raffia cloth
- Rafts and rafting
- Raga
- Raids and raiding
- Raika see Rabari
- Railway workers
- Railways
- Rain and rainfall
- Rain forests
- Rain gods
- Rain making
- Raised-field agriculture
- Rajaka see Dhobi
- Rajasthan
- Rakes
- Rama language
- Ramapithecus
- Ramayana
- Ranches see also Haciendas
- Range management
- Range of motion (joints) Use for physical flexibility
- Rangelands
- Rap (music)
- Rapanui language
- Rape
- Rapid appraisal
- Ras Tafari movement
- Rashayidah
- Raskolniks
- Rasps see Files and rasps
- Rationality
- Rats
- Rattan
- Rauto
- Raw materials
- Re:union island
- Reaction time
- Reading
- Real estate
- Realism
- Reality
- Reburial of human remains
- Reciprocity
- Recombinant DNA
- Reconstruction
- Reconstruction in archaeology
- Reconstruction in linguistics
- Reconstruction of antiquities
- Recording
- Recording and registration
- Records and registers
- Recreational vehicles
- Recursion theory
- Recycling see also Curation
- Red blood cells
- Red cell enzymes
- Red Sea
- Red sea coast
- Reddi
- Reductionism
- Reduplication (linguistics)
- Reefs
- Reference books see also Dictionaries
- Reference (linguistics)
- Referendum
- Reform
- Reformation
- Refugee camps
- Refugees see also Forced migration, Political asylum
- Refuse and refuse disposal
- Refuse collectors
- Rega
- Regalia
- Regional development
- Regional disparities
- Regional distribution
- Regional diversity see Regional variation
- Regional identity
- Regional networks
- Regional studies
- Regional variation
- Regionalism
- Registers see Records and registers
- Regression analysis
- Rehabilitation
- Reincarnation
- Reindeer
- Reindeer herding and herders
- Relapsing fever
- Relativism
- Relics
- Relief sculpture
- Religion
- Religion and culture
- Religion and mythology
- Religion and politics
- Religion see also Syncretism
- Religious architecture
- Religious art
- Religious articles
- Religious biography
- Religious communities
- Religious conflict
- Religious diffusion
- Religious drama
- Religious education
- Religious freedom
- Religious life
- Religious literature
- Religious movements
- Religious mysteries Refers to secret rites or knowledge, mysticism, etc. Not unexplained phenomena
- Religious organisations
- Religious pluralism
- Religious societies
- Religious textiles
- Religious thought
- Religious violence
- Religiousness
- Relocation
- Relocation see also Internment camps
- Remarriage
- Remba
- Remote sensing in archaeology
- Renaissance
- Renaissance art
- Renal failure
- Rendille
- Renin
- Rent control
- Repatriation Use with caution, on its own to refer to people - if objects or human remains, use Repatriation of ...
- Repatriation of cultural property
- Repatriation of human remains
- Representation see Perception and representation
- Repression (psychology)
- Reproduction (biology)
- Reproduction of antiquities
- Reproductive organs see Generative organs
- Reproductive strategies
- Reproductive technology
- Republic of Moldavia see Moldova
- Reredos see Altarpieces
- Rescue archaeology
- Research
- Research assistants
- Research contracts
- Research grants
- Research guidelines
- Research partnerships
- Research projects
- Research publications see Scholarly publishing
- Reservations
- Reservoirs
- Resettlement
- Residence
- Residential mobility
- Resistance
- Resource management
- Respect
- Respiration
- Respiratory infections
- Restaurants see also Hotels, taverns, etc.
- Restoration of antiquities
- Restoration of ethnographic artefacts
- Retables see Altarpieces
- Retirement
- Retreats
- Return migration
- Revival
- Revolutionaries
- Revolutions and rebellions
- Revolutions and rebellions see also Mahdism, Peasant uprisings
- Rh factor
- Rhesus factor see Rh factor; see also Blood groups
- Rhesus monkeys
- Rhetoric
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rhinoceros horn
- Rhinoceroses
- Rhode Island
- Rhodes
- Rhodesia
- Rhyohite
- Rhythm
- Rhytons
- Riazan&-Oka culture
- Ribs
- Rice
- Rice industry and trade
- Rickets
- Riddles
- Right handedness see Left- and right- handedness
- Right of asylum
- Right of pasture
- Rights see Civil rights, Human rights, Political rights, Property rights, Right of asylum, Welfare rights, Women's rights
- Rincon Chico sites
- Rings
- Rio de Janeiro
- Riots see also Political violence
- Risk
- Risk assessment
- Risk perception
- Rites and ceremonies see also Initiation rites, Rites of passage, Ritual
- Rites of passage see also Initiation rites, Liminality
- Ritual
- Ritual death
- Ritual objects
- Ritual purity see Purity and pollution
- Ritual see also Rites and ceremonies
- Ritual space see Space (use and symbolism)
- Ritual theft
- Rituals of rebellion
- River basins
- River boats
- River course changes
- River steamers
- River surveys
- Riverine populations
- Riverine trade
- Rivers
- Roads
- Roc de Marsal site
- Rock alignments
- Rock art see also Cup and ring marks, Geoglyphs, etc.
- Rock formations
- Rock music
- Rock videos
- Rockport phase
- Rockshelters and caves
- Rocky mountains
- Rodents
- Rohingya
- Roksolans
- Roman empire Use for articles specifically about the Empire and its administration
- Roman law
- Roman period Use for Roman culture and for peripheral regions - more general than Roman empire
- Roman Stopa
- Romance languages
- Romances
- Romani language see Romany language
- Romania
- Romanian language
- Romanians
- Romanisation
- Romanticism
- Romany language
- Romany see Gypsies
- Rome
- Ronaldsway culture
- Rong see Lepcha
- Roofs
- Roots
- Rope
- Rosario (ethnic group) see Saha
- Rose Cottage cave site
- Rotinese
- Rouffignac site
- Rough music see also Honour and shame
- Round churches
- Round dancing
- A:rpa:d period (896-1301)
- Rubber industry and trade
- Rubber plantations
- Rubber tappers
- Rubbish see Middens, Refuse
- Rudabanya site
- Rugs
- Rukai
- Rumour
- Rundi language
- Runes
- Rungus
- Ruptsi
- Rural communities
- Rural communities see also Village communities
- Rural development
- Rural migration
- Rural poor
- Rural-urban migration
- Rural-urban relations
- Russia
- Russian language
- Russians
- Rusyns see Ruthenians
- Ruthenians
- Rwanda
- Ryukyu islands
- S:aivism Hindu sect for the worship of Siva
- S+arkamen site
- S™ntana de Mures* culture
- S+ventoji site
- S:wider culture
- Sa&dan Toraja see Toraja
- Sa:ndor Bo?ko?nyi
- Sa]o Paulo
- Saami
- Saar site
- Sabaeans
- Sabah
- Sabarl
- Sacae see Saka
- Sacians see Saka
- Sacred groves
- Sacred Heart
- Sacred objects
- Sacred sites
- Sacred space
- Sacred stone
- Sacred vocal music
- Sacrifice
- Sacul sites
- Saddlery
- Sadhush
- Safavid period
- Safe sex
- Safety Harbor culture
- Sagai see Shor
- Sagas
- Sagay see Shor
- Sago
- Saha
- Sahaptian language see Shahaptian languages
- Sahara
- Sahel
- Saho language
- Sahtu:ot&dine Indians see Bearlake Indians
- Sailors see Seamen, Women sailors, etc.
