Saturday, 12 July 2008




3D CAD 3-D coordinate measurement systems 3-D models 3D models 3-D models


4D construction simulation


abandonment abeams ablation abrasion resistance absolute instability
absolute technique absorptance absorption absorption coefficient absorption coefficients
absorption absorptivity ABS plastics accelerants accelerated aging
acceleration acceleration response spectrum accelerograph acceptability acceptance criteria
acceptance tests accident investigations accident prevention accidents accreditation
accuracy assessment accuracy acetylene ACI 236A acoustical nerve
acoustic properties acoustic sensors acoustophoresis acquisition decisions acrylic melamine
acrylics activation time active control acute toxicity Adamek profiles
additives additive weighting methods adhesion adhesions adhesive anchors
adhesives adhesive strength adhesives adhesive tape adhesive tapes
adhesive testing adiabatic leak process admixtures adsorption adults
advanced construction technology advanced sensing advanced technologies advection diffusion aerodynamic drag
aerodynamic eccentricity aerodynamic loads aerodynamics aerodynamic torque aerosol generators
aerosols aerospace environments aerospace industry aerospace management agency seismic safety coordinator
age of air agglomerates aggregates aggregation structure aging
aging (materials) AHAM HRF-1 air air bolume box airborne equipment
airborne sampling air air change effectiveness air change rates air change rate
air air circulation air cleaner air cleaners air cleaning
air air condenser air conditioner air conditioners air conditioning
air conditioning equipment air conditioning aircraft cargo aircraft carriers aircraft certification
aircraft compartments aircraft engines aircraft aircraft explosions aircraft fires
aircraft fluids aircraft fuels aircraft fuel tanks aircraft aircraft hangars
aircraft hazards aircraft impact aircraft interiors aircraft jet fuels aircraft safety
aircraft speeds aircraft air air distribution air
air entrainment air air flow airflow analysis air flow
air flow modeling airflow modeling air flow modeling airflow modeling air flow
air flow modeling air flow Air Force facilities air handling unit air handling units
air handling unit air leakage air mass air air mixtures
air movement air air permeability air pollution airports
air pressure air quality air sampling air supply air temperature
airtightness air tightness airtightness air traffic control air
air velocity air air voids air-void spacing air void spacing
air-void spacing air voids air-void system air void system air-void system
air volume box fault alarm responses alcohol alcohols aldehydes
algorithms aliphatic compounds alkalai metals alkaline conditions alkaline metal
alkalis alkali-silica reaction alkali silica reaction alkali-silica reaction alkalis
alkanes alkenes alkylbenzene alkynes alloys
ALOFT alteration alternate load path alternative design alternative refrigerants
alternatives alumina silica aluminum ambient pressure ambient temperature
amine-cured epoxy ammonia ammonium amorphous silicon amplitude control
analysis analysis of variance analytical hierarchy process (APH) analytical modeling analytical models
analytical analytical tools analytic hierarchy process anchorage anchors
anchors (structures) Anderson localization anemometers angle of incidence angular resolution
animals anionic effects annual energy consumption Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency annual fuel utilization efficiency
annual fuel utilization annulus anodic blisters anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 103
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard apartments apparatus appearance
appliances application factors application protocol applied economics aqueous films
aqueous foams aqueous mixtures arbitrary shape architects architecture
argon ARI Standard 320 aromatic compounds aromatic intermidiates aromatics
Arrhenius Model arson artificial aging artificial intelligence artificial weathering
asbestos ASCE 7-02 ASCE 7-93 ASET ASHRAE
ASHRAE standard 103-1993 ASHRAE Standard 124 ASME A17 aspect ratio asphalt
aspirated hot films aspirated thermocouples assemblies assessment ASTM C 1130
ASTM E 119 ASTM E119 ASTM E 119 ASTM E119 ASTM E 119
ASTM E119 ASTM E 119 ASTM E119 ASTM E1354 ASTM E 1355
ASTM E162 ASTM E 2187 ASTM E 37.05 ASTM E 569 ASTM E 648
ASTM E648 ASTM E662 ASTM E84 ATF-FTIR atmospheric contaminant transport
atmospheric dispersion atmospheric lifetime atmospheric models atmospheric pressure atmospheric temperature
atomic force atomic force microscope atomic force microscopy (AFM) atomic force microscopy atomizers
atomizing ATR-FTIR atria ATR attached garage
attenuation attenuation relationships attenuation attics attic ventilation
auditory perception augmented simulation autogenous deformation autogenous shrinkage autoignition
autoignition temperature automated building construction automated excavation automatic data processing automatic sprinklers
automatic sprinkler systems automation automobile accidents automobile fires automobiles
automotive crashes automotive fueld automotive fuels average-cost pricing axial flow
axisymmetric jets azeotropes azeotropic azeotropic mixtures azeotropic refrigerant mixtures


backdraft BACnet baffles band theory banks (buildings)
bar code bar codes bar coding barns base isolation
bath medium BaTiO3 beam-column beam-columns beams
beam steering beam theory bearing strength bedding bed joint
bedrooms beds (furniture) behavior models belts (conveyors) benchmarking
bench scale fire tests bending benefit cost analysis benzene benzo[a]pyrene
Berkovich indenter biaxial softening bibliographies bidirectional reflectance bidirectional reflectance distribution
bilinear elastic bimolecular reactions binary mixture binary mixtures binder removal
biodegradability biology bitumens bituminous black body
blast effects blast loading blast resistance blasts blended cements
blends blind reconstruction blister growth blistering blisters
block copolymer block rate blood blower door blowing agents
blowoff blowout fires blowout velocity bluff bodies board and care homes
boats Boeing 767 aircraft boiler computer model boiler part-load performance boiler
boilers boiling behavior boiling boiling point boiling points
boiling point boiling boilover Boiteux model bolted connections
Boltzmann equation boltzmann methods bombs (ordnance) bond beam bonded connections
bonding bonding strength bond to concrete boric acid bossinesq approximation
boundary layers box beams brazed plate brazed plate heat exchanger brazed plate heat exchangers
BRDF breakeven analysis breathing apparatus bricks bridge columns
bridge cranes bridge deck bridge decks bridges bridges (structures)
bridging area Brinkman equation brittle failure brittle fracture bromide
bromine compounds bromine bromotrifluoromethane brownian motion brush fires
bubble parameters bubbles Buckinham-PI theorem Buckinhan-PI theorem budget allocation
budget constraint budgets buidling fires building automation and control building automation
building automation system building automation building choice building codes building collapse
building commissioning building construction building control building control system building control systems
building control building design building diagnostics building economics building energy conservation
building energy management system building energy simulation building energy use building envelope building envelopes
building environment building fires building formation building frame building frames
building/HVAC emulator building/HVAC/plant system building information building integrated building integrated photovoltaics
building integrated building intelligence building loads building maintenance building management
building materials building networks building performance building products building protection
building research building safety buildings building science buildings
building stone building structure building systems building technolgoy building technology
builidng fires built environment bulkheads buoyancy buoyant flow
buoyant flows buoyant flow buoyant plumes buring rate burner operating hours
burners burning rate burning rates burning rate burning rates
burning rate burning velocity burn injuries burnout burn patterns
burns (injuries) burn tests bursting buses