- Sails
- Saint George&s Day
- Saint Helena
- Saint John&s period
- Saint Lawrence Iroquoian Indians
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Matthew7s Gospel (Bible)
- Saint Petersburg
- Saint Vincent
- Saints see also Hagiography
- Sak see Saka
- Saka
- Sakai (Iranian people) see Saka
- Sakalava
- Sakha see Iakut
- Sakhalin
- Salado culture N. America Southwest
- Salako dialect
- Salar China
- Salesian missions
- Salinan language
- Salish
- Salish language
- Salishan languages Larger group of languages of which Salish is one example.
- Saliva
- Salmon fishing
- Salt
- Salt damage (antiquities)
- Salt in diet
- Salt industry and trade
- Salvadorans
- Salvage archaeology see Rescue archaeology
- Sam Sam
- Sam see Bajau
- Sama see Bajau
- Samal
- Samaria site
- Samaritans
- Samburu
- Samo (Papuan people)
- Samo (West African people)
- Samoan islands
- Samoan language
- Samogitians
- Samoyedic languages
- Samoyedic peoples
- Samplers
- Sampling methods in archaeology
- Sampling methods in sociology
- San
- San Agusti:n culture
- San Andre:s island
- San Antonio Carupo site
- San Jose: de Moro site
- San Jose: Mogote site
- San languages
- Sanan language
- Sanan see Samo (West African people)
- Sanco see Saha
- Sanctuaries
- Sand
- Sandals
- Sandstone
- Saney site
- Sangoan culture
- Sangu
- Sanha see Saha
- Sanitation
- Sanja see Saha
- Sannyasi
- Sanscrit language
- Sanskrit literature
- Santa Claus
- Santa Cruz islands
- Santa Isabel Iztapa:n site
- Santa Mar‰a culture
- Santal
- Santee
- Santer‰a
- Santorini
- Sara
- Sarakatsan
- Saraswat
- Sarawak
- Sarcophagi
- Sardinia
- Sardinians
- Sardis site
- Sarer see Serer
- Sargat culture
- Sargatskaia culture
- Sarmatians
- Saskatchewan
- Sassanid period
- Satanism
- Satellite photography
- Satire
- Satsumon period
- Satudene Indians see Bearlake Indians
- Saudi Arabia
- Sauna
- Saura see Savara
- Savannah period
- Savannas
- Savara
- Saving and thrift
- Savu
- Savu island
- Sawankhalok site
- Sawu island see Savu island
- Sawu see Savu
- Saxons
- Sayawa see Zar
- Sayil site
- Scalping
- Scandinavia
- Scandinavian languages
- Scandinavians
- Scapula
- Scarabs
- Scarification
- Scavenging and scavengers
- Scheduled castes
- Scheduled tribes see Adivasi
- Schism
- Schistosomiasis
- Schizophrenia
- Scholarly publishing
- School administrators
- Schools
- Science
- Science and culture
- Science and language
- Science and scientists
- Science fiction films
- Science policy
- Scientific controversies
- Scientific discourse
- Scientific models
- Scientific models in archaeology
- Scientific terminology
- Scientists
- Scotland
- Scots language
- Scottish highlands
- Screen doors
- Screens
- Sculpture
- Scythians
- Se see Saka
- Sea
- Sea birds
- Sea Dayak see Iban
- Sea Dyak see Iban
- Sea levels
- Sea nomads see also Bajau, Orang Laut, Moken
- Seafaring life
- Seafood industry
- Seals and sealing (mammals)
- Seals (numismatics)
- Seamen
- Seasonal activities
- Seasonal industres
- Seasonality
- Seasons
- Seawater
- Seaweed
- Sebuano see Cebuano
- Secessionism
- Second century
- Second language acquisition
- Secoya
- Secrecy
- Secret languages
- Secret societies
- Sects
- Secular trend (demography)
- Secularisation
- Secularism
- Security
- Sedentism
- Sediments
- Seed oil
- Seeds
- Seep oil
- Segmentary lineages
- Segregation
- Sekapan
- Sel&kup
- Sel-Ungur site
- Seleka
- Self
- Self-care
- Self-control
- Self-determination see also Secessionism
- Self-employed
- Self-help groups
- Self-medication
- Self-perception
- Seljuk empire
- Selknam
- Semang
- Semantics
- Semaq Beri see Semang
- Seminole
- Semiotics
- Sena
- Sendero Luminoso
- Seneca part of Iroquois, N. American Indians, Northeast
- Senegal
- Senegambia
- Senses and sensation
- Sentinelese
- Senufo Ivory Coast
- Seoul
- Separation
- Separation (marriage)
- Sephardim
- Sepik
- Sepphoris site
- Sepulchral monuments
- Seram island
- Serbia
- Serbs
- Sereer see Serer Senegal
- Serer Senegal
- Serfdom
- Seri Mexico (Uto-Aztecan language), Sonora
- Seriation
- Sermons
- Serology
- Serotonin receptors
- Serum
- Serum proteins see Blood proteins
- Servants
- Sesotho see Sotho
- Settlement patterns
- Settlements
- Setu
- Seven Years& War (1756-1763)
- Seventeenth century
- Seventh century
- Seventh century BC
- Sex
- Sex chromosomes
- Sex crimes
- Sex determination
- Sex differences
- Sex hormones
- Sex of children
- Sex offenders
- Sex preselection
- Sex ratio
- Sex role see Gender role and identity
- Sexual abstinence
- Sexual behaviour see also Celibacy, Chastity, Safe sex, Virginity
- Sexual dimorphism
- Sexual division of labour
- Sexual harassment
- Sexual selection
- Sexual stereotype
- Sexual themes and motifs
- Sexuality
- Sexually transmitted diseases see also AIDS, Syphilis, Treponematosis
- Sgaw Karen dialect
- Shaanxi
- Shadow pantomimes and plays
- Shahaptian languages
- Shaka see Saka
- Shaka (Zulu king)
- Shakespeare, William
- Shamans and shamanism see also Exorcism, Spirit possession, Trance
- Shame see Honour and shame
- Shan see Ahom
- Shanda see She
- Shandong
- Shang dynasty
- Shangdong
- Shanghai
- Shanha see She
- Shanidar site
- Shanxi
- Shapra
- SHapsug
- Sharecropping
- Sharing
- Shastan
- Shayabit see Chayahuita
- She
- Sheep
- Sheep farming
- Shell
- Shell implements
- Shell middens
- Shell money
- Shell ornaments
- Shellfish
- Shellfish collecting
- Shells
- Shemin see She
- Shepherds
- Shepherds& crooks
- Sherente
- Sherpas
- Shetland islands
- Shi
- Shields
- Shifting cultivation
- Shiites
- Shijahe culture
- Shinto
- Ship burial
- Shipbuilding
- Shipi
- Shipibo
- Ships and shipping
- Shipwrecks
- Shoco
- Shoemaking and shoemakers
- Shoes
- Shompen
- Shona
- Shona language
- Shopkeepers
- Shopping malls
- Shops
- Shor
- Shoria see Shor
- Shortsy see Shor
- Shoshone
- Shrimp industry
- Shrines
- Shrouds
- Shuar
- Shudras
- Shum Laka site
- Siberia
- Siberian Eskimo
- Siberian peoples
- Siberian Tatar
- Siblings Use where gender is irrelevant; for brother-sister relationship use Brothers and sisters
- Siblings see also Brothers and sisters
- Sican culture
- Sichuan
- Sicilians
- Sicily
- Sickle cell disease
- Sickle cell haemoglobins
- Sickles and scythes
- Sicuane
- Sidama see Sidamo
- Sidamo
- Sierra Leone
- Sierra Leoneans
- Sieve making
- Sign language see also Gesture
- Signals and signalling
- Sihan
- Sikaiana
- Sikhism
- Sikhs
- Sikkim
- Silence
- Silesia
- Silesians
- Silicate minerals
- Silk
- Silk industry and trade
- Silk Road
- Silk workers
- Silla state
- Silver
- Silver mines and mining
- Silverwork
- Silvia see Guambiano
- Sima de los Huesos site
- Simbu see Chimbu:
- Simulation methods in archaeology Use with care - NOT the same as Experimental archaeology
- Sin
- Sinagua culture
- Sinai
- Singapore
- Singers
- Singing
- Single Grave culture
- Single mothers see also Unmarried mothers
- Single people
- Sinhalese
- Sino-Tibetan languages
- Sinope (ancient city)
- Sintana de Mures* culture
- Sinuses
- Sioni
- Siouan Indians Siouan-speaking groups on eastern seaboard of North America as well as Sioux groups of the Plains Indians
- Siouan languages
- Sioux Use for two or more of Lakota, Dakota, Nakota (including their subgroups)
- Sipa;n site
- Sireniksi language
- Siret
- Sirikwa culture
- Siriono
- Site location
- Site occupation
- Site preservation
- Site selection
- Situanshan culture
- Siunnu see Huns
- Siva
- Sivapithecus
- Siwa
- Siwah oasis
- Six dynasties
- Sixteenth century
- Sixth century
- Sixth century BC
- Skateboarding
- Skeletal collections
- Skeletal maturity
- Skeletal measurement
- Skeletal morphology
- Skeletal remains see also Faunal remains, Hominids, Palaeodemography, Reburial of human remains, Skull, Teeth
- Skeletal robusticity
- Skeleton see also Anatomy, Bipedalism, Bones, Joints, Limbs, Locomotion and posture and parts of the skeleton
- Skhul site
- Skill
- Skilled workers
- Skin
- Skin cancer
- Skin colour see Pigmentation
- Skin diseases
- Skinfold thickness
- Skins see Hides and skins
- Skittagetan see Haida
- Skull Use plural form ONLY for skulls as artefacts, war trophies etc.
- Skull measurement
- Skull see also Brain, Cranium, Face, Jaw, Nasopharynx, Trephining
- Skulls Use ONLY for skulls as artefacts, war trophies etc. Otherwise use Skull (sing.)
- Slash and burn agriculture see Shifting cultivation
- Slaughtering and slaughter houses
- Slave Indians
- Slave revolts
- Slave trade
- Slavery see also Forced labour, Plantations
- Slaves
- Slavonic languages
- Slavs
- Sleep
- Sleeping customs
- Sleepwalking
- Sleighs and sledges
- Slovak language
- Slovakia
- Slovaks
- Slovenes
- Slovenia
- Slovenian language
- Slums
- Small businesses see also Cottage industries, Family enterprises, Self-employed
- Small communities
- Small mammals
- Smallholders
- Smallpox
- Smell
- Smiths and smithing see also Blacksmiths, Iron working, Metalwork
- Smithsonian Institution
- Smoking
- Smuggling
- Snail remains
- Snake dance
- Snakes
- Snoqualmie
- Soahili see Swahili-speaking peoples
- Soap operas
- Soccer see Football
- Social anthropologists
- Social anthropology
- Social behaviour see Interpersonal relations, Socialisation
- Social change
- Social classes see also Caste, Elite, Social status
- Social conflict see also Violence
- Social control
- Social Darwinism
- Social ecology
- Social evolution
- Social groups
- Social history
- Social institutions
- Social integration
- Social integration see also Assimilation
- Social interaction see also Interpersonal relations
- Social marginality
- Social mobility
- Social movements
- Social movements see also Persecution, Political resistance
- Social networks
- Social norms
- Social organisation see Community organisation, Social structure
- Social participation
- Social policy
- Social problems
- Social psychology
- Social reform
- Social reproduction
- Social role
- Social sciences
- Social services
- Social skills see Life skills, Socialisation
- Social status
- Social structure see also community organisation
- Social values see Social norms, Values
- Socialisation
- Socialism
- Socialist realism
- Societies see Mutual aid societies, Organisations and societies, Secret societies
- Society
- Society islands
- Sociobiology
- Socioeconomic change
- Socioeconomic conditions
- Sociolinguistics
- Sociologists
- Sociology
- Socotra (Yemen)
- Sodzil site
- Sogdiana
- Soil
- Soil analysis
- Soil conservation
- Soil formation
- Soka Gakkai Buddhists
- Sokoto caliphate
- Sokoto jihad (1803-1830)
- Sol Tax
- Solar activity
- Solar eclipses
- Solder and soldering
- Soldiers
- Solidarity
- Solomon islanders
- Solomon islands
- Solutre site
- Solutrean culture
- Somali
- Somali language
- Somalia
- Somaliland see Somalia
- Somatotype
- Somba
- Sombhla see Somba
- Song dynasty see also Sung dynasty
- Songe
- Songhai
- Songs see also Ballads, Chants, Laments, Praise singers, Singing
- Soninke
- Sonora
- Sonorants (phonetics)
- Sonowal see Kachari
- Sons
- Sopot culture
- Sorbs
- Sorghum
- Sororate
- Sotho
- Soul
- Sound-recording and reproducing
- Sound-recording industry
- Sound symbolism
- Sounds
- Sources
- Sources and production sites
- Souterrains
- South Africa
- South America
- South American Indian languages
- South American Indians
- South Asia
- South Asians
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- South India
- South Korea
- South Pacific region
- South Point sites
- Southeast Asia
- Southeast Asians
- Southeast Europe
- Southeast (North America)
- Southern Africa
- Southern Cushitic languages
- Southwest China
- Southwest Indians
- Southwest (North America)
- Sovereignty
- Soviet Central Asia
- Soviet Jews
- Soviet literature
- Soviet period
- Soviet Union
- Soya
- Space
- Space and time
- Space see also Orientation in architecture, Sacred space
- Space (use and symbolism)
- Spades
- Spain
- Spanish Use for people - for language, use Spanish language
- Spanish Americans see Hispanic Americans
- Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
- Spanish conquest
- Spanish language