cable-drive cables cable trays cabon monoxide calcium hydroxide
calcium silicate hydrate calculators calibrated hot box calibrating calibration
calibration study calibration California Technical Bulletin 133 calorimeters calorimetric
calorimetry cameras candles capacitance capacity
capillary breakup capillary condensation capillary driving forces capillary flow capillary instability
capillary porosity capillary sorption capillary transport capillary tubes capital budget allocation
capital facilities capital facility capital investment decisions capping materials cap thickness
carbon balance method carbon dioxide carbon carbon fiber-reinforced polymers carbon fibers
carbon carbon monoxide carbon monoxide carbon monoxide carbon
carboxyhemoglobin cardboard cardiac effects cardiac sensitization cargo aircraft
cargo space carpets case histories casualties catalysts
catalytic converters cathodic disbondment cation ions CCIT ceiling component
ceiling fires ceiling height ceiling jets ceilings ceiling tiles
ceiling vents cellular automata cellular automaton cellular plastics cellular solids
cellulose cellulosic fabrics cellulosic fuels cellulosic materials cement based materials
cement-based materials cement chemistry cement clinker cement composites cement
cement hydration cementitious materials cementitious powders cement particles cement paste
cement pastes cement paste cement pastes cement paste cement powder
cements census survey centennial celebrations centrifugal pumps ceramic particulate systems
ceramics cerium dioxide certainty equivalent certification certified reference material
CFAST CFD models chain reactions chain scission chairs
channel fire tests chaos chaotic behavior chaotic dynamics chaotic dynamics approach equations
chaotic dynamics chaotic resonance characterization char char depth
char char formation char charged particles char length
char charring char chembio chemical additives
chemical admixtures chemical agents chemical analysis chemical equilibrium chemical fire fighting
chemical heterogeneity chemical inhibition chemical inhibitors chemical leak chemical modification
chemical process chemical properties chemical reactions chemical shrinkage chemical stability
chemistry children chillers chimney fires chimneys
chloride diffusion chloride ion chloride ions chloride ion chlorides
chloride chlorinated hydrocarbons chlorinated polyvinyl chloride chlorine chlorofluorcarbon
chlorofluorocarbons chromatography cigarettes CIMsteel Integration Standards circuit boards
circuits circulation civil engineering civil engineering environments civil engineering
civil infrastructure cladding class A fires Class A fires class A fires
class B fires class B foams Class C fires class C fires class D fires
classifications classifiction clay cleaning agents cleaning
clean room fires clean rooms climate climate suitability climate
climatology clinker clinkers closed cell clothes dryers
clothing cluster coagulation coal coarse particles
coastal currents coating durability coating materials coatings code equivalency
codes coefficient of performance cohesive strength coides coinductivity
cold gas thruster cold wires collapse colloids color
columns combination appliance combined annual efficiency combined performance factor combustibility
combustible gases combustible materials combustibles combustible solids combustibles
combustion combustion aerosols combustion combustion chambers combustion
combustion chemistry combustion combustion efficiency combustion combustion gases
combustion combustion models combustion combustion physics combustion
combustion process combustion combustion products combustion combustion toxicity
combustion combustion waves combustion combution comfort
commercial aircraft commercial boiler commercial buildings commerical buildings commissioning
communication equipment communication networks communication protocol compact fluorescent lamps compact heat exchanger
compaction grouting compaction hammer comparison compartmentation compartment
compartment fires compartments compartmernt fires compatability compatibility
competitiveness complex fluids complex materials component tracking composite materials
composites composite composition composition (property) compressed air foam
compressed air compressible fluids compressing compression field theory compression testing
compressive strength computation computational fluid dyanmics computational fluid dynamics computational fluid dynamis
computational materials science computation computer aided design computer algorithm computer algorithms
computer databases computer graphics computer integrated construction computer integrated knowledge computer integrated knowledge system
computer integrated knowledge systems computerized materials databases computerized simulation computer modeling computer models
computer program computer programs computer rendering computers computer simulation
computer simulations computer simulation computers computer systems concentration fluctuations
concentration measurement concentration measurements concentration profiles concrete beams concrete blocks
concrete bridge decks concrete columns concrete diffusivity concrete materials standards concrete mixers
concrete pavements concrete pore solution concrete rheology concretes concrete slabs
concretes concrete solution concretes concrete strength concretes
concrete technology concrete testing condensation condenser condensers
condition assessment conduction conductive heat transfer conductivity cone calorimeter
cone calorimeters conferences conference summary conferences configurations
confined geometry confocal microscope confocal microscopy conformance testing connection response
connections connection connections connectors conretes
conservation consolidation constructed facilities construction construction assessment
construction construction automation construction construction automation construction
construction equipment construction construction goals construction construction industry
construction construction materials construction construction materials construction
construction metrology construction construction process integration construction process simulation construction
construction robotics construction construction safety and health construction construction simulators
construction construction standards construction consumer products consumer protection
containers containment CONTAM contaminant analysis contaminant
contaminant dispersal contaminant contaminants contaminant contamination
contrast control algorithms control controlled atmospheres control loops
control control network control control rooms control stability
control strategy control system control system performance control systems control system
control theory convection convective flow convective heat transfer cooking appliances
cooking cooking fires cooking tops cooling copolymers
copper copper oxide copper corner fittings corners
corner tests correctional facilities correlation corridors corridor tests
corrosion corrosion of reinforcement corrosion cost analysis cost benefit analysis
cost benefit anlaysis cost benefit ratios cost benefits cost benefits schedule compression cost classifications
cost effective decision cost effective cost effectiveness cost estimate cost estimates
cost estimation cost minimization cost recovery costs cost sharing
costs cotton fabrics cotton couches counter
counterflow burner counter flow burner counterflow diffusion flames counterflow flames cpatomgs
crack bridging cracking (fracturing) crack propagation cranes crash tests
crashworthiness creep compliance creep creep-rupture creep rupture
creep-rupture creep rupture creosote crevice corrosion crib burning
crib fires cribs crib tests criteria critical parameters
critical phenomena critical radiant flux critical temperature cross correlation crosslinking
crosslinking density crosslinking crude oil cryogenic fluids cryogenics
crystallographic research crystallography cup burner cup burners cup Burner
cup burners cup burner curde oil curing agents curing
currents curtains curtain walls curvature multiplier cushions
cut-and-fill calculation cut-fill calculation cyanate ester cyanide cybernetic buildings
cybernetic building systems cyclic lateral loads cyclic load cyclic loading cyclic loads
cyclic load tests cyclic testing cyclic tests cyclones cyclopropane


damage damage assessment damage damage control damage
damage evaluation damage damage investigation damage damage matrix
damage damage modeling damage damage state damage
dampers damping damping system dams Darcy's Law
data acquisition data analysis database-assisted design databases data collection
data envelopment analysis data exchange data exchange standards data exchange data processing
data reduction data sets data sharing data telemetry daylighting
death debris decay decibal levels decibel levels
decision analysis decision making decision support software decision support system decision support systems
decision theory decomposition decomposition products decomposition decreasing-cost production
dedicated outdoor air systems deep beams defect deflagration deflection
deformation degradation degradation products degradation dehydration
Delaunay triangulation Delauney triangulation delivery time delphi method demand analysis
demand rate density density effects density Department of Energy
depersion deposition depressurization fan depressurization depth-sensing indentation (DSI)
depth-sensing indenter design design applications design-bid-build design-build
design codes design criteria designer materials design fires design/information technologies
design/information technology design life design method design design performance
design design spectra design standards design technology design tool
design triggers detection detection limits detection response detection
detection time detector location detector response detector sensitivity detectors
deterioration deterministic planar systems detonation developmentally disabled devices
dewetting diagnostics diamond-tipped probe diblock copolymer formation dichlorodifluoromethane
dichloroethylene dichlorotetrafluoroethane dichlorotrifluoroethane dichotomous noise dictionaries
dielectric breakdown dielectric constant dielectric spectroscopy diesel engines diesel exhust
diesel fuels differences different furances differential effective medium differential effective medium theory
differential equation differential mobility analysis differential mobility analyzer differential pressure differential scanning calorimetry
diffraction diffusion diffusion flames diffusion diffusivity
difluoromethane digital controller digital data base digital image analysis digital images
digital imaging digital mirror devices digital resolution diluent gases diluents
dilution dimensional analysis direct digital control disaster mitigation disaster reduction
disasters discharge discharge pressure discharge rate discharge
discovery science dishwasher dishwasher performance dishwashers disordered systems
dispatch dispersed particulate systems dispersion dispersions dispersion science
dispersions dispersion dispersions dispersion dispersons
displacement displacement ventilation dissipation Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) dissipative particle dynamics modeling
dissipative particle dynamics dissolution distance metrology distillation distributed processing
distributed District of Columbia diving environments DOE test procedure domain decomposition
domestic water storage tank door assemblies door leakage doors doorways
doorway dormitories draft curtain draft curtains drain pile
drift capacity drilling droplet6s droplet combustion droplets
drops drop size drop size measurement drop size measurements drop sizes
drop size drop sizes drops dry bays dry chemicals
drying drying shrinklage drying dry powders ductility
ducts duffision potential durability dust explosions dust
dust wipes dyes dynamical systems dynamic analysis dynamic characteristics
dynamic elastic moduli dynamic mechanical analysis dynamic pressure dynamic programming dynamic response