- Spanish missions
- Spanish Sahara
- Sparta site
- Spatial analysis
- Spatial organisation
- Spearheads
- Spears
- Spearthrowers see Throwing sticks
- Specialisation
- Speciation
- Species
- Speculation
- Speech see also Language, Oral communication
- Speleology
- Spells see Incantations
- Spermatogenesis
- Spermatozoa
- Spheroids
- Sphinx
- Spice trade
- Spiders
- Spina bifida
- Spinal mobility
- Spinal muscular atrophy
- Spindle whorls
- Spine see also Vertebrae
- Spinning
- Spinning-wheels
- Spirit
- Spirit possession
- Spiritism see Communication with spirits
- Spirits see also Apparitions, Supernatural
- Spiritual healing
- Spiritualism
- Spiritualist churches
- Spirituality
- Spirituality in literature
- Spitalfields site
- Spokane language
- Spondylitis
- Spongiform encephalopathy
- Spontaneous combustion
- Spoons
- Sport see also Athletics, Baseball, Boxing, Bullfights, Exercise, Football, Gymnastics, Olympic Games, Water sports, Winter sports
- Spring
- Spring and Autumn period (China)
- Spring festivals
- Springs
- Spurs
- Squatter settlements
- Sri Lanka
- Srivijay
- Srivijaya State
- Stable isotope analysis
- Staffs and sticks
- Staining
- Stairs
- Stalinism
- Standardisation
- Standards
- Star Carr site
- Starc=evo culture
- Starosel&e site
- Stars
- The State
- State decline and collapse
- State formation
- State intervention
- Stateless societies
- Statelessness
- Statistical methods
- Statistical methods in sociology
- Statistics
- Statues
- Stature
- Stature estimation
- Steamboats
- Steatite
- Steel
- Steel industry and trade
- Stele
- Stereotype
- Sterilisation
- Sterkfontein site
- Sternum
- Stichbandkeramik culture see Stroke-ornamented pottery culture
- Stigma see also Prejudice
- Stillbirth
- Stirrups
- Stobi site
- Stomach cancer
- Stone
- Stone age Use for Subsaharan Africa only - otherwise palaeolithic period
- Stone age see Palaeolithic period, Mesolithic period, Neolithic period, etc. except for Subsaharan Africa
- Stone carving
- Stone implements see also Lithic technology, Projectile points
- Stone industry and trade
- Stone monuments see also Megalithic monuments
- Stone ornaments
- Stone painting
- Stone pillows
- Stone vessels
- Stone worship
- Stonehenge site
- Stonemasons
- Stools
- Storage
- Stories see Oral tradition, Tales
- Stories see Tales
- Storytelling
- Stoves
- Strainers
- Strains and stresses Use for physical stress, e.g. on bones or building materials
- Strangers
- Strategy
- Stratigraphic analysis
- Stratigraphy
- Straw
- Straw-work
- Street children
- Street entertainers
- Street music and musicians
- Street names
- Street theatre
- Street traders
- Strepsirhini
- Stress Use for psychological stress
- Strikes
- String figures
- Stringed instruments
- Stroke-ornamented pottery culture
- Structural adjustment
- Structural analysis
- Structural-functionalism
- Structural history
- Structuralism
- Stryzlow culture
- Student aspirations
- Student movements
- Students
- Stupas
- Style
- Suahili see Swahili speaking peoples
- Sub-Taino
- Subcontracting
- Subculture
- Subfossil lemurs
- Subjectivity
- Submerged forests
- Subsaharan Africa
- Subsistence change
- Subsistence economy
- Subsistence strategies
- Subsurface field surveys
- Suburbs
- Success
- Succession (kings and rulers)
- Sudan
- Sudanese
- Sudden death
- Sudden infant death syndrome
- Suffering and misfortune
- Suffixes and prefixes
- Suffrage
- Suffragists
- Sufis
- Sufism
- Sugali see Banjara
- Sugar
- Sugar industry and trade
- Sugar plantations
- Sugarcane
- Sugbuanon see Cebuano
- Sugur see Sukur
- Sui dynasty
- Suicide
- Suk see Pokot
- Sukali see Banjara
- Sukhothai State
- Sukuma
- Sukur
- Sulawesi
- Sulka
- Suloga sites
- Sulu archipelago
- Sumatra
- Sumba island
- Sumerian period
- Summer camps
- Sumo
- Sumo (Nicaragua) see Sumu
- Sumu
- Sun
- Sun dance
- Sun worship
- Sundanese
- Sundials
- Sung dynasty see also Song dynasty
- Sunnites
- Supai see Havasupai
- Supernatural
- Superstition
- Suppire language
- Supyire language see Suppire language
- Surgery
- Surgical instruments and apparatus
- Surinam
- Surinamese
- Surma
- Surnames see Personal names
- Surrealism
- Surveillance
- Surveying
- Surveys
- Surveys see also Data collection and analysis, Demographic surveys, Occupational surveys, etc.
- Survival
- Survival strategies (human ecology)
- Sushi
- Sustainable development
- Susu
- Sutagaos
- Sutton Common sites
- Suya
- Sventoji site
- Swahili coast culture
- Swahili language
- Swahili see Swahili-speaking peoples
- Swahili-speaking peoples
- Swanscombe site
- Swat culture see Gandhara Grave culture
- Swati see Swazi
- Swazi
- Swazi language
- Swaziland
- Sweatlodges
- Sweatshops
- Sweden
- Swedes
- Swedish language
- Sweetmeat makers
- Swidden agriculture see Shifting cultivation
- Swiderian culture see S:wider culture
- Swift Creek culture
- Swimming
- Swiss
- Switch-reference (grammar)
- Switzerland
- Swords
- Syllabaries
- Syllables
- Symbolic violence
- Symbolism
- Sympatry
- Synagogues
- Syncretism
- Synonyms
- Syntax
- Syphilis
- SyrDar&ia river
- Syria
- Syriac language
- Syrians
- Szeklers
- Szeletian culture
- T&u-jen see Monguor
- Ta‰no
- Tabasco
- Tabayare
- Table etiquette
- Taboo
- Tabun site
- Tacana languages
- Tadzhik
- Tadzhikistan
- Tagalog language
- Tagish
- Tahirid period
- Tahiti
- Tahitian language
- Tahitians
- Tahltan
- Tai
- Tai languages
- Tailors
- Tainui
- Taira site
- Tairona
- Taita
- Taiwan
- Taiwan aborigines
- Takanan languages
- Take-away food see Convenience food
- Takelma language
- Talamanca
- Talashkantepe I site
- Talayots
- Tales see also Storytelling, Trickster
- Talmud
- Taman
- Tamang
- Tamashek
- Tamaulipas
- Tamazight language
- Tamberma see Somba
- Tame see Tunebo
- Tami
- Tamil language
- Tamil Nadu
- Tamils
- Tammaliba see Somba
- Tanaina
- Tang dynasty
- Tanna
- Tanning and tanneries
- Tantric Buddhism
- Tanzania
- Taoism
- Tapa
- Tapestry
- Taphonomy The post-deposition history of an archaeological site, e.g. rodent activity, erosion etc.
- Tapirape:
- Taquara tradition
- Tara Tatar see Siberian Tatar
- Tarahumara
- Tarao
- Tarascan language
- Tarascans
- Tarasco Indians see Tarascans
- Tarok
- Tartessian cutlure
- Tarxien period
- Tarxien site
- Tas-Silg site
- Task allocation
- Tasmania
- Tasmanian Aborigines
- Taste (aesthetics) see Aesthetics
- Taste (food preferences)
- Taste (senses and sensation)
- Tatar
- Tataviam
- Tattooing
- Taung site
- Taurians
- Tausug
- Taxation
- Taxicab drivers
- Taxicab industry
- Taxila site
- Taxonomy
- Tboli
- Tchame see Cham
- Tcherven site see CHerven site
- Tchuktchi language see Chukchi language
- La Te'ne period
- Tea
- Tea plantation workers
- Tea plantations
- Teachers
- Teachers of the deaf
- Teaching and study
- Teaching and study of agriculture
- Teaching and study of anthropology
- Teaching and study of archaeology
- Teaching and study of art
- Teaching and study of dance
- Teaching and study of ethnomusicology
- Teaching and study of folklore
- Teaching and study of genetics
- Teaching and study of history
- Teaching and study of languages
- Teaching and study of linguistics
- Teaching and study of literature
- Teaching and study of mathematics
- Teaching and study of music
- Teaching and study of philosophy
- Teaching and study of physical anthropology
- Teaching and study of psychiatry
- Teaching and study of religion
- Teaching and study of science
- Teaching and study of social sciences
- Teapots
- Technical assistance
- Technological change see Technological innovations
- Technological innovations
- Technology
- Technology policy
- Technology transfer
- Teda language
- Teenage mothers
- Teenagers see Young people
- Teeth
- Teeth as ornaments
- Teeth see also Dental caries, Dental enamel, Dental health, Dentinogenesis imperfecta, Enamel hypoplasia
- Teeth wear
- Tehuacan valley sites
- Tehuelche
- Tei culture
- Teke
- Teke language
- Tekija site
- Telaga
- Telarmachay site
- Telefol Papua New Guinea
- Telegraph
- Telegraph towers
- Telegu
- Teleut
- Television broadcasting
- Tell Abraq site
- Tell Abu Hureyra site
- Tell al-Deylam site
- Tell al-Hammam site
- Tell al-Raqa&i site
- Tell Arpachiyah site
- Tell'Arqua site
- Tell Billa site
- Tell Brak site
- Tell Deir Alla site
- Tell el Amarna site
- Tell el-Dab a site
- Tell el-'Oueili site
- Tell es-Sa_idiyeh site
- Tell es-Sawwan site
- Tell es-Shuna site
- Tell es-Sultan site
- Tell Hazna I site
- Tell Hesban site
- Tell Hwes site
- Tell Iktanu site
- Tell Kazal site
- Tell Khafaje site
- Tell Nibi Mend site
- Tell Nimrin site
- Tell Taanach site
- Tellem
- Tels see Mounds and names of specific sites
- Telugu
- Temamatla site
- Temiar
- Temne
- Temperament
- Temperance
- Temperature Use for climate etc.; for humans, use Body temperature
- Temples
- Templo Mayor site
- Tenant farmers
- Tennessee
- Tenochtitlan period
- Tenrikyo
- Tenth century
- Teotihuacan period
- Teotihuacan site
- Tepehuan
- Tequenica see Yahgan
- Tequesta see Calusa
- Terminology see Terms and phrases
- Termites
- Terms and phrases
- Terra sigillata
- Terracing
- Terracotta
- Territorial expansion
- Territoriality
- Territories
- Terrorism
- Testes
- Testosterone
- Tetela
- Teton
- Teutecas see Chinantec
- Tewelche see Tehuelche
- Texas
- Textbooks
- Textile industry
- Textile workers
- Textiles
- Textiles see also Embroidery, Raffia cloth, Silk, Tapa, Wall hangings, Weaving and weavers
- Texts
- Thai language
- Thailand
- Thakali
- Thalassaemia
- Thanksgiving Day
- Tharaka
- Tharu
- Thatcham site
- Theatre
- Theatre museums and collections
- Theatre troupes
- Theatres
- Thebes sites
- Theft and looting of antiquities
- Theme parks
- Themes and motifs
- Theology
- Theoretical models
- Theoretical models in anthropology
- Theoretical models in archaeology
- Theoretical models in demography
- Theoretical models in ethnography
- Theoretical models in history
- Theoretical models in sociology
- Theories of causation
- Theory
- Theory of anthropology
- Theory of archaeology
- Theory of biology
- Theory of cultural anthropology
- Theory of economics
- Theory of education
- Theory of ethnomusicology
- Theory of evolution
- Theory of folklore
- Theory of history
- Theory of knowledge
- Theory of linguistics
- Theory of literature
- Theory of physical anthropology
- Theory of politics
- Theory of psychology
- Theory of social sciences
- Theory of sociology
- Therapeutics
- Therapy see Therapeutics
- Theravada Buddhism
- Thermoluminescence dating
- Third century
- Third World see Developing countries
- Thirteenth century
- Thought and thinking
- Thrace
- Thracian language
- Thracians
- Threatened species see Endangered species
- Three-dimensional imaging
- Three Kingdoms
- Thrift see Saving and thrift
- Thrones
- Throwing
- Throwing sticks
- Thu Lao language see Bu Dai language
- Thule culture
- Thyroid gland
- Tiberias site
- Tibet
- Tibetan language
- Tibetan refugees
- Tibetans
- Tibeto-Burman languages
- Tibia
- Ticuna see Tukuna
- Tienanmen square incident (1989)
- Tierra del Fuego
- Tigers
- Tikal site
- Tikana
- Tikar
- Tikopia
- Tikuna see Ticuna
- Tiles
- Tillage
- Timber Grave culture
- Timber industry see Lumber trade
- Timbuktu
- Time
- Time capsules
- Time management
- Time measurements
- Time perception
- Timinaba see Chamacoco
- Timinaha see Chamacoco
- Timor island
- Timorese
- Timucua
- Timugon
- Timurids
- Tin and tinware
- Tin mines and mining
- Tinkers
- Tinne see Dene
- Tipiniquin
- Tipis
- Tiruray
- Tishana see Me&en
- Titicaca lake
- Tiumen& region
- Tiv
- Tiwanaku
- Tiwanaku state
- Tiwi
- Tlakluit
- Tlatelolco site
- Tlaxcala
- Tlingit
- Toads
- Toba-Batak
- Toba Indians
- Tobacco
- Tobacco industry and trade
- Tobacco pipes
- Tobacco see also Smoking
- Tobaku
- Tobol&skii Tatar see Siberian Tatar
- Toda
- Toelchi see Tehuelche
- Togo
- Tohono O&Odham dialect
- Tohono O&Odham see also Papago North American Indians Southwest
- Tojolabal
- Toka (African people) see Tonga (African people)
- Tokelauan
- Tokelauan language
- Tokharian culture
- Tokugawa period
- Tokyo
- Tolai
- La Tolita culture
- La Tolita period
- Tolowa
- Toltec
- Toma
- Tomaraxo see Chamacoco
- Tombos sites
- Tombs
- Tomo see Batek
- Tomsk region
- Tone (phonetics)
- Tonga (African people) Do not use Tonga on its own
- Tonga islands Do not use Tonga on its own
- Tonga see Tonga islands or Tonga (African people)
- Tongariki site
- Tongue
- Tonkawa language
- Tool use Use mainly for primates, hominids etc (not for social/cultural contexts)
- Tools see Implements and utensils and more specific terms such as Bone implements, Stone implements, Household utensils, etc.