earth orbit earthquake damage earthquake energy earthquake engineering earthquake ground motions
earthquake hazard earthquakes earthquakes flexibility formulations earthquakes earth science
ecology economcis economic analysis economic factors economic impacts
economic incentives economic methods economic performance economics economic
economics economic simulation economics economics research economics
economic value economizer education eductational facilities effective dosage
effective medium theory effectiveness effectivness efficiency egress
ehtanol ehters eigenstrain eigenstress ejector
elastic design elastic driving forces elasticity elastic moduli elastic modulus
elastic properties elastic property elastic elastomeric bearings elastomeric
elastomers elderly persons electrical cables electrical conductivity electrical equipment
electrical fires electrical load fraction electrical mobility electrical performance electrical potential
electrical power electrical properties electrical resistivity electrical shock electrical system
electric batteries electric cables electric heaters electricity rates electric migration
electric potential electric power electric resistance heating electric wire electroceramics
electrochemical properties electrode configurations electrodes electro-diffusion electrolyte
electromagnetic properties electromagnetic wave propagation electronic building design electronic commerce electronic data interchange
electronic equipment electronic facilities electronics electron paramagnetic resonance electrospray
electrostatic charges electrostatic field elemental classifications elevated highway structures elevated outdoor temperature
elevated temperature elevator shafts elevators (lifts) emergencies emergency plans
emergency preparedness emergency responder emergency responders emergency response emission rates
emissions emission emissions emissivity emissivity measurement
emissivity empirical equation emulation emulator emulsions
encapsulant encapsulants enclosures enclosure enclosures
energy accounting energy affecting factors energy energy balance energy capacity
energy conservation energy consumption energy consumption test energy costs energy economics
energy efficiency energy energy factor energy industry energy
energy management energy management and control systems energy management energy management system energy management systems
energy management energy performance energy policy energy price escalation energy
energy release energy release rate energy savings energy sources energy standard
energy standards energy systems energy test procedure energy transfer energy use
engine coolant engineering design engineering economics engineering information engineering seismology
engine rooms enhanced fins enhanced heat transfer enhanced heat enhanced
enthalpy-based method enthalpy entombment entrained air voids entrainment
entrophy entropic average entropy envelope envelope transfer
environmental assessment environmental benefits environmental conditions environmental control systems environmental effects
environmental engineering environmentally safe environmental performance environmental systems environment
environment influence environment models environment environments environmetrics
EPDM membrane EPDM membranes EPDM EPDM roofing membranes epidemiology
epoxies epoxy-coated rebars epoxy epoxy molecular mass epoxy networks
epoxy resins epoxy equaitons equation equations
equipment equipment tracking equipment erosion control escalators
escape escape means escape ESPCs esters
estimation procedures ethane ethanol ethene ethylbenzene
ethylene-air flames ethylene ethylene flames ethylene glycol ethylene
ettringite evacuating (transportation) evacuation evacuation models evacuation
evacuation time evacuation evaluaiton evaluation evaluation methods
evaluation evaluations evaluation evalution evaporation
evaporation cooling evaporation evaporative cooling evaporator evaporators
excavation Executive Order 12941 Executive Order Executive Order on Seismic Safety exhasut gases
exhaust emissions exhaust energy exhaust gases exhaust systems existing buildings
exit rate exits exit signs exits exit time
exothermic reactions expanded polystyrene expansion expansion anchors expansion
expansio expedriments expeirments experimental design experimental
experimental testing experiments expert systems explicit shape representation explosion hazards
explosions explosion suppression explosive spalling export exposure
extension services extinction extinction time extinction extinguishing
extinguishment extinguishment times extinguishment time extinguishment times extinguishment
extraction extrapolation extreme events extreme values extreme value statistics
extreme value theory extreme wind speeds


F-16 aircraft fabrication fabric flammability fabrics face masks
face protection facture failure analysis failure failure analysis
failure failure models failure modes failure failures
failure falling bodies fall trajectory false alarms fan
fans fast response sprinklers fast tracking fatigue (materials) fatigue
fault detection and diagnostics fault detection fault detection method fault detection fault diagnosis
fault location fault tree FDS federal agencies Federal agencies
federal budgets federal buildings Federal Energy Management Program federal relighting federal tax analysis
fenestration ferrocene ferroelectric fiber insulating boards fiber optic
fiber optics fiber reinforced composite fiber reinforced plastic fiber reinforced polymer fiber reinforced polymeric composites
fiber-reinforced polymers fibers fibrous glass board fibrous glass fibrous rubber
field exposure field modeling field models field-of-view field studies
field study field tests field test filled HDPE fillers
film ablation film films filters filtration
financial incentives financing fine particles fine water fingering patterns
finishes (fabrics) finite difference finite difference theory finite difference finite element analysis
finite element method finite element model finite elements finite element finite size effect
finite size error finned-tube fin profiles fin shapes fire alamr systems
fire alarms fire alarm systems fireballs fire barriers fire behavior
fire booms fire brands firebrands fire brands firebrands
fire brands fire chemistry fire codes fire damage fire dampers
fire data fire departments fire detection fire detection fire suppression fire detection
fire detection systems fire detection fire detectors fire doors fire drills
fire duration fire dynamics fire emergency planning fire endurance fire endurance ratings
fire endurance tests fire extinguishers fire extinguishing agents fire extinguishing fire extinguishment
fire fatalities fire fighters fire fighting fire fighting equipment fire fighting
fire fighting training fire fighting fire gases fire growth fire hazard analysis
fire hazard fire hazard analysis fire hazard fire hazard assessment fire hazard
fire hazards fire hazards assessment fire hazards fire hazard fire hoses
fire hydrants fire incidence fire investigaions fire investigations fire investigatios
fire investigators fire investigtions fire load fire loss fire losses
fire loss fire markings fire measurements fire modeling fire models
fire panels fire performance fire phases fire physics fireplaces
fire plumes fire point fire prevention fire protection fire protection engienering
fire protection engineering fire protection fire protection engineering fire protection fire ratings
fire reporting fire research fire reserch fire resistance fire resistance materials
fire resistance fire resistance rating fire resistance fire resistance testing fire resistance tests
fire resistance test fire resistant fluids fire resistant materials fire resistive materials fire retardant materials
fire retardants fire retardant treatments fire risk fire risk assessment fire risk
fire risks fire risk fire safety fire safety evaluation system Fire Safety Evaluation System
fire safety fire science fire severity fires fire signatures
fire simulation fire simulator fire spread fire statistics firestops
fire suppresion fire suppressant fire suppressioin fire suppression fire tests
fire-tube boiler fire walls fire whirls first aid first responders
fixed fire protection systems flaight tests flake orientation flamd spread flame behavior
flame chemistry flame detectors flame extinction flame extincuishment flame extinguishants
flame extinguishment flame extinguishment limits flame extinguishment flame flicker flame fronts
flame height flame ignition flame inhibition flame ionization detectors flame length
flame liftoff flame luminosity flame models flameproofing flame propagation
flame radiation flame research flame resistance flame resistant materials flame retardant additives
flame retardant materials flame retardants flame retardant treatments flame size flame speed
flame spread flame spread rate flame spread flame spread test flame spread
flame spread test flame spread flame stability flame stabilization flame structure
flame structures flame structure flame suppression flame synthesis flame temperature
flame through flame velocity flame whirls flame width flaming combustion
flammabile liquids flammability flammability limits flammability flammability measurements
flammability flammability properties flammability flammability testing flammability tests
flammability flammable fabrics flammable liquids flammable materials flammable refrigerants
flammable refrigerant flamproofing flashover flash point flashpoint
flaw detection flaws fleet administration flexibility flexible foams
flexural strength flexure flexure strength flickering flames flight tests
flooding floods floor coverings flooring flooring radiant panel test
floor-leveling material floors floor systems floows Florida Solar Energy Center
flow boiling flow boiling heat transfer flow boiling flow flow distribution
flow field flow fields flow length concept flow measurement flow models
flow properties flow rate flow rates flow rate flow resistance
flow flow testing flow velocity flow visualization fluctuations
flue gases flue gas measuring location flue pipe flues fluid dynamics
fluid dynamics simulator fluid dynamics fluid flow fluid heating fluid mechanics
fluids fluorescence fluorinated gases fluorinated polymers fluorocarbons
fluxmeters fly ash foam barriers foam concentrates foam
foam expansion foam extinguishing systems foam generation foam materials foam (materials)
foam (materisla) foam focal plane array focal plkane array fog
forced air flow forced convection force mode forecasting forensics
forest fires forestry formaldehyde formation factor formualtions
formulation formulations formulation Fortran foundations
Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy fractal dimensions fractal properties fractals fractionation
fracture analysis fracture fracture mechanics fracture fracture process
fragility curves frame connections frame frames frame structures
frames framework France free burning fires free molecular flow theory
free radicals free space optics freexing freeze-thaw degradation freeze thaw
freeze-thaw freeze thaw freezing frequency analysis frequency
fresh concrete friction contrast friction factor friction reduction friction
frost durability Froude number FRP composites FRP FT-IR
ft-ir FT-IR fuel additives fuel/air mixtures fuel/air ratio
fuel/air ration fuel/air ratio fuel beds fuel cells fuel cell system
fuel fires fuel flow fuel flow rate fuel flow fuel load
fuel loads fuel load fuel loads fuel load fuel oils
fuels fuel spills fuel sprays fuels fuel systems
fuel tanks Fujita intensity scale fullerene-based ionomers fullerene derivatives full scale burn
full scale fire tests function fundamental mechanistic experiments furnace furnaces
furnishings furniture furniture calorimeters furniture fuselages