- Toothbrushes
- Toponymy see also Geographical names
- Toposa
- Toradja see Toraja
- Torah
- Torah wrappers
- Toraja
- Torgots
- Torobo see Dorobo
- Toronto
- Torques
- Torres Strait islanders
- Torres Strait islands
- Torture victims
- Totalitarianism
- Totem poles
- Totemism
- Toto
- Totonac
- Totonac language
- Touareg see Tuareg
- Tourism see Tourist trade
- Tourist art
- Tourist trade
- Towers
- Town planning see City planning
- Towns see Cities and towns
- Toxaemia in pregnancy
- Toy industry
- Toy museums
- Toys see also Dolls, Games, Jigsaw puzzles, Kites
- Trace element analysis
- Trace fossils
- Trachoma
- Trade
- Trade routes see also Silk Road
- Trade unions
- Trademarks
- Traders see also Shopkeepers
- Trades see Occupations
- Trading posts
- Tradition
- Traditional authority
- Traditional knowledge
- Traditional medicine
- Traditional medicine see also Healing
- Traditional religion
- Traffic accidents
- Training
- Trance see also Altered states of consciousness
- Transcaucasia
- Transcultural medical care
- Transcultural psychiatry
- Transferrin
- Transformation
- Transhumance
- Transitivity
- Translation
- Transliteration
- Translocation
- Transnationalism
- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
- Transport see also Air transport, Automobiles, Trade routes, Trucks, Ships ans shipping, Railways, Aeroplanes
- Transport policy
- Transport routes
- Transport see also Automobiles, Carriages and carts, Railways, Ships, Steamboats, etc.
- Transportation see Transport
- Transsexuals
- Transvaal
- Transvestism
- Transylvania
- Traps and trapping
- Trauma
- Trauma centres
- Travel and exploration see also Discoveries (in geography)
- Travel writing
- Travelling exhibitions
- Travels see Discoveries in geography, Travel and exploration, Voyages
- Trawling see Fishing
- TRB culture see Funnel Beaker culture
- Treason
- Treasure
- Treasure-hunting see Theft and looting of antiquities
- Treaties
- Treaty of Waitangi
- Tree crops see also Copra industry, Coconut, Fruit, Mangrove, Maple sugar, Nuts, Oil palm, etc.
- Tree felling
- Tree of Life
- Tree use
- Trees
- Trepanation see Trephining
- Trepanning see Trephining
- Trephining
- Treponematoses
- Trials
- Tribal peoples see Adivasi (India), Ethnic groups, Indigenous peoples
- Tribal society
- Triballi
- Tribute
- Trichterrandbecher culture see Funnel Beaker culture
- Trickster
- Trinidad
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidadians
- Triple Alliance
- Triplets
- Tripol&e culture see Cucuteni-Tripolye culture
- Tripole culture see Cucuteni-Tripolye culture
- Tripolye culture see Cucuteni-Tripolye culture
- Triremes
- Tristan da Cunha islands
- Trobriand islanders
- Trobriand islands
- Tropical medicine
- Tropics
- Troy (ancient city)
- Troy site
- Truck drivers
- Trucks
- Truk islands
- Truk language
- Truncation
- Trust
- Truth
- Truthfulness and falsehood
- Trypanosoma brucei
- Trypanosoma cruzi
- Trypanosomiasis
- Trzciniec culture
- Tsarevets castle see Dvorets Tsarevets site
- Tschagatai language see Chagatai language
- Tschagga language see Chaga language
- Tseltal see Tzeltal
- Tsetse flies
- Tshaahui see Chayahuita
- Tshokossi see Chokossi
- Tsimane& see Chimane
- Tsimshian
- Tsimshian languages
- Tsoneca see Tehuelche
- Tsonga
- Tsonik see Tehuelche
- Tsou
- Tswana
- Tswana language
- Tu see Monguor
- Tuamotu islands
- Tuareg
- Tubalar
- Tubatulabal language
- Tuberculosis
- Tubuai islands
- Tucano
- Tucanoan Indians
- Tucuna
- Tucuna language
- Tuelche see Tehuelche
- Tujen see Monguor
- Tukano see Tucano
- Tukanoa see Tucano
- Tula site
- Tulip period (China)
- Tulu
- Tulum site
- Tumbuka
- Tumereha see Chamacoco
- Tumour necrosis factor
- Tumours
- Tumrah see Chamacoco
- Tumulus culture
- Tunebo
- Tunevo see Tunebo
- Tungus-Manchu languages
- Tungus see Tungusic peoples
- Tunguses see Tungusic peoples
- Tungusic peoples
- Tunisia
- Tunnels
- Tupi:
- Tupi:-Guarani:
- Tupi:-Monde[
- Tupiguarani: tradition
- Tupinamba
- Turdas site
- Turfan site
- Turi
- Turin
- Turkana
- Turkestan
- Turkey
- Turkic languages
- Turkic peoples
- Turkish language
- Turkmen
- Turkmenistan
- Turks
- Turner's syndrome
- Turquoise
- Turtles
- Turung
- Tuscarora
- Tuski language see Chukchi language
- Tusona
- Tutchone
- Tutsi
- Tuvalu
- Tuxa
- Twelfth century
- Twentieth century
- Twinning
- Twins
- Two-spirits see Transvestism and Gender role and identity
- Tyokossi see Chokossi
- Typefaces and fonts
- Typhoid fever
- Typology
- Tyumen region see Tiumen& region
- Tzeltal
- Tzeltal language
- Tzoneca see Tehuelche
- Tzotzil
- Tzotzil language
- Tzutuhil language
- Unetice culture
- U&wa see Tunebo
- Ubaid period
- Uchean Indians see Yuchi
- Uchee see Yuchi
- Uchi see Yuchi
- Udekama language see Degema language
- Uganda
- Ugarit site
- Ugaritic period
- Uigur
- Uigur language
- Uitoto see Witoto
- Ukraine
- Ukrainians
- Ullumbe site
- Ulna
- Ultraviolet radiation
- Ulua culture
- Umayyad period
- Umbanda
- Umiaks
- Uncertainty
- Uncles
- Underwater archaeology
- Underworld
- Unemployed
- Unemployment
- Unesco
- Uni see Cashibo
- Unification Use for specific contexts such as Unification of Germany