garages Gardon gauges garments gas analysis gas atmosphere
gas burners gas chromatography gas combustible gas composition gas concentration
gas concentrations gas density gas detectors gas-fired furnace gas flow
gas generators gasification gas gas mixtures gasoline
gas sampling gas sensors gas separation gas temperature gas temperatures
gas temperature gas toxicity gas turbine engines gas velocity gas yields
gateway gelling agents gelling gels generation
generation rates generators genetic programming geology geometry
geophysical methods geotechnical engineering geotechnology GEWA-K(TM) GEWA-T
GEWA-T(TM) glass glass fiber glass fibers glass
glass microsphere glass glass transition temperature glass glazing materials
glazing (windows) glide matching global equivalence ratio global positioning system gloss
gonio-apparent goverment buildings government buildings government government policies
government GPS gradients graphic interface graphics
grasses grasslands gravimeters gravimetry gravitational fields
gravity gravity current gravity gravity load gravity
Great Smoky Mountain National Park Great Smoky Mountains National Park green building green buildings Gregorig profiles
ground failures ground fires ground improvement ground motion ground response
ground vehicles grouted anchors guarded hot box guarded-hot-plate apparatus guarded hot plate apparatus
guarded hot plate guidelines and practices guidelines gust factors gust loads
gypsum gypsum board gypsum boards gypsum board gypsum


habitability hail hallways halocarbons halogenated compounds
halogens halon 1011 halon 1211 halon 1301 halon 2402
halon alternatives halon halon replacements halon halons
halon simulants halons halopn 1301 handicapped hangars
hangers hardness harmonization hazard analsyis hazard analysis
hazard assessment hazard mitigation hazardous materials hazards health care facilities
health hazards heat absorption heat alarms heat heat balance
heat capacity heat conduction heat detection heat detectors heated surface
heaters heat exchanger heat exchangers heat exchanges heat exposure
heat extraction heat flow heat flow meter heat flow heat flux
heat flux sensor heat flux heat generation heating heating/cooling cycle
heating heating equipment heating euipment heating heating rates
heating heating seasonal efficiency heating heat insulators heat loss
heat of combustion heat of formation heat of gasification heat of hydration heat of vaporization
heat products heat pum heat pumping systems heat pumps heat radiation
heat recovery heat recovery ventilation heat recovery ventilator heat release heat release rate
heat release heat relese rate heat sinks heat sources heat transfer
heat transfer coefficient heat transfer heat transmission heat transport Hele-Shaw flow cell
helicopters helium helmet mounted displays heptafluoropropane heptane
heptanes heptane hermite polynomials heterogeneity heterogeneous combustion
heterogeneous hexane hexanes hexane HFC-134a
hierarchy high bay hangars high bay high bays high-flux(TM)
high performance concrete high performance construction materials high performance materials high pressure high rise building
high rise buildings high rise building high speed photography high strength concrete high-strength concrete
high strength concrete high strength steel high temeprature high tempeature high temperature
high temperature gases high temperature highways H(infinity) historic buildings
historic preservation histories history holographic interferometry holography
home fires homeland security homogeneoty homogenization homopolymer blend
hopping rates horizontal distance horizontal reinforcement hositways hospital fires
hospitals hotels hot layers hot surfaces hot water boiler
hot wire anemometers house-garage interface houses housing HPLC
hqalon alternatives HSPF HUD Manufactured Home Construction HUD standards human actions
human behavior human beings human factors engineering human performance human response
humidity chamber humidity humna behavior hurricane hurricanes
HVAC design HVAC system hybrid hybrid ventilation hydration
hydration kinetics hydration hydration products hydration hydraulic analyses
hydraulic calculations hydraulic diameter hydraulic fluids hydrids hydrocarbon
hydrocarbon flames hydrocarbon fuels hydrocarbons hydrocarbon sprays hydrocarbons
hydrochlorofluorocarbons hydrodynamic dispersion hydrodynamic model hydrodynamics hydrofluorocarbons
hydrogen hydrogen cyanide hydrogen fluoride hydrogen fluorides hydrogen
hydrology hydrolysis hydroxyl radicals hygroscopic Hylleraas Configuration Interaction
HYPERCON hysteresis hysteresis model hysteresis models hysteretic structures


ice identification ignitability ignition ignition delay
ignition ignition measurements ignition ignition prevention ignition
ignition resistance ignition ignition source ignition sources ignition source
ignition ignition suppression ignition temperature ignition ignition time
ignition igniton illuminance image analysis image intensifiers
image processing image reconstruction imaging imidazolium immersive environments
impact impact assessment impact impact evaluation impact
impacts impact impedance impedance spectroscopy IMPI
impingement import incandescence incandescent lamps incapacitation
incentives incident command inclined tests indentation indexes (documentation)
indoor air indoor air quality indoor environmental quality indoor radon induced draft furnace
induction period inductivity industrial accidents industrial buildings industrial facilities
industrial fires industrial floors industrial plants industrial safety industries
industry inelastic analysis inelastic behavior inert atmosphere inert gases
inerting infilled walls infill walls infiltration in-flight fires
information dissemination information exchange information management system information model information models
information retrieval information science information sharing information storage information technology
information transfer information utilization infrared absorption infrared camear infrared camera
infrared detectors infrared fire detectors infrared imaging infrared photography infrared radiation
infrared spectrometers infrared spectroscopy infrared thermography infrastructure infrastructure investment
infrastructure inhalation inhalation toxicity inhibition inhibitors
injection injuries in-place strength in-place testing in-service exposures
in situ burning in situ combustion in situ measurement in situ measurements in situ measurement
inspection instability installations installing institutional buildings
institutional implications institutions instrumental indentation instrumentation and control systems instrumentation
instrument design instruments insulating materials insulation insulation database
insulation insulation systems insulation insurance integral functions for off-period losses
integraltrapezoidal-fin integrated appliance integrated circuits integrated database integrated knowledge systems
integrated water heating integrating sphere integration and automation intellectual property intelligent agents
intelligent buildings intelligent control intelligent systems interaction techniques interbox connectors
inter-component connections interdependency interdependent security interface analysis interface
interfaces interface interfacial energy interfacial force microscope (IFM) interfacial properties
interfacial tension interfacial transition zone interfacial zone interferometry interior finishes
interior furnishings interlaboratory interlaboratory evaluation interlaboratory interlocking connections
interlocking intermittency internal curing internal reflection spectroscopy International Standards Org.
international sympsoium Internet interoperability interoperability costs interoperability
interoperable MPI interphase interrelated application protocol interstitial spaces intrinsic viscosity
in-tube condensation intumescence intumescent coatings inventory analysis inventory
inverse-elasticity rule investigations investment iodine ionic transport
ionization alarms ionization chambers ionization detectors ionization ionizing radiation
ionomers ion selective microelectrode iron iron pentacarbonyl irradiance
irradiation ISO 10303 ISO 5660 isobutane isopentane
isophthalic polyester ISO Standard 13256-1 isothermal leak process


jet engines jet fires jet flames jet fuels jet grouting
jet induced flow jets joints joints (junctions) joints
joists JP-1 jet fuel JP-4 jet fuel JP-5 jet fuel JP-8 jet fuel


karst Katz-Thompson relation kerosene ketone ketones
kevlar fabrics kientics kinetic constants kinetic mechanism kinetic models
kinetics kinetic theory kitchen appliances kitchen fires kitchens
kit response knowledge based system knowledge based systems knowledge bases knowledge
knowledge exchange knowledge interoperability knowledge system knowledge systems Knudsen number


labeling laboratories laboratory aging laboratory laboratory experiments
laboratory facilities laboratory measurements laboratory testing lactic acid LADAR
laer diffraction spectrometry laminar burning velocity laminar flames laminar flow lamps
Langmuir monolayers laod bearing materials large eddy simulation large fires large scale fire tests
large stone mixes laser diffraction laser doppler velocimetry laser imaging laser-induced fluorescence
laser metrology laser positioning system laser radar lasers laser scanner
laser scanning laser scanning confocal microscopy laser scanning lasers laser sensor
lasers latch locks latent heat lateral ignition lateral spread
latex Lattice Bohemann lattice Boltzmann Lattice Boltzmann lattice Boltzmann
Lattice Bolzmann lattice gas lattice models lattice lattice symmetries
layer height layer heights LC50 LC 50 LCC instruction
leaching lead based paint lead based paints lead-based paint lead chromate
lead containing dust lead lead level lead paints lead recovery
lead leakage leak process legislation length scales
lethal concentrations lexan (trademark) libraries life cycle assessment life cycle cost analysis
life-cycle cost analysis life cycle cost analysis life-cycle cost analysis life cycle cost analysis life cycle cost
life cycle costing life-cycle costing life cycle costing life-cycle costing life cycle costing
life-cycle cost methods life-cycle cost life cycle costs life cycle impact assessment life cycle
life cycles life cycle life (durability) lifelines life safety
life safety code life safety codes life safety code Life Safety Code life safety
life support systems life-sycle cost light extinction lighting equipment lighting
lightly reinforced lightning light obscuration light scattering light scattering detectors
light scattering intenstiy light scattering lightweight aggregate lightweight aggregates lightweight concretes
limestone linear interpolation linear programming linear properties linear stability
line cameras line fire line heat source linings lipids
liquefaction liquefaction remediation liquefaction liquid chromatography liquid fires
liquid fuels liquid-line/suction-line heat exchanger liquid-line/suction-line heat exchange liquid phases liquids
liquid spills liquid surfaces literature review literature reviews lithium
living rooms living space load bearing capacity load bearing elements load calculation
load capacity load effects load factors load frame compliance loads (capacity)
loads (forces) local government LonTalk loss estimation loss rate
low cycle fatigue low density foams low Earth orbit low-ignition cigarettes low level nuclear disposal
low pressue low pressure low pressure flames low pressure low-rise buildings
low rise buildings low slope roofing low tempeature low temperature low viscosity dilute macromolecular
LP gas lubricants luminance luminescence luminosity
luminous flames luninous flames


machinery machine-tool macrodetect free macroeconomic analysis magnesium
maintenance and repair maintenance maintenance costs maintenance management engineering
management management information systems management systems manganese mannequins
manuals manufactured housing manufacturing Manufacturing Extension Program manufacturing
mapping Marangoni pattern marine marine transportation market adjustments
marshall flow Marshall method marshall stability marsh cone masonry
mass balance mass burns mass distribution mass fires mass flow
mass flux mass fraction mass loss mass optical density mass quality
mass rate mass spectrometers mass spectrometry mass spectroscopy mass transfer
mass transport matches material degradation material design material proeprties
material properties materials material science materials compatibility materials design
materials engineering materials handling materials science materials testing materials tests
material tests mathematical analysis mathematical/analytical technique mathematical model mathematical modeling
mathematical models mathematical programming mathmatical models mattresses maturity
maturity factor maturity method maturity mean curvature mean exit time
mean-field theory mean field theory measurement measurements measurement
measurements measurement measurement uncertainties measurement measuring instruments
mechanical engineering mechanical equipment mechanical properties mechanical ventilation medical services
mehtodology melamine melnikov approach melnikov function Melnikov function
melnikov function Melnikov function Melnikov processes Melnikov process melt flow
melting membrane membranes mental retardation mercury intrusion porosimetry
mesoscopic modeling message passing interface metal cladding metal fires metal ions
metallic coatings metallic pigmented coating metallurgy metal-oxide nanoparticle metal oxides
metal plate metals meteorological extremes meteorology methane
methanol methodology metodology metrics metrology
microcomputers microcontamination microelectrode microfabrication microfiller
microfin microfin tube micro-fin tubes microgravity microgravity combustion
microgravity micromechanics microscopy microstructural characterization microstructural development
microstructural evolution microstructure microstructure modeling microstructure microstructure of materials
microstructure microstructures microstructure microstructures microstructure
microstructures microstructure microtomography microwave ovens microzonation
Mie Scattering migration mildew military aircraft military facilities
military vehicles military vheicles mine fires mineral admixtures mineralogy
mini-furnace mini-slump Missouri mist mitigation
MIUS mixed system mixer efficiency mixer truck mixing
mixing laws mixing mixture design mixture fraction mixture optimization
mixture proportioning mixtures mobile homes mobility model
model fires modeling model models model studies
model validation modified cube strength modified surface energy moduli modulus
modulus of elasticity MOIST moisture absorption moisture analysis moisture
moisture content moisture contnet moisture control moisture control guidelines Moisture Control Handbook
moisture control moisture moisture effects moisture moisture in attics
moisture in walls moisture moisture modeling moisture moisture performance
moisture moisture problems moisture property moisture moisture transfer
moisture transfer model moisture transfer moisture mold and mildew growth mold
molecular diffusion molecular dynamics molecular structure molecular weight moment capacity
moment resisting monitoring monitors mono-crystalline monolayer
monomers monosize particles monte carlo method Monte Carlo method monte carlo method
Monte Carlo method Monte Carlo simulation monte carlo simulation morphology mortar
mortar joints mortar mortars mortar mortars
mortar motor motor vehicle accidents motor vehicle fires motor vehicles
MPI mufflers mulch multiattribute decision analysis multi-attribute decision analysis
multiattribute decision analysis multiattribute decision making multi-attribute decisions multifamily housing multi-family housing
multi-family residential multiobjective decision analysis multipath multiphase flow multiphase fluids
multiple criteria decision analysis multi-product enterprises multiroom fires multiscale mechanics multi-scale
multi-scale modeling multi-scale multistable systems multi-variable regression multi-zone
multizone analysis multizone building multizone buildings multi-zone multizone
multizone modeling multi-zone model municipalities


nacelle engines nacelle fires nanocomposites nanocrystalline nanoindentation
nanomechanics nanomist systems nanoparticles nanoscale nanoscale mechanics
nanoscale metrologies nanoscale technology nanostructures nanotechnology nanotubes
naphthenic mineral oil national construction goals national government natural convection natural disasters
natural gas natural resources natural ventilation Navier-Stokes equations near-azeotropes
need for standards neoprene (trademark) Nernst-Planck net benefits method network
neural networkd neural network neural networks neurons neurophysiology
neutral network neutron reflection neutron reflectivity neutron scattering new construction
newsprint new technology materials next generation NFIRS NFPA 101
NFPA 13 NFPA 1403 NFPA 1670 NFPA 1971 NFPA 2001
NFPA 2010 NFPA 251 NFPA 72 NFPA 74 NFPA 805
NFPA 92A NFPA N-gas model nickel nightclubs
night cooling nitorgen oxides nitric oxide nitrogen nitrogen dioxide
nitrogen nitrogen oxides nitrogen nitrous oxide nitrous oxides
NLS noise (sound) nomex fabrics nomodisperse spheres non-adiabatic lubricant excess surface
noncombustibles noncombustion nondestructive testing nondestructive tests non-evaporable water
non-Gaussian procedures nonlinear dynamical systems nonlinear dynamics nonlinear finite elements nonlinear systems
non-line-of-sight metrology non-line-of-sight nonocomposites nonpremixed flames nonstructural component
nonstructural damage nonstructural performance Northridge earthquake nozles nozzles
nuclear disposal nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear power plants nuclear reactor safety nuclear reactors
nuclear reators nuclear winter nucleate boiling nucleation numberical analysis
numerical analysis numerical integration numerical models numerical simulation numeric databases
nursing homes nursing staff nylon 6 (trademark) nylon nylon (trademark)