- Unification Church
- Uniformitarianism
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United Nations
- United States
- Universals (linguistics)
- Universities and colleges
- Unmarried men see Single men
- Unmarried mothers Unmarried at time of giving birth
- Unmarried partners
- Unmarried people see Single people
- Untouchables see Scheduled castes
- Upper palaeolithic period
- Upper Semliki site
- Ur site
- Ural mountains region
- Uranium
- Uranium-series dating
- Urartian kingdom
- Urartian language
- Urat
- Urban anthropology
- Urban archaeology
- Urban climatology
- Urban communities see also Squatter settlements, Suburbs
- Urban ecology
- Urban environment see Urban ecology
- Urban health
- Urban myths see Contemporary legends
- Urban planning see City planning
- Urban poor
- Urban renewal
- Urbanisation
- Urhobo
- Urnfield culture
- Urns
- Urticaria
- Urubu;
- Uruguay
- Uruk period
- Uruk site
- Use-wear analysis
- Useful plants
- Utah
- Utkuhigjalingmiut Eskimo
- Uto-Aztecan languages
- Uto-Aztecan peoples
- Utopias
- Uttar Pradesh
- Uua see Tunebo
- Uxmal site
- Uxorilocal marriage
- Uzbekistan
- Uzbeks
- Vadabalija
- Vadde
- Vagrivala
- Vainakh peoples see CHechen
- Vaishnavism
- Vakataka dynasty
- Valdivia culture
- Valemba see Remba
- Valleys
- Valuation
- Values see also Civics, Ethics, Social norms
- Vampires
- Van site
- Vancouver island
- Vanilla industry
- Vanuatu
- Vanuatuans
- Varachan (ancient city)
- Varanasi
- Variability
- Vase painting
- Vases
- Vattina culture
- Vaudeville
- Vedas
- Vedda
- Vedic language
- Vedic literature
- Vedic ritual
- Vegetable farming
- Vegetables
- Vegetarianism
- Veils
- Veinakh peoples see CHechen
- Velama
- Velim site
- Venda
- Vendetta see Feud
- Venetians
- Venezuela
- Venezuelans
- Venice
- La Venta site
- Veps
- Veracruz
- Verb phrase
- Verbs
- Vergelegen site
- Vernacular architecture
- Versification
- Vertebrae
- Verulamium site
- Vessels see Household utensils, Implements and utensils, etc.
- Veterinary medicine
- Vezo
- Viatich
- Vickers focus
- Victoriapithecus
- Vicus culture
- Video recordings
- Vieira tradition
- Vienna
- Viera Nemejcova-Pavukova;
- Viera tradition
- Vietnam
- Vietnamese
- Vietnamese conflict (1961-1975)
- Vijayanagar empire
- Vijayanagar site
- Vikings
- Vili
- Village communities see also Hill villages
- Villages
- Vinc=a culture
- Vinc=a site
- Vindolanda site England
- Violence see also Aggression
- Violent death
- Virgin Mary
- Virginia
- Virginity
- Virilocal marriage
- Virolaiset see Estonians
- Virtual reality
- Viruses
- Visigoths
- Vision
- Vision quests
- Visual aids
- Visual anthropology see also Ethnographic films
- Visual pathways
- Visual perception
- Visual representation
- Visual system
- Vitality
- Vitamins
- Viticulture
- Vlach
- Vocabularies
- Vocal music
- Vocalism
- Vocations see Calls and calling
- Vogul see Mansi Siberia
- Voice
- Voivodina see Vojvodina
- Vojvodina
- Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.
- Volcanic eruptions
- Volcanic glass
- Volcanoes
- Volga Bolgar see Bolgar
- Volga Bulgar see Bolgar
- Volga river region
- Volga Tatar see Kazanskii Tatar
- Volosovo culture
- Volume (cubic content)
- Voluntary health agencies
- Volunteers
- Voodooism
- Vowels
- Vows
- Voyages and travels
- Vuc=edol culture see Vuc=edol phase
- Vuc=edol phase
- Wa (Myanmar people)
- Waardenburg syndrome see Klein-Waardenburg syndrome
- Wabira see Bira
- Waccamow
- Wachaga see Chaga
- Wachi
- Wadis
- Wadjak site
- Wadjak skull
- Wadschagga see Chaga
- Waembu see Embu
- Wages
- Wahaya see Haya
- Waheia see Haya
- Wahha\byah
- Waimiri:
- Waiwai Indians
- Wajana see Oyana
- Wakashan languages
- Wakes
- Wakhi language
- Walapai language see Hualapai language
- Walapai see Hualapai
- Walapi see Hualapai
- Walbiri
- Waldenses
- Wales
- Walking see also Bipedalism, Locomotion and posture
- Wall hangings
- Wall paintings see Mural paintings
- Wall plaques
- Walloon dialect
- Walls
- Walnut
- Walruses
- Walser
- Wan
- Wandala see Mandari
- Wandorobbo see Dorobo
- Wandorobo see Dorobo
- Wangwan culture
- Wanika see Mijikenda
- Wanka see Huanca
- Waorani see Huao
- Waorani see Huaorani and Huao
- War‰
- War and warfare see also Civil war, Genocide, Jihad, Military policy, World War I, World War II, Seven Years& War, etc.
- War damage
- War memorials
- Warao
- Warm Springs Indian Reservation
- Warring States period
- Warships
- Warts
- Washington DC
- Washington State
- Wassiba see Haya
- Wasuaheli see Swahili speaking peoples
- Watchmen
- Water
- Water mills
- Water policy
- Water resources development
- Water resources management
- Water rights
- Water see also Groundwater
- Water sellers
- Water supply see also Dams, Irrigation, Reservoirs, Wells
- Waterfowl
- Waterfronts
- Waterlogged sites see Wetlands
- Watyi
- Waunana
- Waura
- Wawemba see Bemba
- Wawira see Bira
- Wax inlay
- Waxes
- Wayampƫ see Oyampi
- Wayana see Oyana
- Wayang
- Wayuu see Goajiro
- Wazaramo see Zaramo
- Wealth
- Weaning
- Weapons
- Weapons see also Axes, Bows and arrows, Guided missiles, Projectile points, Shields, Spears, Spurs, Swords, Throwing sticks, etc.