occupant behavior occupant response occupants occupational hazards occupational illnesses
occupational injuries occupational safety ocean engineering oceanography odor descrimination
odors office building office buildings office furniture offshore drilling
offshore platforms oil films oil fires oils oilspill
oil spills oils oil tanks oil well fires ontology
Operation Breakthrough operation breakthrough operations costs operator effect optical characterization
optical control optical density optical flame detectors optical measurement optical measuring instruments
optical microscopy optical performance optical properties optical pyrometers optical reflectance
optical scattering optical spectroscopic optical wireless optimal control strategies optimization
ordinary differential equations organic bromine compounds organic coating organic phosphorus compounds organometallics
organophosphorus compounds orientation outdoor air outdoor exposure outdoor installation
ovens overall desirability overall performance overcurrent overheating
overlayer effect testing overpasses oxidation oxides oxidizers
oxygen oxygen analyzers oxygen atmosphere oxygen oxygen concentration
oxygen concentrations oxygen concentration oxygen concentraton oxygen conservation oxygen consumption
oxygen consumption calorimetry oxygen consumption oxygen depletion oxygen oxygen enriched atmospheres
oxygen oxygen index oxygen index test oxygen ozone
ozone depletion ozone


painted surfaces paint paints pallets pallet storage
panels panic paper paraffin paraffinic mineral oil
paraffins parallel algorithms parallel computing parallel processing parameters
partial grouting partially grouted particle distribution particle image velocimetry particles
particle shape particles particle size particle size distribution particle size
particles particle synthesis particle trajectories particulate body particulates
particulate systems partitions passageways passenger trains passenger vehicles
passive control passive energy dissipation devices passive energy dissipation PASS past, present and future
path-integration patrol vehicle pattern recognition pavement design pavements
pavement pavers peak demand peak demand reductions peel
peel strength peel test penetration capacity penetration penetration tests
pentafluoroethane people movement peptides percent voids percolation
perfluorocarbons performance approach performance assessment performance based codes performance characteristic
performance codes performance concept performance criteria performanced based codes performance evaluation
performance performance metrics performance norms performance outcomes performance
performance prediction performance properties performance ranking performance standards performance
performanc evaluation period permanent ground deformation permeability permeation grouting
petrography petrophysics phase analysis phase-based time-of-flight phase composition
phase contrast phase Doppler interferometry phase Doppler particle analyzer phase imaging phase plane analysis
phase separation phase space flux phase transitions phenol formaldehyde phenolictriazines
phenol phenols phosphate phosphine oxide phosphine oxides
phosphorus phosphorus compounds phosphorus photoconductance photoconductivity
photodegradation photoelectric alarms photoelectric detectors photography photolysis
photoreactivity photovaltaic module photovoltaic photovoltaic cells photovoltaic
photovoltaic module photovoltaic panels photovoltaic photovoltaics photovoltaic systems
physical models physical parameters physical process physical properties PIEBASE
piers piezoelectric stack pigmented coatings pigment pigments
pigment pill test pilot flame pilot ignition pilot projects
pipelines pipes piping system piston effect pitot tube
planning plants (botany) plaster Plaster of Paris plastic
plastic design plastic pipes plastics plastic shrinkage plastics
plastics size distribution plastics plastic viscosity plumbing plumes
plunge tests plywood PMMA poisson ratio Poisson's ratio
polarizability police police equipment police patrol vehicles pollutant
pollutant transport pollution polyamid 6 polyamide polyamides
poly(avinylidene fluoride) polybutadiene polybutylene polycarbonates polycrystalline
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons polyester polyester resin
polyesters polyethylene oxide polyethylenes polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes polyisocyanurate foam
polymamide-6 polymer blend films polymer blends polymer blend polymer coating surface
polymer composite polymer composites polymer composite polymer concrete polymer films
polymer/glass fiber composites polymeric coatings polymerization polymer/metal interface polymers
polymer/substrate interface polymers polymer thin films polymethacrylate polymethyl methacrylate
poly(methyl methacrylate) polymethyl methacrylate polyolefins polyolester polyolester lubricant
polypropylene polyptyrene polystyrene polystyrene foams polystyrene
polystyrene latex particles polystyrene latex spheres polystyrene polystyrene spheres polystyrene
polyurethane polyurethane foam polyurethane foams polyvinyl acetate polyvinyl chloride
polyvinylidene dluoride pool boiling pool burning pool fires pore pressure
pores pore size distribution pore solution pore structure porosity
porour media porous ceramics porous materials porous media porous solids
porous surface portland cement ports (openings) positioning system postcrash fires
post-installed anchors post-modernism post-occupancy evaluation post-tensioned post-tensioning
potable water potassium carbonates potassium potential heat potting
pour patterns powder powder filling powder powder panels
powders power burner draft factor power supplied power supplies power supply circuits
power supply pozzolanic reaction pozzolans practice use prandtl number
precast concrete precast concretes precast preceramics precision
precision statement predicted performance predicted strength prediction predictive methods
predictive models predictive performance tools prefire planning preignition premixed flames
prescriptive standards present value discount factors preservation PRESSS pressure
pressure difference pressure differental pressure differential pressure-driven flow pressure drop
pressure dynamics pressure pressure effects pressure effect pressure
pressure loss pressure pressure range pressure reduction pressure
pressure vessels pressure pressurization prestressed concrete prestressed concretes
preventive maintenance pricing priorities prioritization prisons
private sector probabilistic prediction probability and statistics probability probability distributions
probability probes process design process engineering data process industry
process plant process specifications product development production rate productivity measurement
product model product safety profile definition program evaluation progressive collapse
project delivery system project outcomes project planning promoters propagation
propagation delay propagation propagation velocity propane propellant combustion
propellants protected paste volume protective clothing protective equipment protocol
protocols prototype testing pseudoreference psychology public awareness
public buildings public sector public utilities public works pullout tests
pulse time-of-flight pumice pumps pyrolysis pyrolysis models
pyrolysis pyrolysis rate pyrolysis pyrolysis temperature pyrolysis
pyrometers pyrotechnics


qualitative analysis qualitative data quality assurance quality control quality
quantitative analysis quantitative method quantitative quantum yield quartz crystal microbalance
quartz tube quasi-static analysis questionnaires quick response sprinklers


R123 R134a raceways radar radiant energy
radiant flux radiant flux profile radiant heat flux radiant heating radiant ignition
radiant panel radiant panel test method radiant source radiation absorption radiation detection
radiation radiation feedback radiation radiation heat flux radiation
radiation ignition radiation measurements radiation modeling radiation radiation scattering
radiation radiation transport radiation radiative absorption radiative flux
radiative heat flux radiative heat loss radiative heat transfer radical recombination radicals
radioactive wastes radio equipment radio frequency radiometers radio signals
radio waves raditive heat loss radium activity concentration radon radon availability
radon radon potential mapping railroad safety railroads Raleigh light scattering
Ramsey prices random loading random materials random vibration random walks
range accuracy range resoltuion ranges Rankine cycle rapid chloride test
rating methodology rating rating procedure ratings rats
raw materials Rayleigh-Bernard Rayleigh-Debye light scattering Rayleigh light scattering rayleigh light scattering
Rayleigh light scattering rayleigh light scattering ray scattering model R&D expense reaction
reaction kinetics reaction rate reaction time reagents real scale fire tests
real-time tracking real world particles reasonant frequency rebars rebound hammer
recharge reciprocity law recommendations reconstruction recovered
recovery rectangular reinforcement recycled rubber tires recycle reduced beam section
reduced gravity reduced scale enclosures reduced scale reference reference material
reference materials refirgerants refirgieration reflectance reflected harmonic
reflectivity refractive index refrigerant compressors refrigerant expansion refrigerant/lubricant mixtures
refrigerant mixtures refrigerants refrigerants/lubricant mixtures refrigerants refrigeration
refrigerator-freezer refrigerator-freezer temperature setting refrigerators refrigernant mixtures refuge
regional economic modeling regional meteorology regression analysis regression regression rate
regulations rehabilitation rehometers reinforced cements reinforced columns
reinforced concrete column reinforced concretes reinforced plastics reinforced walls reinforcing bars
relative humidity relative stability reliability reliability-based methodology reliability based standards
reliability reliability theory reliability REMI remote-controlled construction
remote database access renewable energy repair and retrofit repair repair materials
repair repeatability reprocessing reproducibility rescue
rescue operations rescue research agenda research facilities research impacts
research management research program research tools reserach facilities residence time
residential buidlings residential buildings residential dishwashers residential energy consumption residential housing
residential improvements residential indoor air quality residential models residential sprinklers residential structural performance
residual mechanical properties residual method residues resins resonant frequency testing
resource allocation resource tracking respirators respiratory systems responders
response surface methodology response time response time standards response time restrained shrinkage
retrieval terms retrofit retrofitting retrofit return bends
reviewing Reynolds number reynolds number RFID RFID communication standards
rheology rheology test methods rheology rheometers rhoemeters
Rietveld method rigid foam rigid foams risk-adjusted discount rate risk analysis
risk assessment risk attitude risk exposure risk management risk mitigation
risk reduction risks RoboCrane robotics rocket propellants
rock morphology rocks rods roof cavities roofing (finishes)
roofing roofing technology roof membrane roofs roof to wall connections
roof ventilation roof vents room air flow modeling room burns room fires
room humidity effect rooms room tests round robin rubber concrete
rubberized mortar rubber modeling rubber tires rural fires


safety safety devices safety safety engineering safety
safety evaluation safety factors safety safety measures safety
safety nets safety safety standards safety safety standards
saline conditions salt solution salts salt water salt water models
salt water salvage sampling sampling plan sampling
sand SASW testing SASW test saturated lightweight aggregates saturation
scalar data scalar dissipation scale effects scale fires scale laws
scale models scaling scaling laws scaling scanning electron microscopy
scanning scattering coefficient scattering cross sections scattering scattering metrology
scattering scenarios schedule compression Schmidt-Boelter gauges schools
Schwarzschild Law scientific visualization scratch and Mar scratch resistance screen saver science
seals seam seams search engines seasonal performance
seats sea water security SEER segmentation
segregation seismic seismic analysis seismic applications seismic base isolation
seismic damage seismic design seismic design procedure seismic design seismic design requirement
seismic design seismic design suspended ceilings seismic design seismic effects seismic evaluation
seismic guidelines seismic seismic isolation seismic isolation systems seismic loading
seismic loads seismic performance seismic seismic performance seismic
seismic rehabilitation seismic resistance seismic risks seismic safety seismic standards
seismic seismic strengthening seismic testing seismic upgrading seismic
seismic zonation seismology self-assembled monolayers self-consolidating concrete (SCC) self contained breathing apparatus
self-desiccation self desiccation self-desiccation self desiccation self-dessication
self-extinguishment self extinguishment self-extinguishment self heating self ignition
self-leveling compounds semi-active control semiconductor devices semiconductors SEM imaging
sensitivity sensitivity analysis sensitivity sensitivity analysis sensitivity
sensitivity to initial conditions sensitivity sensors separation sequencing control
service life service life prediction service life service life standards service life
sewage sewage treatment shaking table shape shape analysis
shape factor shapes shear friction shear strength shear stress
shear walls shear wave velocity shell of revolution shipboard fires ships
shock waves shopping centers shore protection short retrun bends short return bends
shrinkage side jets sidewall sprinkler systems siding siding systems
signal attenuation signal detection signal processing signals signal-to-noise ratio
silanes silica silica fume silica gel silica
silicate silicates silicon compounds silicone silicones
silicon film silicon siloxanes simulaiton simulated falls
simulation simulation models simulation simulations simulation
simulations simulation simulations simulation simulator
simulators single-crystalline single family dwellings single-family houses single family housing
single ply membranes singular perturbation analysis sinkholes sintering site-built housing
site-specific characterization size distribution size distributions size distribution size exclusion chromotography
skin (human) slabs (members) sleep sliding systems slip correction factor
slip resistance slow positrons slug calorimeter slump slump test
small angle neutron scattering small scale fire tests smart materials smart structures smoke
smoke barriers smoke behavior smoke chamber test smoke smoke coagulation
smoke smoke collection smoke smoke concentration smoke control
smoke smoke dampers smoke density smoke smoke detection
smoke detection systems smoke smoke detectors smoke smoke dynamics
smoke smoke emisions smoke emissions smoke smoke fields
smoke filling smoke smoke flow smoke smoke gases
smoke generation smoke smoke generation smoke smoke hazards
smoke inhalation smoke smoke layers smoke smoke management
smoke measurement smoke smoke measurement smoke meters smoke
smoke movement smoke smoke obscuration smoke smoke plumes
smoke points smoke smoke production smoke smoke purge
smoke purge sytems smoke smoke sampling smoke smoke spread
smoke smoke toxicity smoke smoke transport smoke transport model
smoke transport smoke smoke vents smoke smoke yield
smoldering smoldering combustion smoldering smoldering ignition smoldering
smooth surface smooth tube smothering snow social science
sodium bicarbonate sodium dodecyl sulfate sodium hydroxide sodium soffits
software soil anchors soil factors soil improvement soil liquefaction
soil mixing soil-sensing soils soil temperatures soil testing
solar air conditioning solar cells solar collectors solar energy solar
solar heating solar photovoltaics solar solar reflectance solar space heating
sol-gel synthesis solid fuels solid materials solid mechanics solid mixtures
solid phases solid propellant gas generators solid propellants solids solid state
solids solid surface solid surfaces solid waste solubility
solution/metal solvent exchange solvents soot soot aggregates
soot soot formation soot soot inception soot
sorption isotherms sorption isotherm sorption sorptivity source control
sources source temperature spacecraft spacecraft fires spacecraft
spacecraft models spacecraft space flight space heating space shuttle
space shuttle external tank space shuttle space stations space suits spacing equations
spacing spalling sparys spatial configuration spatial decomposition
spatial sensors speciation species concentrations specifications specific heat
specific local resistance spectral absorptivity spectral emissivity spectra spectrometers
spectroscopy sphere packings spheres sphere sizes spheres
spherical harmonic spherical harmonics spill fires spillover costs spin coating
spine-fin spontaneous combustion spot test kits spray density spray nozzles
sprays sprays e sprays spreading resistance spread rates
spread spectrum radar sprikler activation sprinkler activation sprinkler design sprinkler location
sprinkler response sprinklers sprinkler sensitivity sprinklers sprinkler systems
SRD SRM stability stack effect stack effects
stack effect stag hydration staging areas stagnation point stainless steel
stainless steels stairways stairwell stairwells standard formats
standardization standard practice standard reference database standard reference materials Standard Reference Materials
standard reference material (SRM) 1450 standard reference materials Standard Reference Materials Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) standard reference materials
standards standards of the future standards standard testing stand-by power
standpipes state government state impacts static output feedback static tests
statistical analysis statistical data statistical fluctuation statistical geometry statistical methods
statistical uncertainties statistics steady state steady state efficiency steady state
steady-state test methods steady state steel beams steel columns steel construction
steel frame buildings steel frames steel joints steel members steel moment connection
steel moment connection retrofit steel moment connection steels steel structures steel structuresl
steel structures steel studs steels STEP step-modulating furnaces/boilers
STEP stereo lithography stereology stochastic differential equations stochastic dynamical systems
stochastic dynamics stochastic equations stochastic linearization stochastic procedure stochastic process
stochastic resonance stoichiometry stokes equations stone storage
storage stability storage storage tanks storage storm surge
story drift stoves strain and stress strain energy strain profiles
strain rate strand board stratification strength strength development
strengthening strength stress stress measurements stress (mechanics)
stress relaxation strings stripping strong-motion structual design
structural analysis structural behavior structural collapse structural control structural damage
structural design structural dynamics structural elements structural engineering structural failure
structural failures structural failure structural failute structural fires structural integrity
structural materials structural member design structural members structural models structural performance
structural properties structural reliability structural responce structural response structural stability
structural steel structural steels structural steelwork structural system structural systems
structure-property relationships structures strut and tie model students styrene
submarines substitutes substrate interface substrates subways
sulfate attack sulfate sulfur sulfur dioxide sulfur hexafluoride
superabsorbent polymers superplasticizers suppression surface analysis surface and interface
surface chemistry surface coatings surface cooling surface ignition surface morphology
surface pattern formation surface roughness surface temperature surface tension surface tensions
surface tension surface waves surfactants surfactant surfactants
surges surveying surveys surveys of buildings surveys
survivability survival suspension suspensions sustainable development
sustainable engineering sustainable material sustainable roofing sustainable technology swelling
synergistic effects synthesis synthetic resins system damping system design
system identification system identification method system identification systems analysis systems approach
systems engineering systems failure systems performance