- Weasels
- Weather
- Weather folklore
- Weather forecasting
- Weaving and weavers
- Weddings
- Weeden Island culture
- Weeds
- Weight lifters
- Weight see Body weight
- Weights and measures
- Weimar-Ehringsdorf site
- Welfare recipients
- Welfare rights movement
- Welfare state
- Wells
- Welsh language
- Wemba see Bemba
- Wendat see Wyandot
- Werewolves
- West Africa
- West African languages
- West Africans
- West Alaska Eskimo see Yupik
- West Bank
- West Bengal
- West Indians
- Western Desert language
- Western Europe
- Western Han dynasty
- Western Mediterranean region
- Western Nilotic languages
- Western Zhou dynasty
- Westo see Yuchi
- Wetlands
- Whale oil
- Whale teeth
- Whales
- Whales and whaling
- Wheat
- Whistles
- Whistling flutes
- White Hun see Huns
- White Kalmyk see Altai
- White Mongols see Mongour
- White Russian see Belorussian
- Whites
- Wich‰ see Mataco
- Wichita
- Wickliffe Mounds site
- Widowers
- Widows
- Wielbark culture
- Wigs
- Wild boar
- Wild men
- Wild rice
- Wild West shows
- Wind instruments
- Winds
- Windsurfers
- Windsurfing
- Wine
- Wine and wine making see also Viticulture
- Wine presses
- Winnebago
- Winter
- Winter sports
- Wintun American Indians
- Wintun languages
- Wiru
- Wisconsin
- Wit see Humour and wit
- Witch trials
- Witchcraft see also Demonology, Evil eye, Magic, Suffering and misfortune
- Witches
- Witoto
- Witotoan languages
- Wives
- Wiwa see Saha
- Wiyot language
- Wodaabe see Bororo (Africa)
- Wola
- Wolayita language see Ometo languages
- Wolof Senegal
- Wolverines
- Wolves
- Wolves (folklore)
- Women
- Women anthropologists
- Women archaeologists
- Women chiefs
- Women missionaries
- Women&s periodicals
- Women&s rights
- Women&s shelters
- Women see also Feminism, Gender role and identity, Mothers, etc.
- Wood
- Wood as fuel see Fuelwood
- Wood carving
- Wood engraving
- Wood remains
- Wood see also Charcoal, Forests, Fuelwood
- Wood tar
- Wooden implements
- Woodland culture
- Woodwork
- Wool
- Word formation
- Word games
- Word order
- Words
- Work
- Work capacity
- Work environment
- Work ethic
- Work parties
- Work see also Employment, Labour, Occupations
- Workforce see Contract labour, Forced labour, Industrial workers, Labour market, Officials and employees, Skilled workers
- Working class
- Workload
- Workplace behaviour see also Organisational behaviour
- World fairs
- World health
- World history
- World music
- World organisation
- World War I
- World War II
- Worms
- Worship
- Wosera
- Wounded Knee add appropriate KW to define what aspect is covered by article
- Wounds and injuries
- Wrestlers and wrestling
- Wrist
- Writing see also Calligraphy, Hieroglyphics, Notation
- Written sources see Historical sources
- Wupatki National Monument
- Wute
- Wyandot
- Wyoming
- X chromosome
- X-linked genetic disorders
- X-linked immunodeficiency
- X-ray analysis
- X-ray diffraction
- X-ray fluorescence
- X-rays
- Xaida see Haida
- Xava:nte see Akwe Shavante
- Xcalumkin site
- Xcaret site
- Xenophobia
- Xeroderma pigmentosum
- Xhosa
- Xhosa language
- Xia dynasty
- Xianbei culture
- Xifan see Pumi
- Xingu river region
- Xinjiang
- Xituanshan culture
- Xochicalco site
- Y chromosome
- Yamana see Yahgan
- Yabarana
- Yadava
- Yafar Papua New Guinea
- Yagua
- Yagua language
- Yagwoia see Iqwaye
- Yahgan
- Yaka
- Yakan see Yahgan
- Yakima North American Indians (Plateau)
- Yaks
- Yakuba see Dan
- Yakut see IAkut
- Yaman see Yahgan
- Yamassee
- Yamba
- Yami
- Yamnaya culture see IAmnaia culture
- Yams
- Yana California Indians in Thes
- Yanacona
- Yanadi
- Yangan
- Yangbai site
- Yangshao culture
- Yangtze river
- Yanoama see Yanomamo
- Yanomami see Yanomamo
- Yanomamo
- Yanomani see Yanomamo
- Yanonami see Yanomamo
- Yanzi
- Yao
- Yao language
- Yap island
- Yapoo see Yahgan
- Yaqui
- Yaqui dialect
- Yards
- Yaruro
- Yarym-Tepe sites
- Yasa
- Yavapai American Indians (Southwest)
- Yawalapiti
- Yaxchila:n site
- Yayoi culture
- Yecuana:
- Yekuana: see Yecuana:
- Yekwana see Yecuana:
- Yemen
- Yemeni
- Yergam language
- Yerukala see Korava
- Yeti
- Yeye language
- Yi
- Yiddish language
- Yidiu language
- Yira
- Yiwarlarlay site
- Yoga
- Yogis
- Yokes
- Yokoch see Yokuts
- Yokuts North American Indians (California)
- Yokuts language
- Yol
- Yola see Diola
- Yolmo Nepal
- Yolngu
- Yombe
- Yopno
- Yorok
- Yoruba
- Yoruba language
- Youchee see Yuchi North American Indians (Southeast)
- Young men
- Young people
- Young people&s aspirations
- Young women
- Youngest child
- Youth
- Youth (the concept)
- Yu see She
- Yuan dynasty
- Yuanmou site
- Yucatan
- Yuchi
- Yuchian Indians see Yuchi
- Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavs
- Yuit language
- Yuki
- Yuki language
- Yuki languages
- Yukon
- Yukon Territory
- Yuma
- Yuman languages
- Yunca
- Yunga Indians see Yunca
- Yunger language
- Yunnan
- Yupiak see Yupik
- Yupiaq see Yupik
- Yupiat see Yupik
- Yupik
- Yuqui:
- Yuracare
- Yurimagua
- Yurok Californian indians (USA)
- Yurok language
- Yurts
- Yuruk
- Yurumangu‰ language
- Yuruna
- Yutchi see Yuchi
- Zabarma see Zarma
- Zabid
- Zacatecas
- Zadruga
- Zafimaniry
- Zaghwa language
- Zaire
- Zambezi river region
- Zambia
- Zande
- Zanskar
- Zanzibar
- Zaose
- Zapotec
- Zapotec language
- Zar
- Zaraisk site
- Zaramo
- Zargulla see Zergulla
- Zarma
- Zarubinetskaia culture
- Zaydi
- Zea
- Zen Buddhism
- Zergulla
- Zergulla dialect
- Zhejiang
- Zhou culture
- Zhou dynasty
- Zhoukoudian site
- Zhuang
- Ziba see Haya
- Zimba language
- Zimbabwe
- Zinantec see Chinantec
- Zinc in diet
- Zinza
- Zionism
- Zooarchaeologists
- Zooarchaeology see also Faunal remains
- Zoomorphism
- Zoomorphism in art
- Zoque language
- Zoroastrianism
- Zubritsian culture
- Zulu
- Zulu language
- Zulu see also Bhele, Fingo
- Zuni
- Zuttiyeh site
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