tanker ships tank fires tank trucks TARP thermal resistance Taylor-Tomotka
teaching tools technology assessment technology impacts technology implementation technology transfer
technology utilization telecommunicaitons telecommunications telemetry temeprature measurements
temeprature tempeature tempeature measurements tempeature temperatre
temperature temperature coefficients temperature temperature contour temperature contours
temperature temperature correlations temperature temperature curves temperature
temperature differences temperature temperature distribution temperature distributions temperature distribution
temperature effect temperature temperature effect temperature effects temperature
temperature effects temperature temperature field temperature fields temperature
temperature gradients temperature temperature measurement temperature temperature measurements
temperature temperature measurements temperature temperature model temperature
temperature profiles temperature temperature range temperature temperature refrigerants
temperature temperature rise temperature temperaure tenability
tenability limits tenability tensile properties tensile strength tensile stress
tensile test tension structures terminology terrain mapping terrain modeling
terrorism terrorists test and rating methodology test apparatus test bed
test chambers test data test device test equipment test facilities
test fires testing test methods test procedure test procedures
test protocols tests test strewngth tests Texas
textiles T-fin themodynamics theoretical mechanics thermal absorptivity
thermal agents thermal analysis thermal behavior thermal burns thermal comfort
thermal condicitivity thermal conductance thermal conduction thermal conductivity thermal decomposition
thermal degradation thermal diffusion thermal diffusivity thermal efficiency thermal elasticity
thermal emission thermal energy thermal envelope thermal environment thermal explosions
thermal exposure thermal ignition thermal imaging thermal inertia thermal insulation
thermal insulators thermal load thermal mass thermal measurement thermal oxidation
thermal oxidative thermal performance thermal properties thermal protection thermal radiation
thermal reactions thermal resistance thermal response thermal sensitivity thermal stability
thermal stresses thermal transfer thermial inertia thermistors thermochemical properties
thermochemistry thermocouples thermodyamic properties thermodynamic performance thermodynamic properies
thermodynamic properties thermodynamics thermoelasiticity thermography thermogravimetrical analyses
thermogravimetric analysis thermogravimetry thermogravity thermometers thermoouples
thermophysical properties thermopile thermopiles thermoplastic fabrics thermoplastics
thermoplstics thermoset recycling thermosets thermostats thickness
thickness measurement thickness thin filament pyrometry thin film threat
threshold methods time time lag timeline analysis time measurement
time time of use time of wetness time time scale
time series time time-to-failure time to failure tin
tip shape calibration tires titania titanium titanium dioxide
titanium toluene topography tornadoes, damage assessment tornadoes
tornado torsional pendulum analysis total flooding toughening toxic gases
toxic hazards toxicity toxicity test methods toxicity toxicology
toxic products tracer gas tracer gas test tracer gas tracers
trailers training training devices training tranducers
transducers transfer calibration transfer technique transformers transient
transients translations transmission transmission electron microscopy transmission
transmission lines transmission transmissivity transmittance transport aircraft
transportation transport transport equation transport model transport
transport processes transport proeprties transport properties transport trapezoidal-fin
trash tricalcium aluminate trichloroethylene trichlorofluoromethane trifluoromethane
trucks trusses truss model tsunami tsunamis
tubes tubular joints tuned mass dampers tungsten silver composite tunnel fires
tunnels tunnel tests Turbo-BII(TM) turbulence turbulent burning
turbulent combustion turbulent flames turbulent flow turbulent heat transfer turbulent jet flames
turbulent jets turbulent mixing turnout coats twisted tapes twistlocks
two-phase flow two-phase mixture two-phase pressure drop two-stage furnaces/boilers


UL 1626 UL 2075 UL 2127 UL 2166 UL 217
UL 268 UL 299 UL 300A UL 711 UL94
UL 94 ullage ultimate loads ultimate load tests ultimate load
ultrafine particles ultrasonic echo method ultrasonic extraction (UE) ultrasonic methods ultrasonic pulse velocity
ultrasonic tests ultraviolet chambers ultraviolet exposure ultraviolet radiation unbonded prestress
uncertaingy uncertainity uncertainty uncertainty analysis uncertainty
undercut undertainty underventilated combustion underventillated combustion unimolecular decomposition
unimolecular reactions upholstered furniture upholstery upward spread urban areas
urban fires urban habitat urban/wildland interface urea formaldehyde resin urethanes
URL user costs user fees user interface user needs
user preferences utilities uv chambers uv degradation UV radiation
UV-spectrophotometry UV spectroscopy


vaccum chambers vacuum chambers Valanis-Landel Function valication validation
validity value engineering valves valvs vapor compression cycle
vapor compression vapor compression system vapor compression vapor diffusivity vaporization
vaporizing liquids vapor phases vapor pressure vapor retarders vapors
variable-air-volume system variable dampers variable speed vaults VDTs
vector data vegetation vehicle performance vehicles vehicle testing
velocity velocity distribution velocity velocity field velocity fields
velocity field velocity fields velocity velocity measurement velocity
velocity measurement velocity velocity measurements velocity velocity measurement
velocity method velocity velocity profiles velocity vent flow
ventilation ventilation effectiveness ventilation ventilation rates ventilation
ventilation systems ventilation venting vents verification acceptance
verification vertical plates vertical tandem lifts vertification vibration
view factor vinyl ester vinyl polymers vinyl resins vinyl wallpaper
virial coefficient virtual virtual environment virtual laboratory virtual measurement
virtual reality displays virtual reality virtual technology virtual testing viscoelasticity
viscoelastic viscoelastic media viscoelastic properties viscosity viscous flow
visibility visual evidence visual imagery visual inspection visualization
visualization technique visualization vitation vitiation VOC
VOC transport voice communication voids volatile organic compounds volatile organic compound
volatile organic compounds volume volume calculations volume flux measurements volume fraction
volume vortex interaction vortex strength vorticity vulnerability


wafer scanner wakefulness wall assemblies wall assembly wallboard
wallborad wall construction wall coverings wall fires wall flows
wall heat transmission wall linings wall panels wall performance walls
walls fires walls walls wind tunnels wall temperature warehouses
warning systems warping waste baskets waste disposal waste management
waste materials waste water wastewater water water additives
water water cement ratio water water chiller water
water conservation water consumption water contents water water curing
water damage water water discharge water distribution water droplets
water water flow water fog water water heaters
water heating water water interaction water water loss
water measurement water water mist water movement water
water pressure water waterproof coatings water water services
water water solubility water water-source heat pump water sprays
water water supply water water-to-water heat pumps water
water transport water vapor water vapor permeability water vapor water vapors
water vapor water vapor transfer water waves wave structures
wax weatherability weather effects weathering website
weight loss weight loss rate welded bottom haunch welded connections welded haunch
welded joints weld fracture welding welfare maximization well fires
Western Europe wet adhesion wether effects wetting white-collar productivity
white lead whole-pattern fitting width of size distribution wildland fires wildland urban interface
wildland/urban interface wildland urban interface wildland/urban interface winches wind climate
wind damage wind direction wind disasters wind effects wind engineering
wind wind forces wind forcing wind load wind loads
wind (meteorology) windows window test methods wind pressure wind research
wind speeds windstorm protection wind tunnel models wind tunnels wind tunnelw
wind velocity wireless communicaitons wireless communication wireless communications wireless data transfer
wireless jobsite communications wires wiring wood wood cribs
wood wooden structures wood wood frame construction wood-frame construction
wood wood stoves wood wood trusses wood truss
wood workability field test workability working working fluids
workshop World Trade Center World Wide Web WYEC


x ray absorptiometry x ray absorption x-ray absorption x ray absorption x-ray absorption
x ray attenuation x ray computed tomography x ray diffraction x-ray diffraction x ray diffraction
x ray images x ray imaging x ray microtomography x-ray microtomography x ray microtomography
x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy x ray powder diffraction x-ray powder diffraction x-ray reflectivity x ray spectroscopy
x-ray tomography x ray tomography x-ray tomography x ray tomography x-ray tomography


yield strength yield stress young modulus Young's modulus


zeotrope zeotropes zeotropic zeotropic mixtures zeotropic mixture
zeotropic refrigerants zeotropic zeta potential ZFM-HVAC zirconia
zirconium oxide zone models zoning

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